A turned k.
- (phonetics) A back-released click (voiceless nasal, velar or uvular release).
- (IPA, retired) A "velar" click, used for the Khoekhoe palatal click ⟨ǂ⟩.
- 1921 Écriture phonétique internationale
- Les claquements des Cafres [Xhosa] et des Hottentots [Khoekhoe] se représentent autant que possible par le renversement des lettres marquant les sons normals correspondants: ʇ, ʖ, ʞ;—et ʗ pour le claquement cacuminal
- 1949, The principles of the International Phonetic Association
- Clicks: dental ʇ (Zulu c), lateral ʖ (Zulu x), retroflex ʗ (Zulu q), velar ʞ.
- 1921 Écriture phonétique internationale
- (extIPA, 2008–2015) a velodorsal consonant; superseded by ⟨𝼃, 𝼁, 𝼇⟩.
- (phonetics, obsolete) A voiceless uvular stop ([q])
- 1892, Franz Boas, ''Notes on the Chemakum Language, in American Anthropologist
- ʞ=deep guttural k.
- 1892, Franz Boas, ''Notes on the Chemakum Language, in American Anthropologist
- IPA(key): /k/
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