< Universal Bibliography
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This part of the Universal Bibliography is a bibliography of computers and computing.
- Knee, Michael. Computer Science and Computing: A Guide to the Literature. Libraries Unlimited. 2006.
- Rousseau, Rosemary (compiler). Selective Guide to Literature on Computer Science. American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Libraries Division. 1985.
- Bean, Margaret (ed). Selective Guide to Literature on Computer Engineering. American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Libraries Division. 1985.
- Myers, Darlene. Computer Science Resources: A Guide to Professional Literature. American Society for Information Science. 1981: . Computing Information Directory: A Comprehensive Guide to the Computing Literature. 1985. 12th Ed: 1995:
- Pritchard, Alan. A Guide to Computer Literature: An Introductory Survey of the Sources of Information. Clive Bingley. 1969.
- Youden, W W. Computer Literature Bibliography: 1946-1963. National Bureau of Standards Miscellaneous Publication 266. 31 March 1965. . Volume 2: 1964-1967. National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 309. December 1968.
- Barber, Derek L A. A Bibliography of Computing. (Infotech State of the Art Report). Infotech Information. 1974.
- Finerman and Revens. Comprehensive Bibliography of Computing Literature: Permuted and Subject Index to Computing Reviews, 1966. Association of Computing Machinery. 1967.
- Agajanian. Computer Technology: Logic, Memory, and Microprocessors: A Bibliography. IFI/Plenum. 1978.
- Bibliography of Technical Reports in the Fields of Computer Science and Computer Engineering Issued at the University of Waterloo from 1967-1987. University of Waterloo Library. 1988.
- Carter. Guide to Reference Sources in the Computer Sciences. Macmillan Information. 1974.
- International Computer Bibliography: A Guide to Books on the Use, Application and Effect of Computers in Scientific, Commercial, Industrial and Social Environments. National Computing Centre. 1968.
- Blanc, Cotton, Pike and Watkins. Annotated Bibliography of the Literature on Resource Sharing Computer Networks. NBS Special Publication 384. National Bureau of Standards, US Department of Commerce. September 1973: . Revised 1976, by Wood, Watkins and Cotton: .
- Brodie, Michael L. Data Abstraction, Databases, and Conceptual Modelling: An Annotated Bibliography. (Reports on Computer Science and Technology). National Bureau of Standards. May 1980.
Bibliography of periodicals:
- Bibliographic Guide to Computer Science. G K Hall. 1987. 1988. 1989. 1990. 1991.
- Computer Books and Serials in Print. R R Bowker. 1984. 1985.
- Computer Science Index
- Computer Literature Index (1980 to 2002)
- Quarterly Bibliography of Computers and Data Processing (1968 to 1979)
- Computer and Control Abstracts
- Bradley, Ray. Understanding Computer Science for Advanced Level. Hutchinson Education. 1987. Stanley Thornes. 2nd Ed: 1991. 3rd Ed: 1995.
- Heathcote, P M. Computing - An Active-Learning Approach. Letts Educational. 1991. 2nd Ed: 1994. 3rd Ed: 1996. (A-level)
- Forsythe, Keenan, Organick and Steinberg. Computer Science: A First Course. John Wiley and Sons. 1969.
- Bartree, Thomas C. Digital Computer Fundamentals. International Student Edition. McGraw Hill Kogakusha. 1960. 2nd Ed: 1966. 3rd Ed: 1972. 4th Ed: 1977.
- Asser, Stigliano and Bahrenburg. Microcomputer Theory and Servicing. (Merrill's International Series in Engineering Technology). Merrill. Maxwell Macmillan. 1990. 2nd Ed: 1993.
- Gregory, A S. Bibliography on Computer Programming. National Engineering Laboratory. 1966.
- Computers in Information Sciences: Programming Language: A DDC Bibliography. DDC-TAS-73-4. AD-755 890. February 1973.
- Grooms, David W. Programming Language Design (A Bibliography with Abstracts). National Technical Information Service. September 1976. Review:
- Taylor, "An Annotated Bibliography of Future Programming" in Oxborrow (ed). Future Programming. (Infotech State of the Art Report). Infotech International. 1978. Volume 1.
- Balbin and Lecot. Logic Programming: A Classified Bibliography. Wildgrass Books. 1985.
