

A recycling station in central Gothenburg, Sweden.


återvinning (recycling) + -s- + station (station)


återvinningsstation c

  1. a civic amenity site; a household waste recycling centre; a place to leave sorted household waste for recycling, often located in residental and retail areas
    Synonyms: miljöstation, återvinningsgård, ÅVS
    • 2022, Birgitta Johansson, “Återvinningsstationen ska bort – ersätts av kärl i källaren”, in Dagens eko:
      Dagens cirka 5000 återvinningsstationer kommer att avvecklas närmaste åren och ersättas med bostadsnära uppsamlingskärl.
      Today's approximately 5,000 recycling stations will be closed down in the next few years and replaced with collection containers close to homes.

See also

Further reading

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