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See special:permalink/1894891 for a wikitext version of this quiz.
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\author{The LaTex code that creates this quiz is released to the Public Domain\\
Attribution for each question is documented in the Appendix}
\\Latex markup at\\
\footnotesize{ \url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1894891}}
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 10\,V at a frequency of 60\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 15\,mF inductor?\ifkey\endnote{Example 15.1 from OpenStax University Physics2: http://cnx.org/content/col12074/1.3\_1 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1894891}}}\fi
\choice 1.208E+00\,A
\choice 1.329E+00\,A
\choice 1.461E+00\,A
\choice 1.608E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.768E+00\,A
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 10\,V at a frequency of 60\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 10\,mF capacitor?\ifkey\endnote{Example 15.1 from OpenStax University Physics2: http://cnx.org/content/col12074/1.3\_1 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1894891}}}\fi
\CorrectChoice 3.770E-02\,A
\choice 4.147E-02\,A
\choice 4.562E-02\,A
\choice 5.018E-02\,A
\choice 5.520E-02\,A
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 200\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.1\,V;. If R =4\,\textOmega\ , L= 3.00E-03H\,, and C=8.00E-04\,F, what is the impedance?\ifkey\endnote{Example 15.1 from OpenStax University Physics2: http://cnx.org/content/col12074/1.3\_1 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1894891}}}\fi
\choice 4.024E+00\,\textOmega\
\choice 4.426E+00\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 4.868E+00\,\textOmega\
\choice 5.355E+00\,\textOmega\
\choice 5.891E+00\,\textOmega\
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 200\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.1\,V;. If R =4\,\textOmega\ , L= 3.00E-03H\,, and C=8.00E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?\ifkey\endnote{Example 15.1 from OpenStax University Physics2: http://cnx.org/content/col12074/1.3\_1 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1894891}}}\fi
\choice 5.514E-01\, rad
\CorrectChoice 6.066E-01\, rad
\choice 6.672E-01\, rad
\choice 7.339E-01\, rad
\choice 8.073E-01\, rad
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 1.00E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 4\,V. If R =5\,\textOmega\ , L= 2.00E-03H\,, and C=4.00E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?\ifkey\endnote{Example 15.1 from OpenStax University Physics2: http://cnx.org/content/col12074/1.3\_1 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1894891}}}\fi
\choice 7.273E-01\,Watts
\CorrectChoice 8.000E-01\,Watts
\choice 8.800E-01\,Watts
\choice 9.680E-01\,Watts
\choice 1.065E+00\,Watts
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.1\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =4\,\textOmega\ , L= 3.00E-03H\,, and C=8.00E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?\ifkey\endnote{Example 15.4 from OpenStax University Physics2: http://cnx.org/content/col12074/1.3\_1 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1894891}}}\fi
\choice 2.066E-02\,A
\choice 2.273E-02\,A
\CorrectChoice 2.500E-02\,A
\choice 2.750E-02\,A
\choice 3.025E-02\,A
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=4\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.2\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.00E-03H\,, and C=2.00E-06\,F, respectively.\ifkey\endnote{Example 15.5 from OpenStax University Physics2: http://cnx.org/content/col12074/1.3\_1 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1894891}}}\fi
\choice Q = 1.278E+02
\choice Q = 1.470E+02
\choice Q = 1.691E+02
\choice Q = 1.944E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 2.236E+02
\question A step-down transformer steps 12\,kV down to 240\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 200\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 2\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 240\,V side ?)\ifkey\endnote{Lifted from Example 7.15 from OpenStax University Physics2: https://cnx.org/contents/eg-XcBxE@9.8:z70YwVma@4/156-Transformers\_1 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1894891}}}\fi
\CorrectChoice 1.000E+02\,A
\choice 1.100E+02\,A
\choice 1.210E+02\,A
\choice 1.331E+02\,A
\choice 1.464E+02\,A
\section{Renditions} %%% Renditions %%%%
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 1
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 78\,V at a frequency of 45\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 60\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.140E+00\,A
\choice 3.454E+00\,A
\choice 3.800E+00\,A
\choice 4.180E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 4.598E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 5\,V at a frequency of 52\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 49\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.839E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 3.123E-01\,A
\choice 3.435E-01\,A
\choice 3.779E-01\,A
\choice 4.157E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 97\,V at a frequency of 64\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 55\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 4.386E+00\,A
\choice 4.824E+00\,A
\choice 5.307E+00\,A
\choice 5.838E+00\,A
\choice 6.421E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 40\,V at a frequency of 130\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 52\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 7.783E-01\,A
\choice 8.561E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 9.417E-01\,A
\choice 1.036E+00\,A
\choice 1.140E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 60\,V at a frequency of 130\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 85\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 7.856E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 8.642E-01\,A
\choice 9.506E-01\,A
\choice 1.046E+00\,A
\choice 1.150E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 70\,V at a frequency of 63\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 34\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.908E+00\,A
\choice 4.298E+00\,A
\choice 4.728E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 5.201E+00\,A
\choice 5.721E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 3\,V at a frequency of 130\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 75\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.679E-02\,A
\choice 4.047E-02\,A
\choice 4.452E-02\,A
\CorrectChoice 4.897E-02\,A
\choice 5.387E-02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 73\,V at a frequency of 110\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 70\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.134E+00\,A
\choice 1.247E+00\,A
\choice 1.372E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.509E+00\,A
\choice 1.660E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 90\,V at a frequency of 130\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 20\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 5.008E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 5.509E+00\,A
\choice 6.060E+00\,A
\choice 6.666E+00\,A
\choice 7.333E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 69\,V at a frequency of 180\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 57\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 1.070E+00\,A
\choice 1.177E+00\,A
\choice 1.295E+00\,A
\choice 1.425E+00\,A
