< University of Canberra
University student satisfaction
at the University of Canberra:
A class-exercise survey
This is an original research project.

This 2010 university student satisfaction data was systematically sampled from 300 University of Canberra students, as a class exercise for Survey research and design in psychology. For more information about the methodology and some other results, including a graph of the means shown below, please see http://ucspace.canberra.edu.au/display/7126/Research (2010-2011) and Survey research and design in psychology/Assessment/Project (2012-2013).

The data is based on a convenience sample of 300 students who were systematically sampled from the campus concourse area in Weeks 1 to 4, Sem 1, 2010. Links to data for 2011-2013 are at the end.

Some limitations of this data include:

  • Representativeness
    • e.g., part-time students were less likely to be on campus and therefore were less likely to be sampled
    • Approx. 20% of the sample consists of students enrolled in a third year research methods in psychology unit

Descriptive statistics

53 satisfaction items were measured on a 5-point scale, with higher scores indicating greater satisfaction.

Satisfaction item Mean Std. Deviation Skewness Kurtosis
Campus parking. 2.20 1.12 0.68 -0.35
Computer availability. 2.61 1.12 0.37 -0.78
Financial cost of study. 2.76 1.01 0.09 -0.49
Internet access on campus. 3.16 1.07 -0.33 -0.64
Prestige and reputation of the university. 3.27 0.84 -0.11 -0.31
Recreation facilities. 3.30 0.84 -0.05 -0.17
Library. 3.33 0.94 -0.49 -0.33
Workload and study demands. 3.35 0.85 -0.74 0.46
Places to study on campus. 3.35 0.91 -0.15 -0.69
Student email service. 3.36 0.95 -0.55 0.01
Social activities and events on campus. 3.43 0.88 -0.12 -0.24
Administrative student support services. 3.44 0.88 -0.44 0.30
Scheduling of classes. 3.44 0.95 -0.54 -0.34
Quality and availability of library resources. 3.45 0.98 -0.36 -0.64
University student administration. 3.48 0.82 -0.38 0.30
Computing and technology services (e.g., the internet). 3.51 0.99 -0.69 -0.05
Flexibility of the university in meeting my needs. 3.52 0.86 -0.86 0.92
Required assessment tasks (what you need to do to complete units). 3.52 0.74 -0.62 0.81
Flexibility of course and unit requirements. 3.52 0.92 -0.50 -0.05
Feedback received on assignments and assessment. 3.53 0.84 -0.63 0.53
Chances to pursue my social interests. 3.55 0.88 -0.31 0.04
Quality of the social life at this university. 3.57 0.85 -0.38 0.25
Quality of the campus facilities. 3.58 0.82 -0.55 0.13
Grading (marking) of assignments and assessment. 3.58 0.80 -0.59 0.27
Design and layout of the campus. 3.61 0.92 -0.55 0.09
Extra campus facilities (e.g., banks, cafes, childcare, bookshop). 3.64 0.94 -0.37 -0.37
Learning support at the university. 3.64 0.79 -0.40 0.56
Opportunities to develop close friendships. 3.65 0.92 -0.42 0.04
The navigability of the campus (i.e., able find your way around). 3.68 0.90 -0.70 0.14
Chances to spend enjoyable time with other people. 3.70 0.86 -0.46 0.20
Availability of teaching staff. 3.71 0.85 -0.65 0.49
Health support services. 3.73 0.91 -0.17 -0.54
Community atmosphere of the university. 3.75 0.85 -0.42 0.06
Security and safety when on campus. 3.77 0.82 -0.70 1.06
Way in which I am being taught. 3.77 0.77 -0.96 1.89
Extent to which university is meeting my expectations 3.78 0.70 -0.80 1.33
Teaching facilities (lecture theatres, tutorial rooms, etc.) 3.80 0.78 -0.80 0.86
University website. 3.81 0.91 -0.99 1.18
Opportunities to make friends. 3.82 0.87 -0.67 0.50
Range and diversity of topics and units. 3.83 0.84 -0.83 0.96
Job prospects through the course I’m studying. 3.91 0.89 -0.54 -0.05
University overall. 3.92 0.64 -1.41 5.22
Teaching ability of my tutors and lecturers. 3.93 0.74 -1.26 3.04
Qualify of the teaching at this university. 3.94 0.77 -0.81 1.12
Value of the university education I am receiving. 3.97 0.71 -0.70 1.37
Intellectual stimulation of my university studies. 3.97 0.75 -0.75 1.13
Quality of the education I am receiving. 3.97 0.65 -1.04 3.67
Campus location and environment 3.98 0.84 -0.83 0.66
Quality of the staff who teach me. 3.98 0.75 -0.95 1.98
Relevance of what I’m learning at university. 3.99 0.78 -1.07 2.52
Professionalism of my lecturers and tutors. 4.01 0.74 -0.97 1.83
Level of knowledge of the staff who teach me. 4.06 0.81 -0.99 1.51
Relevance of what I'm learning at university to my future career. 4.08 0.84 -1.23 2.51


