See also: ægja
Old Norse
From Proto-Germanic *ōgijaną (“to frighten, to scare”), causative of *aganą (“to fear, to be scared”). Cognate with Gothic 𐍉𐌲𐌾𐌰𐌽 (ōgjan), Old English onœ̄ġan.
- (transitive, governs the dative) to frighten
- to portray something as terrible, to exaggerate
Conjugation of œgja — active (weak class 1)
infinitive | œgja | |
present participle | œgjandi | |
past participle | œgðr | |
indicative | present | past |
1st-person singular | œgi | œgða |
2nd-person singular | œgir | œgðir |
3rd-person singular | œgir | œgði |
1st-person plural | œgjum | œgðum |
2nd-person plural | œgið | œgðuð |
3rd-person plural | œgja | œgðu |
subjunctive | present | past |
1st-person singular | œgja | œgða |
2nd-person singular | œgir | œgðir |
3rd-person singular | œgi | œgði |
1st-person plural | œgim | œgðim |
2nd-person plural | œgið | œgðið |
3rd-person plural | œgi | œgði |
imperative | present | |
2nd-person singular | œg, œgi | |
1st-person plural | œgjum | |
2nd-person plural | œgið |
Conjugation of œgja — mediopassive (weak class 1)
infinitive | œgjask | |
present participle | œgjandisk | |
past participle | œgzk | |
indicative | present | past |
1st-person singular | œgjumk | œgðumk |
2nd-person singular | œgisk | œgðisk |
3rd-person singular | œgisk | œgðisk |
1st-person plural | œgjumsk | œgðumsk |
2nd-person plural | œgizk | œgðuzk |
3rd-person plural | œgjask | œgðusk |
subjunctive | present | past |
1st-person singular | œgjumk | œgðumk |
2nd-person singular | œgisk | œgðisk |
3rd-person singular | œgisk | œgðisk |
1st-person plural | œgimsk | œgðimsk |
2nd-person plural | œgizk | œgðizk |
3rd-person plural | œgisk | œgðisk |
imperative | present | |
2nd-person singular | œgsk, œgisk | |
1st-person plural | œgjumsk | |
2nd-person plural | œgizk |
- Icelandic: ægja
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