\choice 1.567E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 7\,V at a frequency of 190\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 44\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 9.102E-02\,A
\choice 1.001E-01\,A
\choice 1.101E-01\,A
\choice 1.211E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.333E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 37\,V at a frequency of 100\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 86\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.677E-01\,A
\choice 5.145E-01\,A
\choice 5.659E-01\,A
\choice 6.225E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 6.847E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 24\,V at a frequency of 120\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 96\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.014E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 3.316E-01\,A
\choice 3.647E-01\,A
\choice 4.012E-01\,A
\choice 4.413E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 58\,V at a frequency of 99\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 35\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.422E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 2.664E+00\,A
\choice 2.930E+00\,A
\choice 3.224E+00\,A
\choice 3.546E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 8\,V at a frequency of 80\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 14\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 8.541E-01\,A
\choice 9.395E-01\,A
\choice 1.033E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.137E+00\,A
\choice 1.251E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 46\,V at a frequency of 160\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 63\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.961E-01\,A
\choice 5.457E-01\,A
\choice 6.002E-01\,A
\choice 6.603E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 7.263E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 76\,V at a frequency of 180\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 14\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.606E+00\,A
\choice 3.967E+00\,A
\choice 4.364E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 4.800E+00\,A
\choice 5.280E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 75\,V at a frequency of 200\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 22\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.466E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 2.713E+00\,A
\choice 2.984E+00\,A
\choice 3.283E+00\,A
\choice 3.611E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 66\,V at a frequency of 180\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 97\,mF inductor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.972E-01\,A
\choice 5.469E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 6.016E-01\,A
\choice 6.618E-01\,A
\choice 7.280E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\end{questions}%%%%%%%% end questions
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 2
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 64\,V at a frequency of 95\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 99\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.126E+00\,A
\choice 3.438E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 3.782E+00\,A
\choice 4.160E+00\,A
\choice 4.576E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 58\,V at a frequency of 200\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 66\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.976E+00\,A
\choice 4.373E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 4.810E+00\,A
\choice 5.291E+00\,A
\choice 5.821E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 90\,V at a frequency of 64\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 16\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.351E-01\,A
\choice 4.786E-01\,A
\choice 5.264E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 5.791E-01\,A
\choice 6.370E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 87\,V at a frequency of 44\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 9\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.626E-01\,A
\choice 1.789E-01\,A
\choice 1.968E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 2.165E-01\,A
\choice 2.381E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 71\,V at a frequency of 68\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 35\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 7.252E-01\,A
\choice 7.977E-01\,A
\choice 8.775E-01\,A
\choice 9.652E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.062E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 85\,V at a frequency of 160\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 59\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 5.042E+00\,A
\choice 5.546E+00\,A
\choice 6.100E+00\,A
\choice 6.710E+00\,A
\choice 7.381E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 32\,V at a frequency of 120\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 14\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 3.378E-01\,A
\choice 3.716E-01\,A
\choice 4.087E-01\,A
\choice 4.496E-01\,A
\choice 4.945E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 50\,V at a frequency of 47\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 88\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.074E+00\,A
\choice 1.181E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.299E+00\,A
\choice 1.429E+00\,A
\choice 1.572E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 53\,V at a frequency of 190\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 85\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.445E+00\,A
\choice 4.889E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 5.378E+00\,A
\choice 5.916E+00\,A
\choice 6.507E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 49\,V at a frequency of 110\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 32\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 8.956E-01\,A
\choice 9.852E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.084E+00\,A
\choice 1.192E+00\,A
\choice 1.311E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 98\,V at a frequency of 110\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 2\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.232E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.355E-01\,A
\choice 1.490E-01\,A
\choice 1.639E-01\,A
\choice 1.803E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 51\,V at a frequency of 57\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 99\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.644E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.808E+00\,A
\choice 1.989E+00\,A
\choice 2.188E+00\,A
\choice 2.407E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 8\,V at a frequency of 85\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 16\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.669E-02\,A
\choice 5.136E-02\,A
\choice 5.650E-02\,A
\choice 6.215E-02\,A
\CorrectChoice 6.836E-02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 54\,V at a frequency of 120\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 7\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 2.850E-01\,A
\choice 3.135E-01\,A
\choice 3.449E-01\,A
\choice 3.793E-01\,A
\choice 4.173E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 64\,V at a frequency of 100\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 32\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.170E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.287E+00\,A
\choice 1.415E+00\,A
\choice 1.557E+00\,A