Most satisfactory

CaseID satmost1 satmost2
1 Some excellent, approachable lecturers and tutors have made my studies more productive and less anxiety provoking. Well organised units, with lectures recorded and materials available online.
2 Staff within my faculty are very approachable & always willing to help. They are very understanding & always treat you as a person not as a number. The environment itself is generally quite green & appealing.
3 Interesting content. Good sport science dept.
4 Tutorials
5 Some of the units I have done and the way they have been taught. The time flexibility. ie. not having to be on campus on structured time.
6 Working/interaction with other students
7 Teaching staff - Lecturers and Tutors Social environment and meeting other people
8 Teaching staff - Lecturers and Tutors English Language Institute (UCELI)
9 Social environment and meeting other people
10 Location in Canberra Social environment and meeting other people
11 The facilities are great Job prospects for the future
12 Teaching Campus size
13 I really enjoy my course My teachers help me with what ever I need
14 Meeting like minded people Im finding my course very interesting
15 Social atmosphere of living on campus University experience
16 Community feel/small Free Parking
17 Location Parking
18 Good social aspects Location
19 Flexibility Lectures online
20 Social Location
21 Social Interation - Helps get through the boring times Content Delivery - Its been good in that sense because its not always theory based learning
22 Supportive lecturers in core units Friendly atmosphere and pleasant learning environment
23 Socialising meeting new people Flexibility being able to do classes when I wish
24 Social networking here is good and my friends range of extra curricular activities
25 Range of units Organisation of psychology units - marking criteria and what is expected of you is clear.
26 Availability of resources (library, TEL Building 5 Freedom to a certain extent
27 Supportive environment of classes, tutors and lecturers Flexibility with course structure, classes and timetable
28 friendly lecturers and staff flexibility
30 Teaching staff are friendly and knowledeable social opportunities
31 engagin lecturers and interesting lectures/seminars online library so I can work from home
32 material is intellectually stimulating and fascinating having specific instructions on what is required for assessment pieces to do well
33 the social side of the law facilty the responsiveness of lecturers
34 social aspects - something for everyone the lecturers
35 time management with classes helpful lecturers, tutors, extra help courses
36 nothing
37 The stuff are really kind and helpful - friendly atmosphere I love the course I'm studying.
38 Friendships with fellow students professionalism and staff expertise - the whole learning experience has been really enjoyable.
39 Good academic support Nice environment
40 Online access to the university Tutors very helpful
41 Library - knowledge Refectory - sharing views and ideas
42 Flexibility of course structure - allows for study/work/life balance Willingness of staff to help - support students
43 The res The RA's
44 Friendship Courses
45 The friendly atmosphere
46 Co-op. A very convenient resource. Market day and societies. Fun and interesting
47 the moodle website moodle helped me a lot of study
48 close to home ( I live out of Cooma)
49 the structured courses friends enviroment
50 the teachers tend to be knowlagable as a whole
51 teaching staff are extremlly helpful and make themselves available to the students best efforts are made by teaching staff to make content exciting and to highlight its relevance
52 friends expanding knowlege
53 Subject matter Collegues
54 Tutor help Flexability by staff
55 Meeting people learning
56 Increase intelectual ability Gain work
57 learning new critical thinking skills friendly attitude of staff and other students
58 meeting new people - developing future prof. relationships learning new things to help in future jobs
59 opportunities to enter courses when not having the initial mark to be able to go through UCCollege most teachers being able to help provide support for students struggling
60 visiting a range of schools to get an overall perspective, small tutorial classes, rather than large ones sclasses with no ore that 12-15 students are most beneficial to having productive discussions, etc
61 provision of help in subjects such as statistics and accounting flexible learning - a variety of tute times available
62 online lecture recording classes
63 Staff in Arts/design faculty
64 Classes Social
65 access to computers after hours flexibility of course
66 The marking system
67 online learning - electronic resources computer labs
68 choice of majors and minors flexibility summer/winter school to speed up a degree/catch up on units
69 assistance from accessibility & general members of the uni prompt tutorial change requests
70 social aspect quality of tutors
71 conveinient tute times i.e. after work on-line content, provides flexibility
72 Location is easy to access Availability of online lectures
73 Tutor - our tutors and lecturers are very approachable and knowledgeable Online Lectures - I find online lectures very convenient
74 All my lectures are entertaining, this just helps with concentration
75 Opportunity to learn Range of subjects
77 Library tours Facilities for coaching science degree and skilled teaching staff
78 Moodle - online availability of unit content and access to recorded lectures Introducing a winter term to finish degree earlier
79 Recorded lectures Access to staff
80 Availability and variety of units offered at UC Teaching staff are knowledgeable and have practical experience outside of academic study
81 Campus facilities - cafes, bookshop, banks, access to ATM's Academic skills workshop
82 Approachability of many lecturer's and tuter's Campus facitilies
83 Good courses Nice campus
84 Campus facilities Access to information via internet
85 Online resources Campus facitilies
86 Nice campus Good cources
87 The university offers industrial related subjects It is a good rating University in Australia
88 Well organised course Time table criteria and choices available
89 Classes - good classes, interesting Timetable - relaxing timetable
