Welcome to the lesson!
Take a few moments to watch the following video.
Reading Rainbow: Check it Out
Consider what the video was attempting to achieve and the techniques used to make its point. Was it simply trying to convey information about the library, or was it trying to make the viewer feel a certain way about the library? Certainly, a little of both! Did the video successfully achieve its goal? What worked well? What didn't?
In this lesson, we'll take a look at how to best select a strategy for achieving affective objectives. Alright! Let's take a look at effectively matching an affective objective to an appropriate instructional strategy.
Lesson Objectives
- Given knowledge of the affective domain stages and affective objective terms, the learner will write a complete (affective) objective.
- Given an objective, select an appropriate instructional strategy; defend choice.
Interim Objectives
- Examine a provided list of objective terms; assign each to one of the affective stages.
- Compare your work to research; post a summary of your findings (defending choices or explaining a change in opinion) to the Affective domain blog on Affective Objectives & Strategies blog.
- Choose one of the affective stages and write a complete objective for it.
- Consider your objective statement and a given a list of instructional strategies, select an appropriate instructional strategy for the objective.
- Write a brief statement explaining your choice and post to the Strategies for Affective Objectives
Lesson Introduction
In the Introduction lesson and Oh No! Not Another Lecture, you’ve had a chance to learn about the affective stages and rethink some of your own learning experiences in this light. Though most of the affective stages make sense once explained, it can be surprising how we often don’t consciously acknowledge these feelings, attitudes and behaviors when learning, and indeed sometimes during instruction as well.
This lesson will continue our work in the affective domain. Once you raise your awareness about the affective results of certain presentations, you become more aware of the potential to consciously elicit certain affective responses, both internal and external.
Eliciting particular affective behaviors takes consideration of what learners internally feel and think, both of which play an important part in the way learners act. What activities or learning strategies work best for certain affective objectives?
- Connecting objectives with strategies in the affective domain
To do this, let’s begin by looking at and creating affective objective statements. Then we’ll look for an instructional strategy that well suits the objective. How well the instructional strategy matches the objective contributes significantly to the affective success of a lesson or unit.
Lesson Planner
Whaddya Know, Joe?...
- During the Introduction lesson, you began to see that the "affective domain describes the way people react emotionally and their ability to feel another living thing's pain or joy. Affective objectives typically target the awareness and growth in attitudes, emotion, and feelings." (wiki aricle: Taxonomy of Instructional Objectives)The affective domain is concerned primarily with feelings, attitudes and behaviors. The domain is divided into 5 major stages: first Receiving, then Responding, Valuing, Organizing and Characterizing. As we begin to better understand the ways in which learners process feelings and attitudes, we also begin to see how these impact all that a learner, indeed, a person does. The affective domain truly does affect all learning and therefore deserves consideration when designing and facilitating learning experiences.
- Having learned about the affective domain, you then moved on in the second lesson, Oh No! Not Another Lecture you began to judge for yourself what overall strategies seem best suited for the affective domain. While this is important, you may have begun to see that each dimension of the affective domain has its own special needs. Remember, the affective stages describe the process that we undergo in internalizing a belief, attitude or an opinion. These stages apply to any of the affective dimensions: emotional, moral, social, spiritual, aesthetic and motivational.
Task 1: Terms for the Stages
For this task you will match objective terms to affective stages and post your results to the lesson blog.
15 minutes
Task 2: Writing Objectives
In this second task, you'll be writing your own affective objective, using your own professional or educational experiences as the environment. Share your objective by posting to the lesson's blog.
10 minutes
Task 3: Strategy Selection
Using the objective you've just written, select an instructional strategy that you feel best supports achievement of the objective. Share your selection at the lesson's blog.
15 minutes
Lesson Summary
Learning Resources
online resources:
- Affective Taxonomy
- Affective Taxonomy ~ Krathwohl style!
- Writing Objectives
- Writing Objectives
- Affective Objectives & Strategies blog
text resources:
- Martin, B. L. & Reigeluth, C. M. (1999). Affective education and the affective domain: Implications for instructional-design theories and models. In Reigeluth, C. M. (Ed). Instructional-design theories and models: A new paradigm of instructional theory (Vol II). Mahwah, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. (eds.) (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives. New York: Longman.
- Bloom, B., Englehart, M. Furst, E., Hill, W., & Krathwohl, D. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive domain. New York, Toronto: Longmans, Green.