\choice 1.713E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 17\,V at a frequency of 120\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 6\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 5.253E-02\,A
\choice 5.778E-02\,A
\choice 6.356E-02\,A
\choice 6.991E-02\,A
\CorrectChoice 7.691E-02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 4\,V at a frequency of 160\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 19\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 6.946E-02\,A
\CorrectChoice 7.640E-02\,A
\choice 8.404E-02\,A
\choice 9.245E-02\,A
\choice 1.017E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 7\,V at a frequency of 95\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 50\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.427E-01\,A
\choice 1.570E-01\,A
\choice 1.727E-01\,A
\choice 1.899E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 2.089E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An ac generator produces an emf of amplitude 93\,V at a frequency of 160\,Hz. What is the maximum amplitude of the current if the generator is connected to a 70\,mF capacitor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.917E+00\,A
\choice 5.409E+00\,A
\choice 5.950E+00\,A
\CorrectChoice 6.545E+00\,A
\choice 7.199E+00\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\end{questions}%%%%%%%% end questions
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 3
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 510\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.69\,V;. If R =4\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.30E-03H\,, and C=9.20E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.054E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.159E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.275E+01\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 1.402E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.542E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 810\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.64\,V;. If R =6\,\textOmega\ , L= 8.70E-03H\,, and C=8.20E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 4.444E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 4.889E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 5.378E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 5.916E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 6.507E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 900\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.43\,V;. If R =7\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.60E-03H\,, and C=6.30E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.658E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 2.923E+01\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 3.216E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 3.537E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 3.891E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 680\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.79\,V;. If R =5\,\textOmega\ , L= 2.40E-03H\,, and C=9.10E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 8.398E+00\,\textOmega\
\choice 9.238E+00\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.016E+01\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 1.118E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.230E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 710\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.88\,V;. If R =2\,\textOmega\ , L= 2.60E-03H\,, and C=8.00E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.045E+01\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 1.149E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.264E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.391E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.530E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 890\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.12\,V;. If R =8\,\textOmega\ , L= 8.60E-03H\,, and C=9.90E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.318E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 3.649E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 4.014E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 4.416E+01\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 4.857E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 1.00E+03\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.6\,V;. If R =3\,\textOmega\ , L= 1.70E-03H\,, and C=5.40E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 8.123E+00\,\textOmega\
\choice 8.935E+00\,\textOmega\
\choice 9.828E+00\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 1.081E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.189E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 490\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.68\,V;. If R =9\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.80E-03H\,, and C=9.50E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 1.969E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 2.166E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 2.383E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 2.621E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 2.883E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 650\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.3\,V;. If R =3\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.90E-03H\,, and C=8.20E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.813E+01\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 1.994E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 2.193E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 2.413E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 2.654E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 370\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.14\,V;. If R =3\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.30E-03H\,, and C=5.50E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 8.958E+00\,\textOmega\
\choice 9.854E+00\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.084E+01\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 1.192E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.312E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 290\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.75\,V;. If R =2\,\textOmega\ , L= 8.00E-03H\,, and C=9.90E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 9.675E+00\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.064E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.171E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.288E+01\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 1.416E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 690\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.4\,V;. If R =3\,\textOmega\ , L= 3.00E-03H\,, and C=8.30E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 1.308E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.438E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.582E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.741E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.915E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 420\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.73\,V;. If R =2\,\textOmega\ , L= 9.60E-03H\,, and C=7.80E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.060E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 2.266E+01\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 2.493E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 2.742E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 3.016E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 540\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.18\,V;. If R =3\,\textOmega\ , L= 2.50E-03H\,, and C=8.20E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 7.872E+00\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 8.659E+00\,\textOmega\
