We explore reality by facing facts. We are only truthful when we face facts. We can come to agreement when we face facts.
The affirmations are derived from the materials in the course on facing facts.
Select affirmations from this list and repeat them often and in the moment, either silently or out loud, as appropriate. Address each affirmation to yourself.
You face facts.
You understand that truth corresponds to reality.
You understand the importance of truth.
You understand that truth is useful.
You express uncertainty clearly.
You describe your doubts.
You recognize matters of fact.
You recognize matters of controversy.
You recognize matters of opinion.
You clearly distinguish among facts, beliefs, controversies, opinions, and feelings.
You recognize interpretations.
You interpret evidence skillfully.
You understand the tyranny of evidence.
You recognize subjective experiences.
You recognize objective evidence.
You distinguish between objective and subjective assessments.
You recognize that perceptions are personal.
You understand observational error.
You understand emergence.
You recognize emergent forms.
You understand the various definitions of the word “theory”.
You do not equivocate the word “theory”.
You understand the unity of knowledge.
You expect consilience.
You recognize we all live in one world.
You recognize we all live in the same world.
You know how you know.
You recognize nonsense.
You know what there is.
You seek real good.