- Mager, R. F. (1997). Preparing instructional objectives (3rd ed.). Atlanta, GA: Center for Effective Performance.
wiki/blog technical help:
Post to the Lesson Blog
Task 1: Terms for the Stages
- Examine the following list of objective terms. Assign each objective term to the affective stage it most appropriately fits. When you've divided these objectives, go to the Affective Domain blog site, find the post for Task 1 and use the 'Post a Comment' link to submit your response. Click HERE to go to the blog. Need Help? Scroll up to the "Learning Resources" section of this lesson; there you will find a link to a video tutorial on submitting work on the lesson blog.
- believe
- capture
- conclude
- contribute
- cooperate
- create
- enjoy
- experience
- integrate
- internalize
- justify
- respect
- review
- sense
- systematize
- believe
- Familiarize yourself with commonly used affective objectives, as are seen in Krathwohl's Taxonomy of the Affective Domain (Krathwohl, D., Bloom, B., & Masia, B. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives. Handbook II: Affective domain. New York: David McKay). Some online resources are provided here at the bottom of this task, but also feel free to conduct your own further research Compare if and how your decisions differed from those found in these resources/your research. Did your research convince you to think differently? Do you still agree with your initial thoughts? Summarize your comparisons and the response you had to them; share by posting a comment at the Affective Domain blog. Click HERE to go to the blog. (Need Help? Scroll up to the "Learning Resources" section of this lesson; there you will find a link to a video tutorial on submitting work on the lesson blog.)
Task 2: Writing Objectives
Next, try your hand at writing an affective objective! Reflect on your own professional or educational background as an environment. Choose an affect stage and write a complete objective. To fulfill the components of a 'complete' objective, include a specific method, detail the condition, and pinpoint the outcome. If you need to familiarize yourself with objective writing use the following resources or conduct some research on your own.
Task 3: Strategy Selection
Now, let's use this created objective to explore the relationship between an affective objective and an instructional method. This is where your knowledge of the affective domain is really put to the test! Look over the following list provided below. These are a few of the instructional methods used in educational and training environments. When considering what strategy might best bring about your objective, think about whether you're eliciting an internal or external change; is the objective social or independent; does it require guidance, time, or group interaction?
Select an instructional strategy that you feel best suits the objective you've written. Return to the lesson blog and click on the TASK 3 post; then, click 'post a comment' to share. State the strategy chosen and explain the reasons for your decision. Click HERE to go to the blog. (Need Help? Scroll up to the "Learning Resources" section of this lesson; there you will find a link to a video tutorial on submitting work on the lesson blog.)
- Apprenticeship
- Case Study
- Debate
- Drill and practice
- Field Trip
- Game
- Interview
- Journaling
- Lecture, speech
- Q and A
- Quiet meeting
- Role play
- Seminar
- Simulation
- Think tank
- Tutorial, programmed
Key Points
- It is important to be consciously aware of the affective element you are trying to address (emotional, moral, social, spiritual, aesthetic and motivational).
- Determine at what stage your learners are. Have the begun to respond to the material, environment, their peers? Are they ready to begin determining the value of a topic?
- Affective strategies should account for the following conditions:
- Values that involve interacting with others or feelings toward others are best supported by interactive strategies.
- Topics of ethics and morality must be resolved with previous personal beliefs.
- Motivation is often instilled through mentorship, apprenticeship and guidance.
- Values that involve interacting with others or feelings toward others are best supported by interactive strategies.
What other rules could be created for affective strategy selection?
The affective domain has been commonly acknowledged to have six distinct dimensions: emotional, moral, social, spiritual, aesthetic and motivational (Reigeluth, 1999). Determine the dimension that you want to address. At which stage are your learners? Once you've analyzed these situations, you will better be able to decide upon an objective to appropriately elicit the desired affective response. This lesson has attempted to lead you through this process. The conclusion of your work is to select the most appropriate strategy for achieving an affective objective.
For example, when selecting a strategy for "In a US History course, learners will value the persuasive talents of major political and influential figures." would learners better achieve this through reading historic documents or listening/viewing speech footage? Would learners benefit from studying time lines of influential figures or interviewing someone who was influenced by the person of study?
Your final thoughts?
Return to the lesson's blog and post a comment to the post called, "Final Thoughts."
- Was this lesson valuable in illustrating the important connection between learning strategies and affective objectives?
- Has your perception of learning strategies changed?
- What difficulties did you experience, or do you foresee seeing, when planning for affective considerations?
- Other thoughts?
This concludes lesson 3 for the affective domain!
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