< System development < Modelling < Concepts

A project is a collaborative enterprise, that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim. The word project comes from the Latin word projectum from projicere, "to throw something forwards". This use of "project" changed in the 1950s when several techniques for project management were introduced.


SequenceProperty nameDatamodelDatatypeDefinition/ exampleDutchFrenchGermanSpanish
1ProgramProgramReference to ProgramProgramma
2Project nameProjectNameTextProjectnaam
3Project statusProjectStatusReference to ProjectStatusProjectstatus
4Project phaseProjectPhaseReference to ProjectPhaseProjectfase
5Start dateStartDateDateStartdatum
6End dateEndDateDateEinddatum
10Project ownerProjectOwnerTextProjecteigenaar
11Project managerProjectManagerTextProjectmanager
20Duration (worst case)DurationWorstCaseText
21Duration (most likely)DurationMostLikelyText
22Duration (best case)DurationBestCaseText

Fact types

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