< WikiJournal of Medicine < Applications

WikiJournal User Group
Open access • Publication charge free • Public peer review • Wikipedia-integrated

WikiJournal User Group is a publishing group of open-access, free-to-publish, Wikipedia-integrated academic journals. <seo title=" Wikiversity Journal User Group, WikiJournal Free to publish, Open access, Open-access, Non-profit, online journal, Public peer review "/>

PubMed Central application

WikiJMed recently hit the baseline requirements for PMC application so application drafting can begin below.

Specific requirements

Application questions per https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/core/assets/publisherportal/files/PMC_Publisher_Portal_Questions.pdf

Journal Information

  1. Title
    • WikiJournal of Medicine
  2. Sponsoring organization name (optional)
    • None
  3. Country/Territory
    • USA
  4. Publication start year
    • 2014
  5. Publication frequency
    • Continuous
  6. Estimated number of peer-reviewed articles per year
    • 5.6
  7. In what format is the journal published?
    • Electronic-only
  8. ISSN (print) and/or ISSN (electronic)
    • 2002-4436
  9. Is the entire journal Open Access?
    • Yes

Publisher information

  1. Parent or related companies, and/or subsidiary organizations associated with the organization (include the names, URLs and relationship to applicant)
    The publisher (the WikiJournal User Group) is an affiliate of the Wikimedia Foundation (who host Wikipedia), however are fully editorially independent.
  2. How do you select editors for your journal(s)?
    Editors submit a public application as either Editorial board member or Associate editor. Associate editors assist in peer review coordination. Editorial board members do this in addition to journal strategy and making final consensus decisions on article publication.
    Editors are voted in by the editorial board based on three areas of previous experience:
    Professional experience (clinical, research etc)
    Publishing experience (editorial etc)
    Open experience (open access/knowledge/data participation)
    All previous applications are available at https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Talk:WikiJournal_of_Medicine/Editors
  3. Provide a summary for each member of the publisher's senior management team (e.g., executive editor, publishing director, managing editor, ethics manager, etc.).
    • Note, we don't organise in this particular way. Should we specify, or list examples as "Editorial board member"
    • Mikael Haggstrom
      • Responsibilities: Editor in Chief; Treasurer, domain and email administrations, strategy
      • Prior experience in scientific publishing: The creator and editor-in-chief of WikiJournal of Medicine in 2014, the first WikiJournal.
      • Membership in professional associations: Physician, pathology department, NU Hospital Group, Uppsala Sweden
    • Gwinyai Masukume
      • Responsibilities: Assistant Editor in Chief; Responsibilities include strategy, indexing, peer review, social media engagement, compiling and analysing metrics
      • Prior experience in scientific publishing: On the founding board of the WikiJournal of Medicine, the first WikiJournal. Co-authored/authored more than 30 PubMed indexed articles including some in the world's leading journals like the Lancet, BMJ and Nature.
      • Membership in professional associations:
    • Eric Youngstrom
      • Responsibilities: Editorial Board member
      • Prior experience in scientific publishing: Editorial board membership of Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Psychological Assessment, Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Professional Psychology: Science and Practice. Ad hoc reviewer for more than 90 psychology, psychiatry, and medical journals. Author of more than 300 peer reviewed articles, and reviewer of more than 400. Google Scholar h-index = 76.
      • Membership in professional associations: Currently member of the American Psychological Association (fellow), Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (fellow), Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (past president, twice; fellow), Society for Quantitative and Qualitative Methods (President, fellow), International Society for Bipolar Disorders (Vice President for Education), Society for Clinical Psychology (fellow), Association for Psychological Science (fellow).
    • Roger Watson
      • Responsibilities: Editorial Board member
      • Prior experience in scientific publishing: Editorial board member: Journal of Advanced Nursing; Nursing Older People; International Journal of Older People Nursing; Nurse Author & Editor; Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene. Editor-in-Chief of Journal Clinical Nursing, Editor-in-Chief Journal of Advanced Nursing, Editor, Nursing Open. Google Scholar h-index = 59.
      • Membership in professional associations: Memberships: Academia Europae; International Association of Nursing Editors. Fellowships: Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom; American Academy of Nursing; Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh; Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery); European Academy of Nursing; National Conference of University Professors.
    • Thomas Shafee
      • Responsibilities: Editorial Board member
      • Prior experience in scientific publishing: Editorial board member of PLOS Genetics (instigated and oversee the 'topic pages' format that enables some PLOS-Wikipedia integration). Published 28 articles on evolution & biochemistry topics, as well as on wikipedia, wikidata, and academic publishing. Published letters in both Nature and Science. Invited speaker at Australian Scholarly Publishing Association annual conference and Australian Open Access Strategy Group.
      • Membership in professional associations: Senior Officer of Research Data Outputs at La Trobe University, Melbourne and honorary research fellow at La Trobe University. Member of Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE), Cambridge philosophical society, and Association for Interdisciplinary Meta-research & Open Science.

