Humility is the realization that although we are each very special, we are nobody special. Humility is openness to learning.
These affirmations encourage you to become more humble.
The affirmations are derived from the materials in the course on the virtue of humility.
Select affirmations from this list and repeat them often and in the moment, either silently or out loud, as appropriate. Address each affirmation to yourself.
You are humble.
You enjoy learning.
You enjoy learning more about yourself.
You welcome constructive criticism.
You enjoy learning about the world we live in.
You enjoy learning new things.
You acknowledge your ignorance.
You learn from your mistakes.
You suspend judgement.
You keep an open mind.
You are curious.
You are spontaneous.
You don’t have to be right.
You say “I don’t know”.
You avoid or concede dominance contests.