< Services Relationship Marketing

Week 14/Module 14

Weekly Objective

Learning Goals: LO3, LO4, LO5


Group Project Module (examples and all documents)


Group Project Peer Review

Onsite: Presentation of project

This week is normally reserved for additional onsite presentations for group projects as a continuation of the previous week.

Online courses (second presentation week is not needed) so there is a discussion.

Discussion: Excellence in Customer Service.

This is the final week in Services Relationship Marketing before finals week. I would like to have you look back on the work and reading materials you have covered this semester in the class and address a concept for discussion this week. What has resonated with you regarding this course or topics we have covered in this course? Please do not use the Mystery Shop group project as a topic for this discussion since the finals week threaded discussion will cover the group work aspect of this course.

Topics need only address content covered in this course, so please feel free to select the most influential aspect of the course. Include why it was you selected choice and support with any outside documentation. If you felt NOTHING in the course resonated with you, please address what could have been improved (or included) in this area.

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