
See also: Appendix:Variations of "do"



Non-Sino-Vietnamese reading of Chinese (to help, SV: trợ).



đỡ • (, 𠰹, , 󱘮, 󱚝)

  1. to raise (someone) from a fall; to lift up
  2. to prop; to support
  3. to take in one's hands (what is offered, given); to help down with some load
  4. to parry; to ward off
  5. (colloquial) to help; to give a hand
  6. to reduce (a negative emotion or situation); to relieve
    • 1957, Đoàn Giỏi, chapter 8, in Đất rừng phương Nam, Kim Đồng:
      Không có một tiếng vạc sành kêu cho đỡ buồn.
      Not one cricket chirped to reduce the sadness.
  7. to get better (after falling sick); to recover
    Em đỡ chưa?Feeling better? / Recovered yet?
  8. Short for đỡ đẻ (to deliver (a woman in childbirth)).

Derived terms

Derived terms



  1. (Northern Vietnam) temporarily (in the absence of a better method); as a makeshift
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