\choice 9.525E+00\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.048E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.153E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 840\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.55\,V;. If R =4\,\textOmega\ , L= 9.30E-03H\,, and C=9.40E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.685E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 4.053E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 4.459E+01\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 4.905E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 5.395E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 470\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.67\,V;. If R =4\,\textOmega\ , L= 2.40E-03H\,, and C=5.10E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 6.254E+00\,\textOmega\
\choice 6.879E+00\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 7.567E+00\,\textOmega\
\choice 8.324E+00\,\textOmega\
\choice 9.156E+00\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 740\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.66\,V;. If R =3\,\textOmega\ , L= 2.40E-03H\,, and C=5.70E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 1.119E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.231E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.354E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.490E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 1.639E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 910\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.88\,V;. If R =7\,\textOmega\ , L= 6.80E-03H\,, and C=9.60E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.575E+01\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 3.933E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 4.326E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 4.758E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 5.234E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 760\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.18\,V;. If R =6\,\textOmega\ , L= 7.50E-03H\,, and C=7.50E-04\,F, what is the impedance?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.708E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 2.978E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 3.276E+01\,\textOmega\
\CorrectChoice 3.604E+01\,\textOmega\
\choice 3.964E+01\,\textOmega\
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\end{questions}%%%%%%%% end questions
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 4
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 480\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.17\,V;. If R =5\,\textOmega\ , L= 6.70E-03H\,, and C=6.30E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 1.322E+00\, rad
\choice 1.454E+00\, rad
\choice 1.600E+00\, rad
\choice 1.760E+00\, rad
\choice 1.936E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 300\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.76\,V;. If R =5\,\textOmega\ , L= 6.10E-03H\,, and C=5.80E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 7.714E-01\, rad
\choice 8.486E-01\, rad
\choice 9.334E-01\, rad
\choice 1.027E+00\, rad
\CorrectChoice 1.129E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 220\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.71\,V;. If R =7\,\textOmega\ , L= 8.20E-03H\,, and C=9.40E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 8.146E-01\, rad
\choice 8.960E-01\, rad
\CorrectChoice 9.856E-01\, rad
\choice 1.084E+00\, rad
\choice 1.193E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 160\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.47\,V;. If R =8\,\textOmega\ , L= 1.30E-03H\,, and C=6.40E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.111E-02\, rad
\choice 2.322E-02\, rad
\choice 2.554E-02\, rad
\choice 2.810E-02\, rad
\CorrectChoice 3.091E-02\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 860\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.59\,V;. If R =9\,\textOmega\ , L= 8.40E-03H\,, and C=8.80E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.032E+00\, rad
\choice 1.136E+00\, rad
\choice 1.249E+00\, rad
\CorrectChoice 1.374E+00\, rad
\choice 1.512E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 830\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.73\,V;. If R =8\,\textOmega\ , L= 2.80E-03H\,, and C=5.80E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 8.759E-01\, rad
\choice 9.635E-01\, rad
\CorrectChoice 1.060E+00\, rad
\choice 1.166E+00\, rad
\choice 1.282E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 970\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.11\,V;. If R =9\,\textOmega\ , L= 8.50E-03H\,, and C=7.00E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 1.398E+00\, rad
\choice 1.538E+00\, rad
\choice 1.692E+00\, rad
\choice 1.861E+00\, rad
\choice 2.047E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 760\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.43\,V;. If R =7\,\textOmega\ , L= 7.40E-03H\,, and C=6.00E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 9.380E-01\, rad
\choice 1.032E+00\, rad
\choice 1.135E+00\, rad
\choice 1.248E+00\, rad
\CorrectChoice 1.373E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 760\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.23\,V;. If R =4\,\textOmega\ , L= 7.70E-03H\,, and C=9.30E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.329E+00\, rad
\CorrectChoice 1.462E+00\, rad
\choice 1.608E+00\, rad
\choice 1.769E+00\, rad
\choice 1.946E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 720\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.63\,V;. If R =5\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.20E-03H\,, and C=5.80E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.081E+00\, rad
\choice 1.189E+00\, rad
\CorrectChoice 1.308E+00\, rad
\choice 1.439E+00\, rad
\choice 1.583E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 320\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.69\,V;. If R =6\,\textOmega\ , L= 6.80E-03H\,, and C=9.40E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 1.143E+00\, rad
\choice 1.257E+00\, rad
\choice 1.382E+00\, rad
\choice 1.521E+00\, rad
\choice 1.673E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 510\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.24\,V;. If R =7\,\textOmega\ , L= 2.90E-03H\,, and C=9.00E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 7.495E-01\, rad
\choice 8.244E-01\, rad
\CorrectChoice 9.068E-01\, rad
\choice 9.975E-01\, rad
\choice 1.097E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 750\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.88\,V;. If R =4\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.60E-03H\,, and C=9.70E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.290E+00\, rad
\CorrectChoice 1.419E+00\, rad
\choice 1.561E+00\, rad
\choice 1.717E+00\, rad
\choice 1.889E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 410\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.82\,V;. If R =7\,\textOmega\ , L= 9.70E-03H\,, and C=9.00E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.176E+00\, rad
\CorrectChoice 1.293E+00\, rad
\choice 1.422E+00\, rad
\choice 1.565E+00\, rad
\choice 1.721E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 280\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.35\,V;. If R =5\,\textOmega\ , L= 9.50E-03H\,, and C=6.90E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 8.646E-01\, rad
\choice 9.511E-01\, rad
