Perseverance is the steadfast pursuit of a task, mission, or journey in spite of obstacles, discouragement, or distraction. Perseverance is similar to persistence, endurance, hardiness, ambition, resilience, conscientiousness, drive, and grit because they each describe resolve and extended effort directed at completing a task.
The motivational phrases provided here encourage you to persevere to complete a chosen task or meet a goal.
Select affirmations from this list and repeat them often and in the moment, either silently or out loud, as appropriate. Address each affirmation to yourself.
You persevere.
You persist.
You endure.
You keep going.
You go, go, go.
You are doing this.
You’ve got this.
You are focused.
You drive forward.
You are doing well.
You keep pushing.
You are pushing through this.
- Talking Yourself out of Exhaustion: The Effects of Self-talk on Endurance Performance, by Anthony W. Blanchfield, James Hardy, Helma M. de Morree, Walter Staiano, and Samuele M. Marcora. October 4, 2013, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
- Effects of Motivational Self-Talk on Endurance and Cognitive Performance in the Heat, by Phillip J Wallace, Brandon John McKinlay, Nico Coletta, et al. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, November 2016.