The Urantia Book goes to great lengths to show how science and religion are not incompatible. Science is like the art of measuring: man's study of the finite. Religion is man's study of the infinite.
Before this lesson gets developed, I'd like to share the experience that prompted it's creation. The Times has been publishing newer editions of the Complete World History, or some title like that. A reviewer on is irritated that evolution is the only theory offered to explain man's origins. The review suggests both creation and intelligent design as alternatives. This lack of recognition of the beliefs of millions of people around the world led the reviewer to feel as though the Times authors are intentionally misleading readers.
"Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity."
It pains me to see scientists and religionists butting heads in such a futile manner. They both think they know more than the other. The scientist has hundreds of experiments to point to as his authority (although Philosophy can render sensory input meaningless). The religionist can only point to a subjective set of morals, ostensibly given by God. The scientist questions the religionist's veracity, while the religionist looks down at the seemingly confused, immoral scientist.
In searching for answers, the scientist works from here and now, from the things he can see, and works backwards, in a series of carefully measured steps. The religionist starts at God and works his way to the here and now. Science will never prove or disprove God. Neither will any possible science in the future be able to prove or disprove God.
Science and religion need to leave each other alone. Our species was once without science. But while science has given us a long list of horrors, it has also given us unimagined opportunities. Science eases our lives, religion motivates us.