\choice 1.046E+00\, rad
\choice 1.151E+00\, rad
\CorrectChoice 1.266E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 360\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.17\,V;. If R =9\,\textOmega\ , L= 2.60E-03H\,, and C=8.00E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.860E-01\, rad
\CorrectChoice 5.346E-01\, rad
\choice 5.880E-01\, rad
\choice 6.468E-01\, rad
\choice 7.115E-01\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 890\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.58\,V;. If R =9\,\textOmega\ , L= 2.90E-03H\,, and C=8.30E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 7.952E-01\, rad
\choice 8.747E-01\, rad
\choice 9.622E-01\, rad
\CorrectChoice 1.058E+00\, rad
\choice 1.164E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 200\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.14\,V;. If R =3\,\textOmega\ , L= 1.70E-03H\,, and C=9.40E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.691E-01\, rad
\CorrectChoice 4.060E-01\, rad
\choice 4.466E-01\, rad
\choice 4.913E-01\, rad
\choice 5.404E-01\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 480\,Hz and an amplitude of 0.63\,V;. If R =7\,\textOmega\ , L= 3.80E-03H\,, and C=5.30E-04\,F, what is the magnitude (absolute value) of the phase difference between current and emf?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 9.972E-01\, rad
\choice 1.097E+00\, rad
\choice 1.207E+00\, rad
\choice 1.327E+00\, rad
\choice 1.460E+00\, rad
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\end{questions}%%%%%%%% end questions
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 5
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 8.20E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 4\,V. If R =5\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.40E-03H\,, and C=9.80E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.865E-04\,Watts
\CorrectChoice 2.051E-04\,Watts
\choice 2.256E-04\,Watts
\choice 2.482E-04\,Watts
\choice 2.730E-04\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 4.30E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 6\,V. If R =6\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.20E-03H\,, and C=8.60E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.511E-03\,Watts
\choice 1.662E-03\,Watts
\choice 1.828E-03\,Watts
\choice 2.011E-03\,Watts
\CorrectChoice 2.212E-03\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 6.10E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 9\,V. If R =4\,\textOmega\ , L= 3.40E-03H\,, and C=8.10E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 3.839E-03\,Watts
\choice 4.223E-03\,Watts
\choice 4.646E-03\,Watts
\choice 5.110E-03\,Watts
\choice 5.621E-03\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 3.40E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 8\,V. If R =4\,\textOmega\ , L= 6.60E-03H\,, and C=5.30E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.007E-03\,Watts
\choice 2.208E-03\,Watts
\choice 2.429E-03\,Watts
\CorrectChoice 2.672E-03\,Watts
\choice 2.939E-03\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 2.70E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 8\,V. If R =4\,\textOmega\ , L= 9.10E-03H\,, and C=9.60E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 2.188E-03\,Watts
\choice 2.407E-03\,Watts
\choice 2.647E-03\,Watts
\choice 2.912E-03\,Watts
\choice 3.203E-03\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 3.50E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 8\,V. If R =7\,\textOmega\ , L= 9.40E-03H\,, and C=8.50E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 2.111E-03\,Watts
\choice 2.323E-03\,Watts
\choice 2.555E-03\,Watts
\choice 2.810E-03\,Watts
\choice 3.091E-03\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 5.50E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 2\,V. If R =8\,\textOmega\ , L= 9.60E-03H\,, and C=8.30E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.347E-05\,Watts
\choice 4.782E-05\,Watts
\choice 5.260E-05\,Watts
\CorrectChoice 5.786E-05\,Watts
\choice 6.364E-05\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 2.30E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 3\,V. If R =5\,\textOmega\ , L= 3.90E-03H\,, and C=9.00E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.339E-03\,Watts
\choice 2.573E-03\,Watts
\choice 2.830E-03\,Watts
\CorrectChoice 3.113E-03\,Watts
\choice 3.424E-03\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 5.40E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 6\,V. If R =2\,\textOmega\ , L= 6.80E-03H\,, and C=9.90E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.452E-04\,Watts
\CorrectChoice 2.697E-04\,Watts
\choice 2.967E-04\,Watts
\choice 3.264E-04\,Watts
\choice 3.590E-04\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 1.90E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 3\,V. If R =8\,\textOmega\ , L= 9.70E-03H\,, and C=9.70E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 7.670E-04\,Watts
\choice 8.436E-04\,Watts
\choice 9.280E-04\,Watts
\choice 1.021E-03\,Watts
\CorrectChoice 1.123E-03\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 3.60E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 9\,V. If R =2\,\textOmega\ , L= 7.60E-03H\,, and C=7.50E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.011E-03\,Watts
\CorrectChoice 1.112E-03\,Watts
\choice 1.223E-03\,Watts
\choice 1.345E-03\,Watts
\choice 1.480E-03\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 5.00E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 5\,V. If R =6\,\textOmega\ , L= 2.50E-03H\,, and C=5.20E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 5.097E-03\,Watts
\choice 5.607E-03\,Watts
\choice 6.167E-03\,Watts
\choice 6.784E-03\,Watts
\choice 7.463E-03\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 2.30E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 7\,V. If R =3\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.10E-03H\,, and C=8.70E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 8.369E-03\,Watts
\CorrectChoice 9.206E-03\,Watts
\choice 1.013E-02\,Watts
\choice 1.114E-02\,Watts
\choice 1.225E-02\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 6.10E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 8\,V. If R =5\,\textOmega\ , L= 9.10E-03H\,, and C=8.80E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.320E-04\,Watts
\choice 4.752E-04\,Watts
\CorrectChoice 5.227E-04\,Watts
\choice 5.750E-04\,Watts
\choice 6.325E-04\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 4.00E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 8\,V. If R =4\,\textOmega\ , L= 7.00E-03H\,, and C=6.60E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.146E-03\,Watts
\choice 1.260E-03\,Watts
\choice 1.386E-03\,Watts
\choice 1.525E-03\,Watts
\CorrectChoice 1.677E-03\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 7.60E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 5\,V. If R =6\,\textOmega\ , L= 3.70E-03H\,, and C=5.80E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 7.239E-04\,Watts
\choice 7.963E-04\,Watts
\choice 8.759E-04\,Watts
\CorrectChoice 9.635E-04\,Watts
\choice 1.060E-03\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 8.00E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 2\,V. If R =7\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.60E-03H\,, and C=5.30E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 1.047E-04\,Watts
\choice 1.151E-04\,Watts
\choice 1.267E-04\,Watts
\choice 1.393E-04\,Watts
\choice 1.533E-04\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 5.70E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 5\,V. If R =9\,\textOmega\ , L= 6.10E-03H\,, and C=6.60E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 9.443E-04\,Watts
