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\author{The LaTex code that creates this quiz is released to the Public Domain\\
Attribution for each question is documented in the Appendix}
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\footnotesize{ \url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863399}}
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.35+2.57z)\rho^3\hat\rho +7.45z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.\ifkey\endnote{c19ElectricPotentialField\_SurfaceIntegral\_1 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863399}}}\fi
\choice 1.148E+03
\choice 1.391E+03
\CorrectChoice 1.685E+03
\choice 2.042E+03
\choice 2.473E+03
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.35+2.57z)\rho^3\hat\rho +7.45z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.\ifkey\endnote{c19ElectricPotentialField\_SurfaceIntegral\_2 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863399}}}\fi
\choice 2.221E+03
\choice 2.690E+03
\choice 3.259E+03
\choice 3.949E+03
\CorrectChoice 4.784E+03
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.35+2.57z)\rho^3\hat\rho +7.45z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.\ifkey\endnote{c19ElectricPotentialField\_SurfaceIntegral\_3 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863399}}}\fi
\choice 4.59E+03
\choice 5.56E+03
\choice 6.73E+03
\CorrectChoice 8.15E+03
\choice 9.88E+03
\section{Renditions} %%% Renditions %%%%
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 1
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.05+2.59z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.4z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 6.908E+02
\CorrectChoice 8.369E+02
\choice 1.014E+03
\choice 1.228E+03
\choice 1.488E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.12+1.85z)\rho^3\hat\rho +8.88z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.041E+02
\choice 3.684E+02
\CorrectChoice 4.464E+02
\choice 5.408E+02
\choice 6.552E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2+1.45z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.02z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.742E+02
\choice 4.534E+02
\choice 5.493E+02
\choice 6.655E+02
\CorrectChoice 8.063E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.14+2.8z)\rho^2\hat\rho +9.94z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.810E+02
\choice 3.404E+02
\choice 4.124E+02
\CorrectChoice 4.996E+02
\choice 6.053E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.85+1.33z)\rho^3\hat\rho +7.52z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.304E+03
\choice 1.579E+03
\CorrectChoice 1.914E+03
\choice 2.318E+03
\choice 2.809E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.07+2.87z)\rho^2\hat\rho +9.56z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 7.933E+02
\CorrectChoice 9.611E+02
\choice 1.164E+03
\choice 1.411E+03
\choice 1.709E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.17+1.5z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.75z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.630E+02
\CorrectChoice 4.398E+02
\choice 5.329E+02
\choice 6.456E+02
\choice 7.821E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.28+1.72z)\rho^3\hat\rho +7.33z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.597E+03
\choice 3.147E+03
\choice 3.812E+03
\choice 4.619E+03
\CorrectChoice 5.596E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.04+1.66z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.54z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 8.528E+02
\choice 1.033E+03
\choice 1.252E+03
\choice 1.516E+03
\choice 1.837E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.21+1.16z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.96z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.417E+03
\choice 4.140E+03
\choice 5.016E+03
\CorrectChoice 6.077E+03
\choice 7.362E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.12+1.68z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.83z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.593E+03
\choice 5.564E+03
\CorrectChoice 6.741E+03
\choice 8.167E+03
\choice 9.894E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.05+2.05z)\rho^2\hat\rho +9.62z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.489E+02
\choice 5.438E+02
\choice 6.589E+02
\choice 7.983E+02
\CorrectChoice 9.671E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.93+2.31z)\rho^3\hat\rho +7.21z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 6.731E+02
\CorrectChoice 8.154E+02
\choice 9.879E+02
\choice 1.197E+03
\choice 1.450E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.24+1.11z)\rho^3\hat\rho +8.16z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 2.769E+03
\choice 3.354E+03
\choice 4.064E+03
\choice 4.923E+03
\choice 5.965E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.96+2.52z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.11z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.522E+02
\choice 5.478E+02
\choice 6.637E+02
\CorrectChoice 8.041E+02
\choice 9.742E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.86+2.43z)\rho^2\hat\rho +9.75z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 6.201E+02
\choice 7.513E+02
\choice 9.102E+02
\CorrectChoice 1.103E+03
\choice 1.336E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.24+2.08z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.93z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.704E+03
\choice 2.064E+03
\choice 2.501E+03
\CorrectChoice 3.030E+03
\choice 3.671E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.89+1.31z)\rho^3\hat\rho +8.35z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 5.311E+02
\choice 6.434E+02
\choice 7.795E+02
\CorrectChoice 9.444E+02
\choice 1.144E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.37+2.6z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.84z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.362E+03
\choice 1.650E+03
\CorrectChoice 2.000E+03
\choice 2.423E+03
