< Socratic Methods
Read over this list of questions and classify each as being: 1) matters of fact, 2) matters of preference, or 3) matters of controversy, suitable for study using the Socratic Method.
- Are alien abductions real?
- Are bats mammals?
- Are corporations people?
- Are tomatoes fruits?
- Are we alone in the universe?
- Did Oswald act alone?
- Do copyright laws increase creativity?
- Do events happen in groups of three?
- Do patent laws increase innovation?
- Does contraception prevent abortion?
- Does vaccination improve public health?
- From what country does the US import most of its oil?
- Ginger or Marianne?
- How does a fact differ, if at all, from an opinion?
- How many days are in a week?
- How many died in automobile accidents last year in this country?
- How many justices are on the Supreme Court?
- How many people were killed in shark attacks last year?
- How many people, worldwide, are Christians?
- How many pints are in a quart?
- How many seconds are in an hour?
- How many times does the word “Freedom” appear in the US constitution?
- How many units are in a dozen?
- How old is the earth?
- How old is the universe?
- In what year did the earth’s population reach seven billion people?
- In what year did the earth’s population reach six billion people?
- In what year did the world population first reach one billion people?
- Is astrology accurate?
- Is generosity a virtue?
- Is homeopathy effective?
- Is homosexuality a sinful choice?
- Is mercy a virtue?
- Is Santa Claus real?
- Is the Easter Bunny real?
- Is the government hiding information on UFOs?
- Is the number thirteen unlucky?
- Many years after an acorn is planted it grows to become a huge oak tree. Where does most of the dry mass of that tree come from?
- Shaken or stirred?
- What are the five most important issues facing the American people?
- What are the top five causes of death in the United States?
- What are the top five causes of death worldwide?
- What caused the collapse of the twin towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001?
- What city is the capital of France?
- What establishes the basis for private ownership of land?
- What fraction of the US federal budget is the defense budget?
- What is civility?
- What is compassion?
- What is courage?
- What is fairness?
- What is fidelity?
- What is generosity?
- What is justice?
- What is mercy?
- What is temperance?
- What is the best book ever?
- What is the best movie ever?
- What is the best song ever?
- What is the combat history of the F-22 Raptor?
- What is the cost of the F-22 Raptor program?
- What is the military role of the F-22 Raptor?
- What is virtue?
- What is wisdom?
- What is your favorite color?
- What is your favorite flavor of ice-cream?
- What, if anything, establishes a fact?
- What, if anything, happens after death?
- When did life begin on earth?
- When did the first humans begin life on earth?
- Where did the first humans begin life on earth?
- Where does the US education system rank among countries in the developing world?
- Which of the ten amendments in the bill of rights is the most important?
- Who is the best artist?
- Who is the best composer?
- Who is the best musician?
- Who is the one true prophet?
- Who is the wisest person who ever lived?
- Why is generosity a virtue?
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