\choice 1.039E-03\,Watts
\choice 1.143E-03\,Watts
\choice 1.257E-03\,Watts
\choice 1.383E-03\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The output of an ac generator connected to an RLC series combination has a frequency of 6.00E+04\,Hz and an amplitude of 2\,V. If R =3\,\textOmega\ , L= 7.20E-03H\,, and C=6.50E-06\,F, what is the rms power transferred to the resistor?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.222E-05\,Watts
\choice 2.444E-05\,Watts
\choice 2.689E-05\,Watts
\choice 2.958E-05\,Watts
\CorrectChoice 3.253E-05\,Watts
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\end{questions}%%%%%%%% end questions
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 6
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.38\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =7\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.10E-03H\,, and C=7.40E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.486E-02\,A
\choice 4.935E-02\,A
\CorrectChoice 5.429E-02\,A
\choice 5.971E-02\,A
\choice 6.569E-02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.62\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =6\,\textOmega\ , L= 8.10E-03H\,, and C=6.40E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 7.058E-02\,A
\choice 7.764E-02\,A
\choice 8.540E-02\,A
\choice 9.394E-02\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.033E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.16\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =8\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.40E-03H\,, and C=5.40E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 2.000E-02\,A
\choice 2.200E-02\,A
\choice 2.420E-02\,A
\choice 2.662E-02\,A
\choice 2.928E-02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.77\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =3\,\textOmega\ , L= 6.70E-03H\,, and C=7.10E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.333E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 2.567E-01\,A
\choice 2.823E-01\,A
\choice 3.106E-01\,A
\choice 3.416E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.82\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =8\,\textOmega\ , L= 6.40E-03H\,, and C=5.70E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 7.701E-02\,A
\choice 8.471E-02\,A
\choice 9.318E-02\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.025E-01\,A
\choice 1.128E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.64\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =2\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.00E-03H\,, and C=8.30E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 3.200E-01\,A
\choice 3.520E-01\,A
\choice 3.872E-01\,A
\choice 4.259E-01\,A
\choice 4.685E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.8\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =7\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.90E-03H\,, and C=8.50E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.039E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.143E-01\,A
\choice 1.257E-01\,A
\choice 1.383E-01\,A
\choice 1.521E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.25\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =3\,\textOmega\ , L= 2.20E-03H\,, and C=6.30E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 7.576E-02\,A
\CorrectChoice 8.333E-02\,A
\choice 9.167E-02\,A
\choice 1.008E-01\,A
\choice 1.109E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.25\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =7\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.00E-03H\,, and C=7.70E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.439E-02\,A
\choice 2.683E-02\,A
\choice 2.952E-02\,A
\choice 3.247E-02\,A
\CorrectChoice 3.571E-02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.88\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =7\,\textOmega\ , L= 8.00E-03H\,, and C=5.50E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.143E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.257E-01\,A
\choice 1.383E-01\,A
\choice 1.521E-01\,A
\choice 1.673E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.3\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =2\,\textOmega\ , L= 8.10E-03H\,, and C=9.40E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.364E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.500E-01\,A
\choice 1.650E-01\,A
\choice 1.815E-01\,A
\choice 1.997E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.31\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =5\,\textOmega\ , L= 9.00E-03H\,, and C=5.10E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.235E-02\,A
\choice 4.658E-02\,A
\choice 5.124E-02\,A
\choice 5.636E-02\,A
\CorrectChoice 6.200E-02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.82\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =3\,\textOmega\ , L= 6.20E-03H\,, and C=6.70E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.259E-01\,A
\choice 2.485E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 2.733E-01\,A
\choice 3.007E-01\,A
\choice 3.307E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.75\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =5\,\textOmega\ , L= 9.90E-03H\,, and C=6.80E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.240E-01\,A
\choice 1.364E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.500E-01\,A
\choice 1.650E-01\,A
\choice 1.815E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.83\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =9\,\textOmega\ , L= 8.50E-03H\,, and C=7.20E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 8.384E-02\,A
\CorrectChoice 9.222E-02\,A
\choice 1.014E-01\,A
\choice 1.116E-01\,A
\choice 1.227E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.76\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =8\,\textOmega\ , L= 3.80E-03H\,, and C=5.60E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 8.636E-02\,A
\CorrectChoice 9.500E-02\,A
\choice 1.045E-01\,A
\choice 1.150E-01\,A
\choice 1.264E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.83\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =4\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.60E-03H\,, and C=8.10E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.417E-01\,A
\choice 1.559E-01\,A
\choice 1.715E-01\,A
\choice 1.886E-01\,A
\CorrectChoice 2.075E-01\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.44\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =7\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.40E-03H\,, and C=5.70E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.723E-02\,A
\choice 5.195E-02\,A
\choice 5.714E-02\,A
\CorrectChoice 6.286E-02\,A
\choice 6.914E-02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question An RLC series combination is driven with an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=0.12\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =3\,\textOmega\ , L= 8.80E-03H\,, and C=6.40E-04\,F, respectively. What is the amplitude of the current?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.732E-02\,A
\choice 3.005E-02\,A
\choice 3.306E-02\,A
\choice 3.636E-02\,A
\CorrectChoice 4.000E-02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\end{questions}%%%%%%%% end questions
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 7
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=1\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.21\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.80E-03H\,, and C=3.60E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice Q = 1.739E+02
\choice Q = 2.000E+02
\choice Q = 2.300E+02
\choice Q = 2.645E+02