\choice 2.935E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.45+2.26z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.92z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 5.043E+02
\choice 6.109E+02
\choice 7.402E+02
\CorrectChoice 8.967E+02
\choice 1.086E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.88+1.29z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.2z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.248E+03
\choice 1.512E+03
\CorrectChoice 1.832E+03
\choice 2.220E+03
\choice 2.689E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.44+2.86z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.42z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{top}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the top surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 5.664E+03
\choice 6.863E+03
\choice 8.314E+03
\choice 1.007E+04
\choice 1.220E+04
\end{questions}%%%%%%%% end questions
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 2
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.05+2.59z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.4z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 6.457E+02
\choice 7.823E+02
\choice 9.477E+02
\choice 1.148E+03
\CorrectChoice 1.391E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.12+1.85z)\rho^3\hat\rho +8.88z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 8.525E+02
\choice 1.033E+03
\choice 1.251E+03
\choice 1.516E+03
\choice 1.837E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2+1.45z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.02z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 4.021E+02
\choice 4.872E+02
\choice 5.902E+02
\choice 7.151E+02
\choice 8.663E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.14+2.8z)\rho^2\hat\rho +9.94z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.420E+02
\choice 2.931E+02
\choice 3.551E+02
\CorrectChoice 4.303E+02
\choice 5.213E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.85+1.33z)\rho^3\hat\rho +7.52z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.622E+03
\choice 3.177E+03
\choice 3.849E+03
\choice 4.663E+03
\CorrectChoice 5.649E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.07+2.87z)\rho^2\hat\rho +9.56z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 4.162E+02
\choice 5.042E+02
\choice 6.109E+02
\choice 7.401E+02
\choice 8.967E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.17+1.5z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.75z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.454E+02
\choice 2.973E+02
\choice 3.601E+02
\CorrectChoice 4.363E+02
\choice 5.286E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.28+1.72z)\rho^3\hat\rho +7.33z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.232E+03
\choice 3.915E+03
\choice 4.743E+03
\choice 5.747E+03
\CorrectChoice 6.962E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.04+1.66z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.54z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 9.431E+02
\choice 1.143E+03
\CorrectChoice 1.384E+03
\choice 1.677E+03
\choice 2.032E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.21+1.16z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.96z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.533E+03
\choice 1.857E+03
\CorrectChoice 2.250E+03
\choice 2.725E+03
\choice 3.302E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.12+1.68z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.83z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 2.158E+03
\choice 2.614E+03
\choice 3.167E+03
\choice 3.837E+03
\choice 4.649E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.05+2.05z)\rho^2\hat\rho +9.62z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.318E+02
\choice 2.808E+02
\choice 3.402E+02
\CorrectChoice 4.122E+02
\choice 4.994E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.93+2.31z)\rho^3\hat\rho +7.21z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 6.546E+02
\choice 7.931E+02
\choice 9.609E+02
\CorrectChoice 1.164E+03
\choice 1.410E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.24+1.11z)\rho^3\hat\rho +8.16z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 9.205E+02
\choice 1.115E+03
\CorrectChoice 1.351E+03
\choice 1.637E+03
\choice 1.983E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.96+2.52z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.11z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.027E+02
\choice 4.879E+02
\CorrectChoice 5.911E+02
\choice 7.162E+02
\choice 8.676E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.86+2.43z)\rho^2\hat\rho +9.75z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 5.610E+02
\choice 6.796E+02
\choice 8.234E+02
\choice 9.975E+02
\choice 1.209E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.24+2.08z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.93z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.799E+02
\choice 4.603E+02
\choice 5.576E+02
\CorrectChoice 6.756E+02
\choice 8.185E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.89+1.31z)\rho^3\hat\rho +8.35z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 6.411E+02
\choice 7.767E+02
\choice 9.410E+02
\CorrectChoice 1.140E+03
\choice 1.381E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.37+2.6z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.84z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 7.465E+02
\choice 9.044E+02
\choice 1.096E+03
\choice 1.327E+03
\CorrectChoice 1.608E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.45+2.26z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.92z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.356E+02
\choice 4.066E+02
\CorrectChoice 4.926E+02
\choice 5.968E+02
\choice 7.230E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.88+1.29z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.2z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.579E+03
\CorrectChoice 1.914E+03
\choice 2.318E+03
\choice 2.809E+03
