

3 terms


Compare Arabic سَلِمَ (salima, to be safe) and Biblical Hebrew שָׁלֵם (šɔlém, to be sound, complete).



šalāmum m (from Old Assyrian/Old Babylonian on)

  1. health, physical well-being
  2. welfare (of country, city, etc.)
  3. truth, correct behaviour


šalāmum (G, i, durative išallim, perfect ištalim, preterite išlim, imperative šilim, verbal adjective šalmum) (from Old Akkadian on)

  1. to be(come) healthy, well, intact, in good condition, safe
    • Shu-ila to Marduk, Shu-ila to Nabu, lines 9-11:
      𒀭𒀫𒌓 𒂗 𒃲𒌋 𒀭 𒆸𒉡𒌑
      𒀸 𒆠𒂍𒅗 𒆤𒋾 𒇻𒌒𒆪𒂁 𒇻𒍑𒅆𒈠
      𒇻𒍑𒌓𒈥 𒀭𒌓𒅗 𒂊𒈠𒌑𒍝𒈠𒊒 𒇻𒊌𒋗𒌓
      [Marduk, bēl rabû, ilu rēmēnû / ina qibītka kitti lubluṭ lušlimma / luštammar ilūtka ēma uṣammaru lukšud]
      dAMAR⸣.UTU EN GALu DINGIR reme-nu-u₂ / [ina qi₂]-bit-ka kit-ti lu-ub!(KU)-luṭ lu-uš-lim-ma / [lu]-⸢uš⸣-tam-mar DINGIR⸢ut⸣-ka e-ma u₂-ṣa-ma-ru lu-uk-šu-ud
      O Marduk, great lord, merciful god / let me live (and) be healthy [at] your true command / that I may praise your divinity! May I obtain whatever I wish for.
  2. to receive full payment, obtain financial satisfaction
    𒋳𒈠 𒄿𒈾 𒀀𒊮 𒆷 𒄿𒊩𒅆 𒄿𒈾 𒋡𒋡𒅈 𒀀𒅆 𒄿𒊩𒅆
    [šumma ina eqlim lā išallim, ina qaqqar ālim išallim.]
    šum-ma i-na A.ŠA₃ la i-šal-lim i-na qa-qa-ar a-lim i-šal-lim
    If he is not satisfied with (a field of corresponding value) outside (of the city), he will be (with one) inside the city.
  3. to succeed, prosper
  4. to be(come) favorable
  5. to complete


Infinitive šalāmum
Participle šālimum
Adjective šalmum
Active Durative Perfect Preterite Imperative
1.sg ašallim aštalim ašlim lušlim
2.sg m tašallim taštalim tašlim šilim
f tašallimī taštalmī tašlimī šilmī
3.sg išallim ištalim išlim lišlim
1.pl nišallim ništalim nišlim i nišlim
2.pl tašallimā taštalmā tašlimā šilmā
3.pl m išallimū ištalmū išlimū lišlimū
f išallimā ištalmā išlimā lišlimā
This table gives Old Babylonian inflection. For conjugation in other dialects, see Appendix:Akkadian dialectal conjugation.

Alternative forms

Cuneiform spellings
Logograms Phonetic
  • 𒁲 (SILIM, DI)
  • 𒄀 (GI) (Neo-Babylonian)


  • “šalāmu”, in The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CAD), volume 17, Š, part 1, Chicago: University of Chicago Oriental Institute, 1989
  • Black, Jeremy, George, Andrew, Postgate, Nicholas (2000) “šalāmu(m) II”, in A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian, 2nd corrected edition, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag
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