\choice Q = 3.041E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=3\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.14\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.20E-03H\,, and C=2.90E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 2.287E+02
\choice Q = 2.630E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 3.025E+02
\choice Q = 3.478E+02
\choice Q = 4.000E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=2\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.25\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.20E-03H\,, and C=2.70E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 1.372E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 1.578E+02
\choice Q = 1.814E+02
\choice Q = 2.086E+02
\choice Q = 2.399E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=3\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.22\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.10E-03H\,, and C=2.50E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice Q = 2.053E+02
\choice Q = 2.361E+02
\choice Q = 2.715E+02
\choice Q = 3.122E+02
\choice Q = 3.591E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=6\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.27\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.20E-03H\,, and C=3.70E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 7.135E+01
\choice Q = 8.205E+01
\choice Q = 9.435E+01
\choice Q = 1.085E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 1.248E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=4\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.2\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.90E-03H\,, and C=2.10E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 1.381E+02
\choice Q = 1.588E+02
\choice Q = 1.826E+02
\choice Q = 2.100E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 2.415E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=2\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.28\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.70E-03H\,, and C=2.50E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 1.171E+02
\choice Q = 1.347E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 1.549E+02
\choice Q = 1.781E+02
\choice Q = 2.048E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=3\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.21\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.70E-03H\,, and C=3.70E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 1.476E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 1.697E+02
\choice Q = 1.952E+02
\choice Q = 2.245E+02
\choice Q = 2.581E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=5\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.13\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.30E-03H\,, and C=2.60E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 1.986E+02
\choice Q = 2.284E+02
\choice Q = 2.626E+02
\choice Q = 3.020E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 3.473E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=5\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.27\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.30E-03H\,, and C=2.20E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 1.238E+02
\choice Q = 1.424E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 1.637E+02
\choice Q = 1.883E+02
\choice Q = 2.165E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=4\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.25\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.80E-03H\,, and C=2.60E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 1.300E+02
\choice Q = 1.495E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 1.719E+02
\choice Q = 1.976E+02
\choice Q = 2.273E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=3\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.25\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.70E-03H\,, and C=3.30E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 1.313E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 1.510E+02
\choice Q = 1.736E+02
\choice Q = 1.996E+02
\choice Q = 2.296E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=5\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.21\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.40E-03H\,, and C=3.20E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 1.286E+02
\choice Q = 1.479E+02
\choice Q = 1.701E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 1.956E+02
\choice Q = 2.250E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=3\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.29\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.80E-03H\,, and C=2.60E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 1.288E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 1.482E+02
\choice Q = 1.704E+02
\choice Q = 1.959E+02
\choice Q = 2.253E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=6\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.3\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.90E-03H\,, and C=3.80E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 7.510E+01
\choice Q = 8.636E+01
\choice Q = 9.932E+01
\choice Q = 1.142E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 1.313E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=5\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.17\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.40E-03H\,, and C=3.40E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 1.391E+02
\choice Q = 1.600E+02
\choice Q = 1.840E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 2.116E+02
\choice Q = 2.434E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=2\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.25\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.40E-03H\,, and C=3.20E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 9.395E+01
\choice Q = 1.080E+02
\choice Q = 1.242E+02
\choice Q = 1.429E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 1.643E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=4\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.2\,\textOmega\ , L= 5.00E-03H\,, and C=3.20E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 1.300E+02
\choice Q = 1.494E+02
\choice Q = 1.719E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 1.976E+02
\choice Q = 2.273E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The quality factor Q is a dimensionless paramater involving the relative values of the magnitudes of the at three impedances (R,\,X\textsubscript{L},\,X\textsubscript{C}). Since Q is calculatedat resonance, X\textsubscript{L},\,\,X\textsubscript{C} and only twoimpedances are involved, Q= \textomega\ \textsubscript{0}L/R is defined so that Q is large if the resistance is low. Calculate the Q of an LRC series driven at resonance by an applied voltage of of V=V\textsubscript{0}sin(\textomega\ t), where V\textsubscript{0}=1\,V. The resistance, inductance, and capacitance are R =0.2\,\textOmega\ , L= 4.30E-03H\,, and C=3.20E-06\,F, respectively.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice Q = 1.048E+02
\choice Q = 1.205E+02
\choice Q = 1.386E+02
\choice Q = 1.594E+02
\CorrectChoice Q = 1.833E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\end{questions}%%%%%%%% end questions
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 8
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question A step-down transformer steps 19\,kV down to 220\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 250\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 4\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 220\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.595E+02\,A
\choice 2.855E+02\,A