90 It's close to me and parking is easy to find Good lectures and tutors
91 Level of support given to students, it helps improve skills and grades Teaching is high quality, makes me feel confident about my level of education
92 Accessiblity - all well signposted, easy to get to. Friendly people on campus - inviting, friendly nature
93 Building are numbered making it easy to find the right one. Library access on weekends and public holidays.
94 Lectures - they are in line with textbooks People - everyone seems cool
95 Practical aspects of degrees Knowledge of teachers.
96 podcasts of lectures supportive teachers
97 quality of teaching welcoming environment
98 amount of help offered the parties
99 social life organisation
100 quality of teaching material
101 academic skill programs online resources
102 information on units (quick) locatin is convenient (quiet)
103 better opportunity of making friends puters on campus
104 lecturer approachability friendly students
105 great lecturers managable timetable
106 Teaching Social Activities
107 Lectureres Tutors
108 Location People
110 Convenor Practical Experience
111 teaching staff subject choices
112 social life facilities
113 content of course social aspect
114 social life campus
115 library teaching sstaff
116 classes lectures
117 level of help with study online services
118 study environment library
119 Teachers Study environment
120 Quaility of teaching-lecturers/tutors willing to help students as much as possible Social networking-lecturers/tutors encourage students to get to know each other, which helps students help each other
121 timetable location
122 course organisation utilities- bank etc.
123 location- close to shops, bus stops good access to staff
124 timetable social aspects
125 interesting content in most classes good feedback and help when needed
126 Coming out of a lecture and feeling like I've learnt something useful. The on-campus facilities and atmoshpere
127 How welcoming the people are to 1st years The diversity of the campus and how many people there are and things to do
128 Structure and resources of enrolment Teachers and their commitment
129 Freedom in elective choice Accesability to teachers
130 The choice of electives in my Arts degree
131 Moodle Online lectures
132 teachers-student relations-the nice desire of non-eleatism no marathon lecture/tute times
133 Recording facilities for lectures Extra semesters
134 Student support-library workshops, Academic skilld centre-it helps Moodle-This online support I never experienced before at uni-the podcasts, lack of need to speen money & waste of paper+allows to connect to students
135 Good lecturers & tutors Friendly students
136 the residential community small and friendly nature of the uni
137 ability to choose when tutorial time is (after work hours) culture of the campus
138 the friendly and helpful tutorial teachers the class interactions and discussions
139 tutorials passing my classes
141 Interesting classes Flexible classes
142 Friendliness and helpfulness of most lecturers and tutors Interesting and stimulating psych classes
143 Availability of tutors for assistance Internet facilities
145 Classes are interesting Classes are presented well
146 Layout - Easy to get around Campus Approachability - Always feel that staff are easy to communicate with
147 Field Work, oppertunity to travel and learn Friendships, making lasting friends
148 Social life, all my friends are here facilities
149 Flexibility, night classes Relavacne of content to work life
150 Ideas that UC give you for post uni friendships
156 Learning
157 Lecturors are great
158 Social events are always a lot of fun and open to all Academic skills program is incredibly useful and helpful
159 Parking - always easy to find Proximity - everything that I need is close
161 staff avaliability - open to questions and happy to help networking - able to meet people from my chosen profession
162 my new friends, social times so many opportunities to learn
163 friendlyness of staff and students well set up units/course structure
164 mix of guidance and freedom content of units
165 access to disability services attitude of lecturers
167 learning and teaching aspects lecturers and students are easy going
168 unit outlines tutorials
169 support from uni admin teachers and health services gardens and pleasant environment
170 organisation of lecture and tutes and accessibility of information availability of assistance
171 Lecturers/tutors, have found them to be very helpful Vast array of books in library, and usually have available what I’m looking for
172 Lecturers Library
173 Meeting new friends University lifestyle
174 Staff, I have found they are all extremely helpful and friendly The uni environment and students
175 My degree in general Assessment
176 Approachable lecturers offering good support Easy Parking
177 Good lecturers make learning interesting, approachable and helpful Friendly students allowing for good support and help
178 Close to home and free parking. Easy to commute to uni meaning incentive to attend Practical experience with my course meaning i get a lot of hands on work
179 Disability support services and special consideration and help given to me while studying and in exams Lots of grass areas to sit-giving us another place to study
180 Close to home and free parking Comfortable, accepting environment and comfortable place to eat/study -> refectory
181 The flexibility of off campus learning All lectures are taped and online
182 Facilities- gym, lecture theatres Techers- lecturers always helpful and knowledgable
183 The grounds are lovely You can make your way around most of the campus undercover if its raining
184 Online resources- Web CT The library opening hours
185 Online availability Computer centre is open 24 hours a day
189 Lecturers and tutors
191 environment, equipment working with domestic students
193 helpful tutorials library well-equipped with resources
194 environment campus convenience
195 friendliness and helpfulnes of staff a chance to mix make friends with other mature age students
196 Library Teachers
198 Friends Campus
199 Learning Resources
200 Lectures being recorded Techer-Student Communication
201 Teaching and assistance from lecturers, tutors. Computer access is 24/7
202 Small campus
