Only by thinking clearly can you distinguish what is real from all that is an illusion. Seek consistency. Learn to recognize nonsense and dismiss it.
The affirmations are derived from the materials in the courses on:
- Living wisely, clear thinking, and
- the clear thinking curriculum.
Select affirmations from this list and repeat them often and in the moment, either silently or out loud, as appropriate. Address each affirmation to yourself.
You think clearly.
You think logically.
You face facts.
You evaluate evidence.
You seek true beliefs.
You align your worldview with reality.
You understand logic.
You recognize fallacies.
You recognize nonsense.
You dismiss nonsense.
You know how you know.
You think scientifically.
You are intellectually honest.
You expect intellectual honesty.
You use Socratic methods.
You recognize social constructs.
You seek consistency.
You embrace reality.
You seek real good.