Tolerance is the ability to distinguish fact from opinion.
These affirmations encourage you to be tolerant.
The affirmations are derived from materials in the course on the virtue of tolerance.
Select affirmations from this list and repeat them often and in the moment, either silently or out loud, as appropriate. Address each affirmation to yourself.
You are tolerant.
You know the differences among facts, controversy, and opinion.
You welcome a broad range of opinions.
You are patient toward differing opinions.
You know how you know.
You know what is true.
You hold firmly to matters of fact.
You know what is false.
You do not tolerate falsehoods.
You do not tolerate abuses of human rights.
You rely on well-developed moral reasoning.
You do not tolerate immoral actions.
You enjoy the free exchange of ideas.
You suspend judgement.
You recognize that perceptions are personal.
You practice dialogue.
You embrace reality as our common ground.