


Apparently from īsts (true, real) + -ens. Compare Russian и́стина (ístina, truth).


  • IPA(key): [īːstɛns]


īstens (definite īstenais, comparative īstenāks, superlative visīstenākais, adverb īsteni)

  1. real, true, genuine
    mājas īstenais saimnieksthe true, real owner of the house
    ģimenes īstenais apgādnieksthe family's true, real provider
    visās zemēs īstenie dzimtenes patrioti vienmēr bijuši un ir darbaļaudisthe real patriots in all lands are and have always been the workers
    īstens, patiess un vērtīgs būs tikai tas darbs, kas attēlo dziļāko patiesībureal, true and valuable is only the work that represents the deepest truth
  2. true, correct
    atrast īsteno atbildito find the true answer
  3. (of members of a society) full
    akadēmijas īstenais loceklisfull member of the academy (the highest, most honorable form of membership)

Usage notes

In most cases, īsts and īstens are interchangeable, with īsts being usually the preferred, more modern term. One exception, though, is akadēmijas īstenais loceklis, where īsts is not used.



Derived terms

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