
See also: Appendix:Variations of "ara"



Locative case of the noun ārs (outside, exterior)



  1. out, outside (in the outside of a building, house, etc.)
    ārā līst lietusit is raining outside
    ārā jau satumsisit is already dark outside
    ārā diena bija saulainaoutside the day was sunny and warm
    ārā dzirdamas balsisvoices could be heard outside
    zēns izskrēja ārāthe boy ran out
    bērni visu laiku rotaļājas ārāchildren play outside all the time
  2. out (of), away (from) (+ no “of, from”)
    vasarā cilvēki dodas ārā no pilsētas, izbraukumos, ekskursijās...in the summer people go away from the city, in trips, in excursions...
    viņš uzcēla to māju pašā lielceļa malā, gandrīz pilnīgi ārā no ciemahe built that house on the very edge of the highway, almost completely out of the village
  3. out, outside (on the external side of something)
    sētiņas stabi gandrīz visi sniegā, tikai gali redzami ārāthe poles of the little fence (are) almost all in the snow, only the tops are visible outside (of the snow)
    Augusta vecākajam brālim pie sāniem karājās šaujamie ieroči, kuriem tikai spals rēgojās ārā no gaišās koka makstsAugusts' older brother had guns hanging on the side, of which only the tips came out of the light-colored wooden holsters
  4. used with various prefixless, imperfective verbs, to indicate that the action described by the verb is directed outwards from inside something
    viņa velk no krāsns ārā baltmaizishe took the white bread out of the oven
    mēs ceļam no zemes ārā celmu pēc celmawe are bulding village after village out of the ground
    Andrejs velk ārā no kabatām lielus, dzelteni vizošus ābolusAndrejs pulled out of (his) pocket a big, shiny yellow apple


  • arpusē
  • laukā (also as interjection)




  1. (get) out! away!
    priekšnieks pielēca kājās un naidīgi nolūkojās Andrējā:Ārā! Pienapuika!the boss jumped up and looked hostile at Andrejs: “(get) out! (you) greenhorn!”


ārā m

  1. locative singular of ārs
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