203 Friendly size and atmosphere Flexibility of units and courses
204 Friendly atmosphere
205 Flexibility with Degree Student relationships - making friends
206 have made. It is good to study together and know you are not alone! When I get my results and know that I have passed
207 Good facilities available eg. post office Socialising - good way to make new friends.
208 The flexibility of lectures and classes - useful for work and for having to look after younger members of the family The resources readily available, moodle, the book shop, food all quite accessable at school
209 Library Coffee shop
210 Friends Assignments, really interested in it
211 Social Interaction, Close to home Close to home
212 It's Social Location
213 Enjoyable Course Frienly People
214 Online Forums Tutorials
215 Moodle Tutorials
221 Quick response via email from convenors/tutors which enables me to get info promptly Presentations by some lecturers - their effort enable me to enjoy and understand content
223 Cheap gym membership Social life
225 Tutorial experiences - social and discussions Lecture communication - lecturers are accessible
227 Environment - clean and tidy campus, easy to get around, good vibe People - easy going
229 On campus accommodation - close and convenient Clean and nice campus grounds
231 Friendly atmosphere Helpful teachers
232 Support from tutors and lecturers Availability of resources
233 Lecturers/convernors Friends
234 Doing well in assignments I put time into Teacher-student relations
235 Lecturers experience and input Psychology unit content
236 exchange of ideas conversations with mentors and other students
237 Bicycle facilities Banking, eating
238 teachers (fantastic and passionate) comprehensive student services
239 small number of International students 3 semesters
240 Safe environment high quality staff
241 Tutorials are really interesting. I like the campus, grassed area and friendly environment.
242 study space - always somewhere to go and complete work. lectures are accessible. Often able to speak to a lecturer when needed.
243 Amount of work. Overall flexibility.
244 Flexibility of courses ie, part time or full time The relaxed environment.
245 Friendly teachers. Lovely gardens.
246 Coffee. And lots of it. End o Exams.
247 Facilities-Variety
248 The tutorial work & teachers have been useful for meeting people and understanding content
249 Campus - layout/grassy areas
250 Academic- Because the program are well supplied with ongoing programs
251 The support network in my degree because there is always someone who can help you if you just ask. content of the units, because i find it fascinating.
252 smaller class sizes some of the teachers
253 ASP staff, they have been friendly and helpful Fellow students, they are friendly and kind
254 Information for units and enrolement are easy to access Lecturers and tutors are very friendly and happy to talk and answer all questions
255 Facilities Just enjoying studing
256 The library is a good, quiet place for studying and the study rooms are great for working on group assignments.
257 Variety of tutorial times SEAO event
258 Course structure Social aspect
259 Social aspects Convenience
260 Social aspects Facilities
261 Flexibility of class times Teaching staff
262 Implementation of teaching and use of applied techniques to learning Student internet resources and moodle
263 Responsible for own learning helpful staff/tutors
264 Library Moodle
265 Entertainment, Bands ect... I love music!!! People-the people are friendly and not all uptight and overly serious.
266 SRC- Very convenient + helpful
267 Spanish (Unit) Hanging out with friends
268 The Attitude: everyone is laid back Classes: Tutors are good
269 time table school facilities
270 language department campus layout
271 Friends easy campus access
272 Learning about Psychology Recieving good marks
273 very close to home campus layout is really good
274 Ease of Parking
275 Friends expressing self thru writting
276 Expertise of some lecturerers Resources of facilty
277 Quality of most lecturers - makes content easier to learn Course content because it is meeting my expectation
278 course content of interest
279 Sport aspect in degree Close proximity to home
280 support to international students living on campus
282 Acadaemic support Social life
283 Comprehensive & practical course programme Friendly and approachable staff
284 Quality of teaching Study load
285 Range of teaching
287 Enjoy the lectures - Lecturers are very experienced People - many different cultures
288 The Practical training in my Journalism Subjects - useful and creates a steep learning curve The attitude of teachers toward their students - makes for a pleasurable learning experience
289 Like the People - everyone seems friendly Like Lectures - Easy to understand, good lecturers
290 Course relevence - goes hand in hand with my job Electronic Learning means I can work and study
291 enjoy the course work and lecturers Have friends that go here
292 Level of teaching. The classes & practical work.
293 The international student officer. They alwayst try to help. Skillfull center: Great idea to keep heling all students.
294 Technology - enough/good. Service - enough/good.
295 Availability of after-hours courses due to working full time. Ease of location. All classes short walk.
296 Access to study materials and lectures online. Course availability and study program.
297 contagious enthusiasm of some lecturers; lectures downloadeable (slides) before lectures
298 lectures/lecturers-so far have all been interesting and I actually look forward to the weeks ahead. The way the university feels like its own little community-everyone's been very helpful.
299 Tutors are willing to help me (esp. as an international students, there may be sth about the understanding & knowledge about my subjects I may find it School equipment is good. I'd like sitting in a huge lecture room with full of technical tools (projector, speaker, etc).
300 Good helpful staff Nice amount of places for food or relaxation.
301 The study environment of this university is excellent. I like the teachers.
302 interesting units good use of online resources
303 Good Friends networks
304 social aspects good tutors
305 reputation of course links hospital to training
306 the grades friends on campus

