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Spherical harmonics are still useful in the presence of V(r)
In the past Lesson we wrote the Hamiltonian for a system of two particles with a potential energy that depends only on their distance:
(Eq. 1)
We have described the solution in the particular case where r is constant (r = R):
(Eq. 2)
We can hope that the solution in the general case has the following structure:
(Eq. 3)
i.e. it is a product of a function of only the coordinate r times the spherical harmonics, eigenfunctions of the rigid rotor.
We are searching for the solution of:
(Eq. 4)
which can be rewritten as (see Exercises to see why):
(Eq. 5)
We have obtained an equation for R(r) which does not contain (θ, φ). So it is true that the solution for a generic potential V(r) can be expressed as the product of an angular part (the known spherical harmonic) and a radial part (which depends on the quantum number l) and is the solution of Equation 5.
Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the hydrogen atom
The potential energy between an electron and a proton is
(Eq. 6)
So the radial equation to be solved is
(Eq. 7)
The eigenvalues (given without proof) are:
(Eq. 8)
And they depend only on a new quantum number n named the principal quantum number which can take the values 1,2,3,... . However the total eigenfunction also contains the angular part as proposed in Equation 3 which will simply be the spherical harmonics.
The radial part R(r) must depend on the quantum number l, because it is a solution of Equation 7 which contains l. The total eigenfunctions have the following structure (note the indexes/quantum numbers):
(Eq. 9)
For each n the allowed values of the angular momentum quantum number l are l = 0, ... , n-1 and, for each l, the allowed values of the magnetic quantum numbers are m = -l, -l+1, ... , l.
It is often said that l determines the shape of the orbital and m its orientation. The orbitals are also called s, p, d, f, g for l = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively. So, when an orbital is denoted, for example, as 3d it is meant n=3 and l=2.
The hydrogen atom radial function
The functions Rnl(r) are tabulated. You need to remember just their general structure: Rnl(r) = (normalization) × (polynomial in r ÷ a) × (decaying exponential ~ exp(-r ÷ a) ).
A few examples are given below:
- 1s: Rn=1,l=0(r) = 2a-3/2exp(-r/a)
- 2s: Rn=2,l=0(r) = (2a)-3/2(2 - r/a)exp(-r/2a)
- 2p: Rn=2,l=1(r) = 3-1/2(2a)-3/2(r/a)exp(-r/2a)
where a ≈ 0.52 Å.
These are easy to plot considering that the number of nodes is n-l and that they tend to be more extended for larger values of n.
Multiple integrals involving polar coordinates
When we have to integrate a function of x,y,z over all space, we write a triple integral in this way:
When we use polar coordinates in 3D the element of volume dxdydz must be substituted by r2sinθdrdθdφ. To integrate a function over all space one has to write:
(Eq. 11)
Remembering that for all space, 0 < r < ∞ ; 0 < θ < π ; 0 < φ < 2π . If the angular and radial part are separable, the triple integral can be solved separately:
To practice with these integrals, we will check that the 1s wavefunction of the hydrogen atom is normalized.
The wavefunction is normalized if the integral of |Ψ1s|² = 1. In this particular case
It is easy to show that both terms in the square parentheses are equal to 1.
[In the last integral we substitute r/a for x]
Radial distribution function
The probability density of finding an electron at distance r is called the radial distribution function and it is given by Pnl(r) = r2 |Rnl(r)|2 (Eq. 12)
The reason for the extra factor r2 can be seen immediately if we express the probability of finding an electron at any angle θ or φ and at a distance between R1 and R2:
[The first term is one because spherical harmonics are normalized]
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Next: Lesson 8 - Operators and Measurements