VELS (Victorian Essential Learning Standards) Mathematics Standards and Progression Points apply at grades Prep - 10 in all Vicorian (Australia) schools.
The applicable standards and progression points cover 5 dimensions (Number, VELS Mathematics Space, Measurement Chance and Data, Structure (algebra) and Working Mathematically)
Each domain is structured over 6 levels. New students should start at level 1 and progress to level 6.
Expectations of student progress according to age are linked to these levels. This is largely irrelevant. Many factors affecting the progress of an individual may mean that progress is significantly ahead or behind these expectations and, as such, they may be safely disregarded.
First find out what parts of the course you understand. Do this to determine your own level in each of the 5 domains.
Then undertake study in each domain to improve your understanding.
Monitor your progress.
Take tests and satisfy yourself that you are making progress.