Language information

  1. Are all articles published fully in English?
    • Yes

Journal details and Policies

  1. Journal website URL
    • www.WikiJMed.org
  2. Aims and scope (URL)
  3. Names and Affiliations of the Editorial Board (URL)
  4. Editorial policies (URL)
  5. Peer Review Process (URL)
  6. Advertising policy
  7. Research ethics policy (URL)
  8. Informed consent policy (URL)
  9. The process for handling cases requiring corrections, retractions, and editorial expressions of concern (URL)
General Publisher Information
  1. Organization Address
    • WikiJournal User Group, USA
  2. Publisher website (URL)
  3. Business Structure
    • Not-for-profit
  4. Names and titles of organization owner (if applicable) and executives
    • N/A
  5. Parent or related companies, and/or subsidiary organizations associated with the organization
    • Registered User Group of the Wikimedia foundation
  6. (include the names, URLs and relationship t** applicant)

Publisher Policies

  1. Editorial policies (URL)
  2. Peer review policy (URL)
  3. Advertising policy (URL)
  4. Research ethics policy (URL)
  5. Informed consent policy (URL)
  6. The process for handling cases requiring corrections, retractions, and editorial expressions of concern (URL)

Process and example guidance questions


Evaluation and Setup Process
0) Pre-Application Requirements
  • The journal must have a properly registered ISSN (i.e., a confirmed record for the journal in the official Register of the ISSN International Centre).
  • The journal must be able to provide NLM with immediate access to the content at a publisher or third-party site, as required by NLM's Electronic Resources policy.
  • A minimum of 25 peer reviewed articles (e.g., original research or review articles, clinical case reports) must be published in final form.
  • The journal must meet PMC's language guidelines.
  • NLM expects publishers to have at least a two-year history of quality scholarly publishing in the life sciences. NLM may consider an application from a publisher that has been publishing scholarly content for less than two years if there is evidence that the management and individuals responsible for editorial quality and operations have adequate experience in comparable positions at other organizations. Such applicants must still meet all the journal requirements outlined in this section.
1) Submit Application
  • Journal title and ISSN
  • Date of first publication and publication frequency
  • Journal website URL
  • Links to the editorial board; editorial policies; peer review process; and policies on Conflict of Interest, Human and Animal Rights, and Informed Consent
  • Publisher name and information about its management, qualifications, and publishing policies
2) Initial application screening
  • Peer-reviewed with a clearly stated peer-review policy
  • Publish generally within the biomedical and life sciences
  • The affiliations of the editors and authors should reflect the journal’s scope and demonstrate editorial independence and diversity (scope details)
  • Journals should primarily consist of the following article types:
    • Original research & review articles
    • Clinical case reports
    • Data descriptor articles that point to a dataset
    • Descriptions of clinical or surgical procedures
3) Scientific Quality Review
  • 'Thorough review of the journal information, policies, and content'
4) Technical Evaluation
5) Pre-Production
6) Live Release
PMC Quality Assessment example guidance questions consideration
Journal policies
  • Are the journal’s aims and scope clearly stated and adhered to?
  • Is the peer review process explicit and sufficiently detailed?
  • Are the journal’s ethical policies clearly stated and adhered to?
  • Are commercial sponsorships clearly addressed (i.e., do not raise questions about objectivity of published content)?
  • Do authors consistently disclose financial conflicts of interest?
Article content
  • Are the study aims clearly stated and logical?
  • Is the rationale/justification for conducting the study clear?
  • Are the methods described in sufficient detail so that the experiment could be reproduced?
  • Is the study design robust and appropriate to the stated aim?
  • Are the conclusions drawn supported by the data?
  • Is the discussion section critical and comprehensive?
  • Are the references appropriate in number and up-to-date?
  • Are statements supported appropriately by parenthetical citations?
Figure and table quality
  • Are figures and tables well-constructed and of sufficiently high resolution (i.e., not blurry)?
  • Are figures and tables well-annotated and easy to read and interpret?
Language quality (i.e., English editing)
  • Is the writing clear, concise, and logical?
  • Does the language impede scientific meaning or cause confusion?
Formatting and organization
  • Do articles of the same type (e.g., original research) follow a consistent structure, outlined in the instructions for authors?
  • Are there indicators of sufficient editorial attention, as evidenced by the elimination of editorial errors (e.g., incorrectly numbered sections, mislabeled tables/figures)?
Editorial board and authorship
  • Are full names and affiliations of journal’s editors provided?
  • Do editors and authorship accurately reflect journal scope?
  • Is there sufficient diversity between the editorial board and the authorship of articles?
Publication schedule
  • Does the journal keep to its stated publication schedule?
  • Does the publication frequency and volume demonstrate long-term sustainability?


I have now submitted the above items using the application form (tracking number = NJA-29863). T.Shafee(EvoEvo)talk 23:48, 6 March 2020 (UTC)

Pubmed central has responded stating that:
"At this point, the WikiJournal of Medicine does not have enough primary content to be evaluated for PMC participation. For publishers with at least a two-year history of quality scholarly publishing in the life sciences, a minimum of 25 peer reviewed articles (e.g., original research or review articles, clinical case reports) must be published in final form before you apply. You can find more details in our application instructions."
I have responded to clarify:
"Could I confirm, is there a set proportion of the published content that must be primary research articles? We have a large proportion of review articles, however all content is peer reviewed, and we note that several other reviews-focused publishers are indexed in PMC (most notably Annual reviews). The applications requirements page indicates that the requirement is “A minimum of 25 peer reviewed articles (e.g., original research or review articles, clinical case reports)”."
T.Shafee(EvoEvo)talk 10:09, 31 March 2020 (UTC)
PMC confirmed that they do not count the figure reviews and gallery reviews, so we are currently only at 20 eligible items. Can resubmit once threshold is reached. T.Shafee(EvoEvo)talk 22:42, 31 March 2020 (UTC)
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