
Old Uyghur


From Proto-Turkic *eb (house). Cognate with Old Turkic 𐰋 (eb), Western Yugur yu, Chuvash авлан (avlan, to marry) and Turkish ev (house).


ʾβ (ev)

  1. house, dwelling-place
    • (Can we date this quote?), Berlin Text U 5335, BT13.16.B.r01 (23):
      twyrt qʾpyq lyq ʾβym ʾwl...
      tört kapıglıg evim ol...
      My house is one with four doors...


  • Clauson, Gerard (1972) “e:v”, in An Etymological Dictionary of pre-thirteenth-century Turkish, Oxford: Clarendon Press, page 3
  • Starostin, Sergei, Dybo, Anna, Mudrak, Oleg (2003) “*eb”, in Etymological dictionary of the Altaic languages (Handbuch der Orientalistik; VIII.8), Leiden, New York, Köln: E.J. Brill
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