- Data Processing and Programming: A Bibliography of Reports Listed in the Two OTS Semi-monthly Abstract Journals: U.S. Government Research Reports and Technical Translations. (OTS Selective Bibliography). Office of Technical Services.
General series
- Hayden Computer Programming Series
- Knuth, Donald E. The Art of Computer Programming.
Computer languages
High level languages
- Huggins, Eric. Mastering Pascal Programming. (Macmillan Master Series). Macmillan Education. 1983.
- McGregor and Watt. Pascal for Science and Engineering. Pitman. 1983.
- Overland, Brian. Java in Plain English. MIS:Press, subsidiary of Henry Holt and Company. 1996. 1997.
Low level languauges
Assembly languages
- Spracklen, Kathe. Z-80 and 8080 Assembly Language Programming. (Hayden Computer Programming Series). Hayden Book Company. 1979.
- Osborne and Raigrodski. Annotated Bibliography on Software Maintenance. (Reports on Computer Science and Technology). NBS Special Publication 500-141. National Bureau of Standards. September 1986.
- Stilwell, Thomas C. Software Directories for Microcomputers: An Annotated Bibliography. Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University. 1983.
- Burrows, B C, "An annotated bibliography of software reliability" in Bendell and Mellor. Software reliability. (State of the Art Report 14:2). Pergamon Infotech. 1986. Page 443
Data processing
- Martin, James. Principles of Data-Base Management. Prentice Hall. 1976.
History of computers
- Cortada, James W. A Bibliographic Guide to the History of Computing, Computers, and the Information Processing Industry. Greenwood Press. 1990.
- Cortada, James W. Second Bibliographic Guide to the History of Computing, Computers, and the Information Processing Industry. Greenwood Press. 1996.
- Yost, Jeffrey R. A Bibliographic Guide to Resources in Scientific Computing, 1945-1975. (Bibliographies and Indexes in Library and Information Science, Number 15). Greenwood Press. 2002.
- O'Regan, Gerard. Introduction to the History of Computing: A Computing History Primer. (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science). Springer. 2016.
- O'Regan, Gerard. A Brief History of Computing. Springer. 2008. 2nd Ed: 2012.
- Campbell-Kelly, Asprey, Ensmenger and Yost. Computer: A History of the Information Machine. 3rd Ed: Westview Press. 2014. Routledge. 2018.
- Ceruzzi, Paul E. A History of Modern Computing. MIT Press. 1998. 2nd Ed: 2003.
- Williams, Michael Roy. A History of Computing Technology. Prentice-Hall. 1985: . 2nd Ed. Wiley. 1997:
- Metropolis, Howlett and Rota (eds). History of Computing in the Twentieth Century. Academic Press. 1980.
- Hashagen, Keil-Slawik and Norberg (eds). History of Computing: Software Issues. (International Conference on the History of Computing). Springer. 2002.
- Tatnall, Blyth and Johnson (eds). Making the History of Computing Relevant. Springer. 2013.
- Tatnall, Arthur (ed). Reflections on the History of Computing: Preserving Memories and Sharing Stories. Springer. 2012.
- Rojas and Hashagen. The First Computers: History and Architectures. MIT Press. 2000. Paperback Ed: 2002.
- Lavington, Simon. Early British Computers: The Story of Vintage Computers and the People who Built Them. Manchester University Press. 1980.
- Burks and Burks. The First Electronic Computer: The Atanasoff Story. University of Michigan Press. 1989.
- Gandy, Anthony. The Early Computer Industry: Limitations of Scale and Scope. Palgrave Macmillan. 2013.
- Connolly, James M. History of Computing in Europe. IBM World Trade Corporation. 1967. Commentary:
- Rankin, Joy Lisi. A People's History of Computing in the United States. Harvard University Press. 2018.
- Impagliazzo, Järvi and Paju (eds). History of Nordic Computing 2. August 2007.
- Wurster, Christian. Computers: An Illustrated History. (Architecture and Design Series). Taschen. 2002.
Pre-computer history
Computers and literature
- Rudall and Corns. Computers and Literature: A Practical Guide. (Computer Language and Programming Series). Abacus Press. 1987.
- Jody and Saccardi. Using Computers to Teach Literature: A Teacher's Guide. National Council of Teachers of English.
- Ryan, Marie-Laure. Cyberspace Textuality: Computer Technology and Literary Theory. Indiana University Press. 1999.
There are also books on computers and the humanties, and on computers and the arts.
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