< University student satisfaction
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This page lists references to peer-reviewed literature about university student satisfaction.
- Aitken, N. (1982). College student performance, satisfaction and retention: Specification and estimation of a structural model. The Journal of Higher Education, 53, 32-52.
- Applegate, C., & Daly, A. (2005). The impact of paid work on the academic performance of students: A case study from the University of Canberra. The Centre for Labour Market Research, 1-12.
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- Barry, E., Gilly, M., & Schucany, W. (1982). Students as consumers: Predicting satisfaction. American Marketing Association, vol?, 109-112.
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- Bean, J., & Bradley, R. K., (1986). Untangling the satisfaction-performance relationship for college students. Journal of Higher Education, 57, 393-412.
- Bedggood, R. & Donovan, J. (2012). University performance evaluations: What are we really measuring? Studies in Higher Education, 37, 825-842. doi: 10.1080/03075079.2010.549221
- Benjamin, M., & Hollings, A. (1997). Student satisfaction: Test of an ecological model. Journal of College Student Development, 38, 213-228.
- Betz, E. L., Klingensmith, J. E., & Menne, J. W. (1970). The measurement and analysis of college student satisfaction. Measurement and Evaluation in Guidance, 3, 110-118.
- Betz, E. L., Menne, J. W., Starr, A. M., & Klingensmith, J. E. (1971). A dimensional analysis of college student satisfaction. Measurement and Evaluation in Guidance, 4, 99-106.
- Bolliger, D. U. (2004). Key factors for determining student satisfaction in online courses. International Journal on E-learning, 3, 61-67.
- Bolliger, D. U. & Erichsen, E. A. (2013). Student satisfaction with blended and online courses based on personality type. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 39 (1).
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- Browne, B. A., Kaldenberg, D. O., Browne, W. G., & Brown, D. J. (1998). Student as a customer: Factors affecting satisfaction and assessments of institutional quality. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 8(3), 1-15.
- Carey, K., Cambiano, R. L., & De Vore, J. B. (2002). Student to faculty satisfaction at a Midwestern university in the United States. HERDSA, 93-97.
- Carr, D. L., Davies, T. L., & Lavin, A. M. (2010). The impact of instructor attire on college student satisfaction. College Student Journal, 44(1), 101-111.
- Centra, J., & Rock, D. (1983). College environments and student achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 8, 623–634.
- Chan, G., Miller, P. W. & Tcha, M. (2005). Happiness in university education. International Review of Economics Education, 4, 20-45.
- Chang, T., Wise, A., Duffy, T., & Valle, R. D. (2004). The effects of teacher social presence and student satisfaction, engagement and learning]. Journal of Educational Computing Research. http
- Cheung, D. (2000). Evidence of a single second-order factor in student ratings of teaching effectiveness. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 7, 442-460. doi:10.1207/S15328007SEM0703_5
- Chow, H. P.(2005). Assessing the determinants of life satisfaction in a Canadian university student sample. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 51(1), 85-91. doi: 10.1007/s11205-004-7525-0
- Clemes, M. D. (2007). University student satisfaction: An empirical analysis. Unpublished Masters thesis, Lincoln University, New Zealand.
- Corts, D. P., Lounsbury, J. W., Saudargas, R. A., & Tatum, H. E. (2000). Assessing undergraduate satisfaction with an academic department: A method and case study. College Student Journal, 1, 10.
- Cotton, S. J., Dollard, M. F, & de Jonge, J. (2002). Stress and student job design: Satisfaction, well-being and performance in university students. International Journal of Stress Management, 9(3), 147-162. doi: 1573-3424.10-1023/A:1015515714410
- Danaher, P., Bowser, D., & Somasundaram, J. (2008). The student departure puzzle: Do some facilities and programs have answers? Higher Education, Research and Development, 27, 271-280.
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- Devore, J. R., & Handal, P. J. (1981). The college student satisfaction questionnaire: A test-retest reliability study. Journal of College Student Personnel, 22, 299-301.
- Donohue, T. L., Wong, E. H. (1997). Achievement motivation and college satisfaction in traditional and nontraditional students. Education, 118, 237-243.
- Douglas, J., Douglas, A., & Barnes, B. (2006). Measuring student satisfaction at a UK university. Quality Assurance in Education, 14(3), 251-267. doi:10.1108/09684880610678568
- Douglas, J., McClelland, R., & Davies, J. (2007). The development of a conceptual model of student satisfaction with their experience in higher education. Quality Assurance in Education, 16, 19-35. doi: 10.1108/09684880810848396
- Elliot, K. M., & Healy M. A. (2001). Key factors influencing student satisfaction related to recruitment and retention. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 10, 1-11.