Least satisfactory

CaseID satleast1 satleast2
1 Degree discontinued. Not informed that I would need to complete it by July 2010 until the end of 2009. Some subjects: sometimes lectures don't record and students relying on the recording miss the lecture for that week.
2 Disabled access around campus. Going from building 12 to building 9 is very difficult without the ability to climb stairs. Building 5 is a very tiring building. Not being able to open windows is horrible. Computer access in library is terrible.
3 Student union. Some lectures are rubish.
4 Parking: Too many students at uni. No parking available for all. Computers: No computers available for all.
5 Some of the hours that lectures are on - too late in the evening. The parking.
6 Poor course structure and planning Study materials no prepared nor provided as agreed by the lecturer
7 Layout of University No free workstations in the library
8 Layout of University
9 Poor course structure and planning Poor academic skills program
10 None yet!
11 Not as big as ANU, which has much more rescources as well as better shops etc. The commute to bruce everyday is too far for me as I live in Tuggeranong and have to catch a bus.
12 Small libary Parking
13 Parking (Not enough after 10 am) Healthy eating options, very limited in selection, have to make my way to the mall in order to get lunch!
14 There is no parking Computer availability
15 Lack of computers in the libary Lack of connections after graduation
16 Lack of communication between faculties and students Library
17 Old classrooms Academic staff hard to contact
18 Hard to park in early semester Not enough afternoon/evening classes
19 Administration Not enough afternoon/evening classes
20 Lectures are too long Student Administration
21 Food on campus - the quality and selection of food at uni results in me losing my appetite Aged Facilities - A lot of the buildings and facilities are in a desperate need of an upgrade
22 Computer access not enough Mac labs available to students in the week they always have classes in them Wireless access is awefull it is slower than dial up at best and the majority of the time doesnt connect - majority of classes have online components
23 Gaps in timetable Parking
24 my lecutures are very dull but subjects great the bar still havsnt been open
25 Unhelpfulness of uni staff Price and range of food, I feel I have to go home to eat
26 Assignments too close together Some preparation by teachers is inadequate
27 number of computers available at one time in the library campus parking
28 stupid winter term, not a cool idea.
29 temperature of lecture theatres enrolment and degree info a bit confusing
30 Parking changes to course structure
31 the price of food and drink at the cafe not been here long enough to be dissatisfied
32 trying to juggle, uni work and family lab reports - not that useful in clincal practice that i can tell at the moment
33 clashes in timetable cost and constant change of textbooks
34 timetable clashes the cost of textbooks is alot
35 closing the pub large assessment components
37 I'm pretty happy with everything - maybe refactory I would like to have halal food restaurant at uni.
38 I still find getting around campus a little frustrating Sadly the library is stocked with too many old books, too few computers and decent study areas with poor furniture - there is nothing ergonomic.
39 Overcrowded lectures unable to get preferences in course selection
40 Stats lecturer slightly crazy, goes off topic frequently and doesn't get through the whole lecture content. Lack of decent cafes/aesthetically pleasing places to eat.
41 Hub - crowded
42 Campus services - often difficult to find what I'm after
43 Todd Handy My room mate
44 Uni culture - not enough Library - not enough comps
45 Right handed lecture desks
46 Some lectures have been a tiny bit boring Moodle. Computers are hard.
48 Course not structured as well as other uni's support not a good as other uni's
49 the unorganised course enrollments (too many people in one lecture) timetable hours (late nights)
50 parking is scarce
51 Library recourses are limted including limited acsess to online journal articles, often can find an abstract but not a full article repeatative content of compulsary units to previous other compulsary units in the course without much of an increase in depth coming into 3rd year
52 Parking Help completing essays
53 Deadlines Work load
54 Parking Tutes and class not flexable
55 Parking help with assinments
56 Parking Libary
57 lack of parking not enough computers
58 food- mostly lack of good coffee car parks - lack of
59 not truly being able to have time to do uni work and have a job that is viable
60 some lecturers are inflexible, unavailable, and do not explain what is required in the assignments having to fill in time on campus between classes
61 limited opportunities to connect with sudents outside of classes need more help with coping with the stress of uni, exams etc
62 parking course availability during winter semester
