We seek true beliefs to become excellent in the quest for knowledge.
Beliefs that are true are those that correspond to reality. Because each of us can choose our own beliefs, we can decide to choose true beliefs. Each of us has a moral responsibility to seek true beliefs.
These affirmations are derived from materials in the course on seeking true beliefs.
Select affirmations from this list and repeat them often and in the moment, either silently or out loud, as appropriate. Address each affirmation to yourself.
You seek true beliefs.
You choose your beliefs.
You choose beliefs carefully.
You choose true beliefs.
Your beliefs correspond to reality.
You practice the intellectual virtues.
You are excellent in the quest for knowledge.
You are skilled at seeking true beliefs.
You evaluate evidence to form true beliefs.
Your hope yields to evidence.
You are responsible for the beliefs you hold.
You are morally responsible for the beliefs you hold.
You have a moral responsibility to hold true beliefs.
You have a moral responsibility to hold beliefs that correspond to reality.
You are morally justified in holding others accountable for their beliefs.
You expect true beliefs.
You value knowledge.
You value significant knowledge.
You practice the intellectual virtues.
You exercise the intellectual virtues to overcome intellectual vices.
You love knowledge.
You seek a coherent understanding.
You seek important knowledge.
You exercise intellectual integrity.
You seek to understand.
You are epistemically curious.
Your hold firmly to your beliefs.
You are open-minded.
You are intellectually courageous.
You are intellectually cautious.
You are intellectually humble.
You are intellectually autonomous.
You have a well-developed theory of knowledge.
You are interdependent.
You persevere to find true beliefs.
You share knowledge generously.
You are insightful.
You are wise.
You are intellectually skillful.
You acquire information skillfully.
You assess information skillfully.
You analyze information skillfully.
You synthesize information skillfully.
You seek true beliefs.
You dismiss untrue beliefs.
You dispel unfounded beliefs.
You embrace reality as our common ground.