- Elliot, K. M., & Shin, D. (2002), Student satisfaction. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 24, 197-247.
- Filaka, V. F., & Sheldon, K. M. (2008). Teacher support, student motivation, student need satisfaction, and college teacher course evaluations: Testing a sequential path model. Educational Psychology, 28, 711-724.
- Gallander-Wintre, M. & Bowers, C. (2007). Predictors of persistence to graduation: Extending a model and data on transition to university model. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 39, 220-234.
- Garcia-Aracil, A. (2009). European graduates’ level of satisfaction with higher education. Higher Education, 57, 1-21.
- Garg, R. (1992). Academic and nonacademic self concepts: Influence of recent life-changing experiences and demographic, social and health variables. Psychological Reports, 70, 871-882.
- Gousheng, Q., Meifeng, C., Xiao, L., & Bangyou, D. (2010). An empirical study of student satisfaction and its influencing factors: School of Continuing Education of Guangzhou University. International Journal of Continuing Education & Lifelong Learning, 2, 29-40.
- Grayson, J. (2004). The relationship between grades and academic program satisfaction over four years of study. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 34, 1-34.
- Gregg, W. (1972). Several factors affecting graduate student satisfaction. Journal of Higher Education, 43(6), 483-498.
- Green, D. (1994). Measuring student satisfaction: A method of improving the quality of the student’s experience? In S. Haselgrove (Ed.), The student experience (pp. 100-107). Buckingham, UK: The Society for Research into Higher Education and Open University Press.
- Gruber, T., Fub, S., Voss, R., & Glaeser-Zikuda, M. (2010). Examining student satisfaction with higher education services: Using a new measurement tool. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 23, 105-123. doi: 10.1108/09513551011022474
- Hallenbeck, T. R. (1978). College student satisfaction: An indication of institutional vitality. N.A.S.PA. Journal, 16, 19-24.
- Hatcher, L., Kryter, K., Prus, J. S., & Fitzgerald, V. (1992). Predicting college student satisfaction, commitment, and attrition from investment model constructs. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 22, 1273-1296. doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.1992.tb00950.x
- Hill, M. C., & Epps, K. K. (2010). The impact of physical classroom environment on student satisfaction and student evaluation of teaching in the university environment. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 14, 65-79.
- Hom, W. C. (2002) Applying customer satisfaction theory to community college planning of student services. iJournal.
- James, R. (2001). Students’ changing expectations of higher education and the consequences of mismatches with reality. OECD Programme in Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) Management responses to changing student expectations, Queensland, 24 September.
- Kane, D., Williams, J., & Cappuccini-Ansfield, G. (2008). Student satisfaction surveys: The value in taking an historical perspective. Quality in Higher Education, 14, 135-155.
- Karatzias A., Power, K. G., Flemming, J., Lennan, F., & Swanson, V. (2002). The role of demographics, personality, variables and school stress on predicting school satisfaction/dissatisfaction: Review of the literature and research findings. Educational Psychology, 22(1), 1-18.
- Kärnä, S. & Julin, P. (2015). A framework for measuring student and staff satisfaction with university campus facilities. Quality Assurance in Education, 23, 47-66. doi: 10.1108/qae-10-2013-0041
- Kulik, J. A. (2001). Student ratings: Validity, utility and controversy. New Directions for Institutional Research, 27, 9-25.
- Lamport, M. A. (1993). Student-faculty informal interaction and the effect on college student outcomes: A review of the literature. Adolescence, 28(112), 971-990.
- Leece, R., & Muldon, R. (2009). Degrees of delight: Two approaches to increasing university satisfaction. Journal of the Australia and New Zealand Student Services.
- Lent, R., Singley, D., Schmidt, J., & Schmidt, L. (2007). Relation of social-cognitive factors to academic satisfaction in engineering students. Journal of Career Assessment, 15(1), 87-97.
- Letcher, D. W., & Neves, J. S. (2010). Determinants of undergraduate business student satisfaction.
- Lo, C. (2010). How student satisfaction factors affect perceived learning. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 10, 47-54.
- Long, M., Ferrier, F., & Heagney, M. (2006). Stay, play or give it away? Students continuing, changing or leaving university study in their first year. DEST, Australia.
- Lu, H., & Chiou, M. (2010). The impact of individual differences on e-learning system satisfaction: A contingency approach. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41, 307-323.
- Mangeloja, E. & Hirvonen, T. (2007). What makes university students happy? International Review of Economics Education, 6, 27-41.