63 closure of communication learning resource centre.
64 Parking Class population vs class availability
65 library parking
66 parking
67 non-online materials library resource availability
68 amount of reading set for each week lack of enrolment & course info provided
69 being disabled and having to move around uni within a short time period lack of disabled parking near relevant rooms
70 library - not enough computer terminals on each of the floors library needs to be open longer on the weekends
71 lecturers not embracing online content lack of campus facilities, amenities etc, particularly after 5pm, compare with ANU
72 Parking Moodle server failing
73 oodle - Sometimes it has glitches and doesn't work properly Library books - There is never enough of the books for large classes, so the books I need are always unavailable
74 Hours of study expected of us Getting lost, the buildings are stupidly numbered
75 Feedback for assignments Time frame for receiving feedback
76 Travel time to Uni Cost of Travel to Uni
77 Limited access to computers Slow feedback on assessment
78 Parking Some units not offered as part of majors and not corrected on website
79 Computers no available in the library Non-availability of evening classess
80 Limited places to study Parking
81 Parking Not all units record lectures and make content readily available online
82 Cleanliness of buildings Limited printed resources ie; unit outlines, lecture notes
83 Parking Location from home
84 Location from home Quality and knowledge of staff
85 Breakup of assessment Winter semester offerings
86 Supervisors in Masters clinic Teaching in masters clinich program
87 Need more computer facilities and library computers Need a better gym
88 Computing facilities Sports facilities
89 Parking - impossible to park
90 The food sucks and is expensive. No good choices for food Something seems to be broken all the time
91 Quality of food on campus, most food is junk and the only good food is expensive Text books are expensive and borrowing from the library is difficult
92 Parking - limited spaces in peak times.
93 Parking is not sufficient Third year units that are scheduled at the same time. This means only one can be completed during the semester.
94 nothing really
95 Constantly changing requirements, expectations, format - no continuety. No carparks.
96 car parking inability to participate more in activities
97 high amount of pressure
99 winter semester homework
100 explanation of what is required how to find things
101 enrollment procedure student administration
102 irresponsiveness of some professors because they may have too much work facilities and availabilities of books seem to be short
103 shortage of computers on campus shortage of number of good restaurants
104 lack of parking lack of computer availability
105 none!!
106 Large tute classes Marking consistency
107 Student Services Online database content
108 Parking Parking
110 Change of course at start of final year Exams
111 parking
112 exam period stress
113 timetable cllashes
114 availability of books cost of textbooks
115 tutorial times and availability
116 organising classes
117 price of textbooks - more book exchange services
118 old building not enough equipment for study
119 Old buildings Teaching equipment
120 Availability of computers-there are not always enough Workload-too much to learn in a short period of time
121 parking computer access
122 parking computers
123 range of electives parking
124 subject guide on library site parking
125 computer access access to journals (should be more on the net)
126 Lack of computers in library
127 Enrolment Layout of campus at first and lack of computers in library
128 Need more library resources
129 Car park Student services very unhelpful
130 Some of my tutors who haven't been very good - uninterested, not organised Lack of carparks
131 Library parking
132 really early lectures+tutes really late lecture/tutes
133 Parking Library resources
134 Difficulty obtaining required reading materials and books (for obvios reasons)-lack of time makes it difficult to catch up Architecture-buildings are ugly.It should be vamped up and made more disability friendly
135 Admin (time-tabling, environments, being sent to wrong classes, etc)
136 parking Availability of texts from the library
137 library opening hours and lack of online journals and reference material parking
138 the amount of work per subject how early in the semester assessments are due
139 lectures are boring uni fees are too high
140 co-ordination of clinical placements parking!
141 Large percentage of overall mark based on single assignment Food prices
142 Winter term - MUCH preferred it with 2 semesters Removal of 2nd class-free period in semester, that week was a big help with completing assignments on time
143 Heating and cooling of lecture theaters Not enough lecturers who make use of recording equipment for lectures
145 Online enrollment - number of glitches mostly ignored by staff Timetable organisation - missing out on lectures due to clashes, same problem as last year yet not fixed
