
See also: Appendix:Variations of "gie"


5 terms


From Arabic جَاءَ (jāʔa, to come). As in some Arabic dialects, a suppletive form is used for the imperative. Maltese ejja, ejjew seem to be from the interjection هَيَّا (hayyā, come!, come on!, let’s go!). Since Maltese h would have left no phonetic trace in this position, the lack of it in the spelling may be simply because the relation was not recognised or not considered certain. It is also possible, however, that some early source already spells it without h. This would weaken the proposed etymology, but not rule it out.


  • IPA(key): /d͡ʒɪː/


ġie (imperfect jiġi, active participle ġej, verbal noun miġi)

  1. to come
    is-sena li ġejjanext year
    Huwa ma jridx jiġi magħna.He doesn’t want to come with us.
    Ejja miegħi.Come with me.
  2. to land on
    Ġiet għal wiċċhaShe landed on her face.
  3. to end up
  4. to remember [+ f’ (object)]
    Ma ġejniex fihom.We didn’t remember them.
  5. to recover [+ f’ta’ (object)]
    Ġew f’tagħhom.They recovered.
  6. to find oneself; to become
  7. to menstruate
    Ġieha.She is menstruating.
  8. to fit, suit
    Din il-ġobba m’għadhiex tiġini.This petticoat doesn't fit me anymore.
  9. to be situated
    Marsaxlokk fejn jiġi?Where is Marsaxlokk situated?


    Conjugation of ġie
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
perfect m ġejt ġejt ġie ġejna ġejtu ġew
f ġiet
imperfect m niġi tiġi jiġi niġu tiġu jiġu
f tiġi
imperative ejja ejjew
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