\choice 3.403E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.44+2.86z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.42z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\int_{side}\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the curved side surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.692E+03
\choice 2.050E+03
\CorrectChoice 2.484E+03
\choice 3.009E+03
\choice 3.645E+03
\end{questions}%%%%%%%% end questions
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 3
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.05+2.59z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.4z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 6.46E+02
\choice 7.82E+02
\choice 9.48E+02
\choice 1.15E+03
\CorrectChoice 1.39E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.12+1.85z)\rho^3\hat\rho +8.88z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.96E+02
\choice 4.79E+02
\choice 5.81E+02
\choice 7.04E+02
\CorrectChoice 8.53E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2+1.45z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.02z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.13E+03
\choice 1.37E+03
\choice 1.66E+03
\CorrectChoice 2.01E+03
\choice 2.44E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.14+2.8z)\rho^2\hat\rho +9.94z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 2.93E+02
\choice 3.55E+02
\CorrectChoice 4.30E+02
\choice 5.21E+02
\choice 6.32E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.85+1.33z)\rho^3\hat\rho +7.52z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.18E+03
\choice 3.85E+03
\choice 4.66E+03
\CorrectChoice 5.65E+03
\choice 6.84E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.07+2.87z)\rho^2\hat\rho +9.56z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.59E+03
\choice 1.93E+03
\CorrectChoice 2.34E+03
\choice 2.83E+03
\choice 3.43E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.17+1.5z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.75z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.60E+02
\CorrectChoice 4.36E+02
\choice 5.29E+02
\choice 6.40E+02
\choice 7.76E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.28+1.72z)\rho^3\hat\rho +7.33z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.50E+04
\CorrectChoice 1.82E+04
\choice 2.20E+04
\choice 2.66E+04
\choice 3.23E+04
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.04+1.66z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.54z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 9.43E+02
\choice 1.14E+03
\CorrectChoice 1.38E+03
\choice 1.68E+03
\choice 2.03E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.21+1.16z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.96z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 6.69E+03
\choice 8.10E+03
\choice 9.81E+03
\choice 1.19E+04
\CorrectChoice 1.44E+04
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.12+1.68z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.83z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.29E+04
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04
\choice 1.89E+04
\choice 2.30E+04
\choice 2.78E+04
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.05+2.05z)\rho^2\hat\rho +9.62z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.09E+03
\choice 1.32E+03
\choice 1.60E+03
\choice 1.94E+03
\CorrectChoice 2.35E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.93+2.31z)\rho^3\hat\rho +7.21z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 5.40E+02
\choice 6.55E+02
\choice 7.93E+02
\choice 9.61E+02
\CorrectChoice 1.16E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.24+1.11z)\rho^3\hat\rho +8.16z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.69E+03
\choice 5.69E+03
\CorrectChoice 6.89E+03
\choice 8.35E+03
\choice 1.01E+04
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.96+2.52z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.11z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice 5.91E+02
\choice 7.16E+02
\choice 8.68E+02
\choice 1.05E+03
\choice 1.27E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.86+2.43z)\rho^2\hat\rho +9.75z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.63E+02
\CorrectChoice 5.61E+02
\choice 6.80E+02
\choice 8.23E+02
\choice 9.98E+02
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.24+2.08z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.93z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 3.13E+03
\choice 3.79E+03
\choice 4.59E+03
\choice 5.56E+03
\CorrectChoice 6.74E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.89+1.31z)\rho^3\hat\rho +8.35z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 9.41E+02
\CorrectChoice 1.14E+03
\choice 1.38E+03
\choice 1.67E+03
\choice 2.03E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.37+2.6z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.84z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 4.63E+03
\CorrectChoice 5.61E+03
\choice 6.79E+03
\choice 8.23E+03
\choice 9.97E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=2, and height, h=4, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.45+2.26z)\rho^2\hat\rho +8.92z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.29E+03
\choice 1.56E+03
\choice 1.89E+03
\CorrectChoice 2.29E+03
\choice 2.77E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (1.88+1.29z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.2z^2\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 1.08E+03
\choice 1.30E+03
\choice 1.58E+03
\CorrectChoice 1.91E+03
\choice 2.32E+03
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question A cylinder of radius, r=3, and height, h=6, is centered at the origin and oriented along the z axis. A vector field can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates as, \,\(\vec F = (2.44+2.86z)\rho^2\hat\rho +7.42z^3\hat z \). Let \(\hat n\) be the outward unit normal to this cylinder and evaluate \,\(\left |\oint\vec F\cdot\hat n dA\right|\,\) over the entire surface of the cylinder.
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice 9.41E+03
\choice 1.14E+04
\CorrectChoice 1.38E+04
\choice 1.67E+04
\choice 2.03E+04
\end{choices} %%% end choices
END LaTexMarkup
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