146 Parking Price of textbooks
147 Lack of choice for food/beverage Parking
148 Distance, its a long way from my house Expense
149 Library, could be better, more content
150 Parking Not enough Bars or Food
156 Scheduling of classes Availability of computers
157 Tutors and their teaching abilities
158 Student facilities are often inadequate so even when I want to do work it is complicated Car parking is ridiculous
159 Information - at the start I had very little idea of what was going on
161 parking - limitted parking spaces for so many staff and students means more time in parkinglot than class textbook prices
162 some teachers aren't helpful when asked for help with assignments expensive textbooks
163 relying too much on online information affordable place to guy good quality food
164 change in semester layout (winter term) ability to have all assessments of all units due at same time
165 quality of tuorial tutors distance from my house (not unis fault but BIG contributor to my success at uni)
167 none none
168 parking
169 Indigenous unit support with computers, printers copier and chairs -well below standard lack of stationary support the way uni closes down and stops students from studying during concerts as a student I pay for my education not a music concert.
170 set structure of psy units inability to be flexible and study mid semester or summer school lack of computer availability
171 Lack of car parking, therefore makes me late to class Lack of computers in library
172 There are not enough parking spaces Not enough computers on campus
173 General levels of stress Organisation of new course (Building and Construction Management)
174 Not enough varity for getting food, need more cafes Construction in library
175 Need more computers Gym
176 The introduction of 3 semesters Library not open enough hours on the weekend
177 Parking has been difficult this year Some of the lecture hours made difficult with having to work as well
178 Lack of languages offered, would of liked open electives Sometimes hard to contact staff members to consult about subjects
179 Classes clashing as lecturers haven't communicated Wireless coverage. - can't get it in building 5
180 Hard to contact the correct person about course problems, particularly before semester begins library resources limited, i often can't get what i want esp regarding journal articles
181 Lack of on campus parking The uni bar closed
182 Canteen- horrible fried food Parking- there should not be time limits for campus parking
183 Parking Need more parking
184 Amount of prac work lack of campus parking
185 Library computer availability Lack of evening class options
186 Lack of parking
187 The poor organisation of tutorials for some units Large class numbers
189 Lack of parking
191 time organization difficult especially for group work having to waste time on the bus
193 high price of food all over campus poor computer access in the library
194 facilities language course options
195 availability of parking lack of computers and space to sit in the library
196 Carparking Computer Access
197 Too much study Little Carparking
198 Workload of studying restriction of class choice
199 Workload Computers
200 Lack of accesibility to computers Not enough study places
201 Library services: never open; often no free computers; lots of old books Parking: free BUT hard to find and often see inspectors out!
202 Never enough computers
203 Disorganisation of some staff Horrible and Rude student ambassadors
204 library acess hours
205 reputation acess to current information I.e. Books
206 When I try really hard in an assessment task and don't end up going very well You are just left to your own devices and feel like you can't really ask for help
207 Distance - have to drive approx 40 mins to get here. Parking-sometimes never enough parking
208 The study load, sometimes it does get to be to much The shortened semesters because of winter term
210 Air conditioning is freezing Parking, can't find a park and late for class
211 No Bar Not enough outdoor seeting
212 Friday class carparks
213 carparks computer accessability
214 group assignments 2
215 pace of lectures cps clickers
221 Limited library resources and insufficient amount/availability of computers is inconvenient Some tutors lack necessary knowledge and have poor quality teaching styles - tutorials therefore less enjoable and unit content not clearly understood
223 Workload No parking
225 Assessment/Life balancing - time management and prioritising can be tough Reading expectations
227 Carparking is terrible - impossible to find a park after 9:30am Location - too far away from southside
229 Difficulty in understanding lectures due to language barriers and the speed of presentations High work load
231 Available food Limited parking
232 Trimesters - do not cater for nursing students and many other students. A winter semester in Canberra with nothing to do is ridiculous Limited parking
233 Limited parking Old buildings
