This is an experimental course format and aims for a decentralized self-study course on Relativity. This page was started by me (jhouse), but I am not an authority on this topic.
Help Request! (By Jhouse 15:24, 25 August 2005 (UTC))
If you're checking this page out and wondering what's taking us so long, please go to Talk:Wikiversity#Math_support.3F and see if you can help us out. That's going to be a huge stumbling block for us if we don't figure out how to get around that.
Individual Responsibilities
There is no intention to recruit teachers to design a study plan, create/grade assignments, or provide insightful guidance. Instead this is intended to be a study group on the topic of Relativity. Regardless of how much you know coming into this, the hope is that study group memebers will take the following responsibilities:
- Ask questions about topics that you're currently interested in
- Provide your best guess as to the answer questions posted by others
- Point out how posted answers conflict with your current understanding
Goals of this Course
This is as much a relativity learning excercise as it is an exercise in learning how to do decentralized, self-organized courses online. Wikibooks and many other online sources can give you a self-teaching material, but that is not the goal here. This course aims to foster a collaborative working environment among the individual members. Any official reference material created by this course may be a mistake, but I anticipate much of it to reference other authorites on the topic(s) discussed. Jhouse 15:28, 17 August 2005 (UTC)
Discussion Group Members
- jhouse - Current Interests: General Relativity, tensors
- Gonzo - Current Interests: Persuit of Physics PhD in fields related to General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, String & M-Theory, Synchronization.
- Cronian - Current Interests: Interested in studying anything that involves learning more math
- w:user:lazyquasar - B.S. Engineering Physics, OSU, 1984. Currently researching distributed engineering R&D and cottage manufacuturing. Interested in reviewing mathematical/quantitative physics applicable to advanced space applicable technologies. Prefer online discussion forums with archival capability. My top priority is development of techniques and material appropriate for self initiated and managed 3rd & 4th world participation of distributed low cash entrepreneurial startups seeking local and globalization opportunities in expanding space industries.
- Quinjica- Current Interests: General Relativity, and Quantun Theory of General Relativity. My interests consists chiefly on the ´mix´of these two areas.
Authorities Offering Help
(please include some kind of contact info)
Discussion Pages
There are a number of course design issues that should be resolved before starting this section. Please click on the discussion tab at the top of this page.
This is still a work in progress. Edit it as you like (add detail, reorder, etc)
Available Online Reference Materials
- Wikibook targeted at undergrad level, Modern Physics
- Wikibooks Special relativity textbook
Tangent Modules
- Prediction & Implication of Antiparticles
- Study Group For Relativity/Proof of Antiparticles