\choice 3.140E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 3.455E+02\,A
\choice 3.800E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 14\,kV down to 210\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 240\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 3\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 210\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 2.000E+02\,A
\choice 2.200E+02\,A
\choice 2.420E+02\,A
\choice 2.662E+02\,A
\choice 2.928E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 18\,kV down to 260\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 290\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 3\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 260\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.888E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 2.077E+02\,A
\choice 2.285E+02\,A
\choice 2.513E+02\,A
\choice 2.764E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 9\,kV down to 210\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 170\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 5\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 210\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.948E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 2.143E+02\,A
\choice 2.357E+02\,A
\choice 2.593E+02\,A
\choice 2.852E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 18\,kV down to 230\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 250\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 8\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 230\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 5.174E+02\,A
\choice 5.692E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 6.261E+02\,A
\choice 6.887E+02\,A
\choice 7.576E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 19\,kV down to 220\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 230\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 5\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 220\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.244E+02\,A
\choice 3.569E+02\,A
\choice 3.926E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 4.318E+02\,A
\choice 4.750E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 8\,kV down to 220\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 110\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 8\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 220\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.404E+02\,A
\choice 2.645E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 2.909E+02\,A
\choice 3.200E+02\,A
\choice 3.520E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 15\,kV down to 240\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 200\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 4\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 240\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.708E+02\,A
\choice 1.878E+02\,A
\choice 2.066E+02\,A
\choice 2.273E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 2.500E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 12\,kV down to 170\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 140\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 9\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 170\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.773E+02\,A
\choice 5.250E+02\,A
\choice 5.775E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 6.353E+02\,A
\choice 6.988E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 16\,kV down to 210\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 200\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 7\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 210\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.007E+02\,A
\choice 4.408E+02\,A
\choice 4.848E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 5.333E+02\,A
\choice 5.867E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 18\,kV down to 170\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 240\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 5\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 170\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 5.294E+02\,A
\choice 5.824E+02\,A
\choice 6.406E+02\,A
\choice 7.046E+02\,A
\choice 7.751E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 15\,kV down to 240\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 120\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 3\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 240\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.550E+02\,A
\choice 1.705E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.875E+02\,A
\choice 2.063E+02\,A
\choice 2.269E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 18\,kV down to 170\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 230\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 5\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 170\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.375E+02\,A
\choice 4.813E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 5.294E+02\,A
\choice 5.824E+02\,A
\choice 6.406E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 6\,kV down to 190\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 130\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 6\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 190\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.424E+02\,A
\choice 1.566E+02\,A
\choice 1.722E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.895E+02\,A
\choice 2.084E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 7\,kV down to 190\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 240\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 5\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 190\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.675E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 1.842E+02\,A
\choice 2.026E+02\,A
\choice 2.229E+02\,A
\choice 2.452E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 9\,kV down to 160\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 260\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 7\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 160\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 3.938E+02\,A
\choice 4.331E+02\,A
\choice 4.764E+02\,A
\choice 5.241E+02\,A
\choice 5.765E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 12\,kV down to 230\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 140\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 5\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 230\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.156E+02\,A
\choice 2.372E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 2.609E+02\,A
\choice 2.870E+02\,A
\choice 3.157E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 19\,kV down to 260\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 290\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 6\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 260\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.294E+02\,A
\choice 3.624E+02\,A
\choice 3.986E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 4.385E+02\,A
\choice 4.823E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A step-down transformer steps 15\,kV down to 250\,V. The high-voltage input is provided by a 130\,\textOmega\ power line that carries 4\,A of currentWhat is the output current (at the 250\,V side ?)
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.983E+02\,A
\choice 2.182E+02\,A
\CorrectChoice 2.400E+02\,A
\choice 2.640E+02\,A
\choice 2.904E+02\,A
\end{choices} %%% end choices
END LaTexMarkup
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