234 Change in semester layout (trimesters) Good lecturers leaving
235 Winter trimesters - I have nothing offered for my degree - therefore a waste of 10 weeks The food available - I don't feel there is much available for a cheap price - or fresh sandwiches
236 Ltd social activitites mature aged/like mindedness
237 Uni admin takes too much time car parking deteriorating
238 Lack of uni funding
239 student services
240 type of assessment socially not geared for mature aged students
241 Hard to find rooms and buildings
242 lack of computer - often to hard to find a computer to study WINTER TERM
243 Enrollment difficulities (fixing problems before enrollment deadline can be difficult). Parking spaces
244 Refactorty food Parking
245 Parking Terrible Wireless
246 Lack of History courses They seem to co-ordinate all my classes so that all my assignments are due in the same 2 days.
248 The o-week festivites & parties were not fantastic or very widey known.
249 Car parking
250 Due to the time factor, I cannot comment yet but hopefully 6 months time
251 That Uni Canberra isn't subscribed to enough journal articles which limit my research on campus How hard it is to use the electronic journal library link to find specific journals, as its too complicated.
252 Some of teh teachers find UC overly harsh with assessment in comparison with other uni's, such as ANU
253 Tutors, they don't seem to know whats going on Transport, bus stops are too far away.
254 There are limited computers in the library. I know they are in other buildings but when also using books it is easier in the library
255 n/a
256 Some of the procedures for correction enrollments as well as other things at the student office are a little complcated
257 Lack of car parking Unavailability of computers
258 Difficulty contacting course convenors, etc Lack of car parking
259 Diffculty understanding some lecturers Lack of car parking
260 Lack of car parking Late tutorial options only for some classes
261 Amount of out of class work. Eg: long readings Lack of car parking
262 campus facilities assessment
263 Travel time to get here
264 Parking Wireless Internet
266 Library- very poor amount of resources room in lectures - in one of my lecture there have been at least 50 people sitting on the floor each lecture (I've been counting)
267 expensive food admin issues
268 Information 1st year support
269 lack of affordable healthy food reliance on internet & websites
270 osis text book expense
271 expenses student email
272 working hard on a peice of assessment & reciving a poor grade staff assistance with degree problems/assessment greivances
273 amount of work is huge time tables are always so inconvenient
274 student online sercies. The layout of OSIS + moodle is poor making it hard to navigate. The use of multiple systems is confusing + time consuming. A w
275 distance parking
276 Parking is terrible non available inconsistent marking
277 Not enough variety in major stream chosem clashes of lectures and exams in the same for subjects chosen in the major stream i.e both lectures run on the same day and time
278 limited resources in library - i.e not enough books for assignments
279 car parking - not enough spaces!! could offer more sports
280 university is not located in walking distance to amenties such as shops
283 Recreational facilities Aesthetics of campus
285 Events at uni Parking and transport
287 Things open after hours - Like to work at night Parking not good
288 On Campus Space - Small and not many places to eat, have a beer, be social Moodle is temperamental
289 Library is old, and not enough computers Don’t like the doctor - bad experience
290 Parking is hard to get Campus activity level is not as social or eventful as some Univerisities.
291 Don’t like weekly assessments, because sometimes I forget about them because of work Never enough parking - means I have to wake up earlier to get to class on time.
292 The trisemester, because I can not graduate faster. The exam timetable because it comes out too late.
293 Enrollment system: hard to understand. Always have to contact someone. Places to eat: We need more places.
294 Some lectures are bad.
295 Oasis and Moodle. They are no easy to use. Enrollment. Has been an issue every time i have enrolled.
296 Some on-line functionality - enrollment. After-hours availability of tutorials.
297 lectures not downloadeable beforehand! competition for computers in library
300 Gum trees nothing!
301 The choosing of units which are boring and exhaust. I don't like white students.
302 lack of information Parking
303 Workload hard first year
304 workload sometimes some units not interesting
305 not flexible for students with children childcare
306 timetables don't fit in with work


Data is publically available - but haven't got the links in here yet, so ping james.neill@canberra.edu.au for the links


Data available via https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmN4zSp4hmN9dG5YUnJyLTBLa0NPeGlCVGgwZElqMEE&usp=sharing

See also

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