- Marozzi, M. (2009). A composite indicator dimension reduction procedure with application to university student satisfaction. Statistica Neerlandica, 63, 258-268. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9574.2009.00422.x
- Mavondo, F., Tsarenko, Y., & Gabbot, M. (2004). International and local student satisfaction: Resources and capabilities perspective. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 14, 41-60.
- Murray, J. (2009). The wider social benefits of higher education: What do we know about them? Australian Journal of Education, 53, 230-244.
- Nafziger, D. H., Holland, J. L., & Gottfredson, G. D. (1975). Student-college congruency as a predictor of satisfaction. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 22, 132-139.
- Nasser, R. N., Khoury, B., & Abouchedid, K. (2008). University students’ knowledge of services and programs in relation to satisfaction. Quality Assurance in Education, 16, 80-97. doi:10.1108/09684880810848422
- Pascarella, E. T., & Terenzini, P. T. (1976). Information interaction with faculty and freshman ratings of academic and non-academic experiences of college. Journal of Educational Research, 70, 35-41.
- Pascarella, E. T., & Terenzini, P. T. (1991). How college affects students: Findings and insights from twenty years of research. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
- Pervin, L. A. (1967). Satisfaction and perceived self-environment similarity: A semantic differential study of student-college interaction. Journal of Personality, 35, 623-624.
- Pike, G. (1991). The effects of background, coursework and involvement on student’s grades and satisfaction. Research in Higher Education, 32(1), 15-31.
- Polcyn, L. J. (1986). A two-instrument approach to student satisfaction measurement. College and University, 62, 18-24.
- Okun, M. A., Kardash, C. A., Stock, W. A., Sandler, I. N., & Baumann, D. J. (1986). Measuring perceptions of the quality of academic life among college students. Journal of College Student Personnel, September, 447-451.
- Oliver, R. L. (1980). A cognitive model of antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions. Journal of Marketing Research, 17, November, 460-469.
- Orpen, C. (1990). The measurement of student university satisfaction: A consumer behavior perspective. Journal of Human Behavior and Learning, 7, 34-37.
- Özgüngör, S. (2010). Identifying Dimensions of students' ratings that best predict students' self efficacy, course value and satisfaction. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 38, 146-163.
- Pennington, D. C., Zvonkovic, A. M., & Wilson, S. L. (1989). Changes in college satisfaction across an academic term. Journal of College Student Development, 30, 528-535.
- Ripple, G. G. (1983). Expectation and experience of college: Student satisfaction, academic success and retention. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ohio State University, Columbus.
- Schmidt, D. K., & Sedlacek, W. E. (1972). Variables related to university student satisfaction. Journal of College Student Personnel, 13, 233-238.
- Schubert- Irastorza, C., & Fabry, D. L. (2011). Improving student satisfaction with online faculty performance. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 4, 168-179.
- Seldin, P. (1993). The use and abuse of student ratings of professors. Chronicle of Higher Education, 39, A40.
- Serdyukova, N., Tatum, B., & Serdyukov, P. (2010). Student evaluations of courses and teachers. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 3, 180-189.
- Starr, A., Betz, E. L., & Menne, J. (1972). Differences in college student satisfaction: Dropouts, non-academic dropouts, and non-dropouts. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 19, 318-322.
- Siegel, J. P. & Bowen, D. (1971). Satisfaction and performance: Casual relationships and moderating effects. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 1, 263-269.
- Telford, R., & Masson, R. (2005). The congruence of quality values in higher education. Quality Assurance in Education, 13, 107-119. doi:10.1108/09684880510594364
- Thomas, E. H., & Galambos, N. (2004). What satisfies students: Mining student opinion data with regression and decision tree analysis. Research in Higher Education, 45, 251-269.
- Umbach, P. D., & Porter, S. R. (2002). How do academic departments impact student satisfaction? Understanding the contextual effects of departments. Research in Higher Education, 43, 209–234.
- Vora, R. S., & Kinney, M. N. (2014). Connectedness, sense of community, and academic satisfaction in a novel community campus medical education model. Academic Medicine, 89, 182-187. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000000072
- Wiers-Jenssen, J., Stensaker, B., &. Grøgaard, J. B. (2002). Student satisfaction: Towards an empirical deconstruction of the concept. Quality in Higher Education, 8, 183-195. doi: 10.1080/135383202200000437 7
- Witt, P. H., & Handal, P. J. (1984). Person-environment fit: Is satisfaction predicted by congruency, environment, or personality? Journal of College Student Personnel, 25, 503-508.
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