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See special:permalink/1863130 for a wikitext version of this quiz.
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\author{The LaTex code that creates this quiz is released to the Public Domain\\
Attribution for each question is documented in the Appendix}
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\footnotesize{ \url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863130}}
\question The spring constant is 561N/m, and the initial compression is 0.12m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 1.38m, before coming to rest?\newline
\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{Roller_coaster_energy_conservation.png}\ifkey\endnote{a07energy\_cart2\_1 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863130}}}\fi
\choice ) 0.271 kg
\choice ) 0.284 kg
\CorrectChoice ) 0.299 kg
\choice ) 0.314 kg
\choice ) 0.329 kg
\question The cart has a mass of 3.03kg. It is moving at a speed of 2.10m/s, when it is at a height of 2.45m. If the spring constant was 572N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{Roller_coaster_energy_conservation.png}\ifkey\endnote{a07energy\_cart2\_2 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863130}}}\fi
\choice ) 0.43 m
\choice ) 0.46 m
\choice ) 0.49 m
\CorrectChoice ) 0.53 m
\choice ) 0.56 m
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?\ifkey\endnote{a07energy\_cart2\_3 placed in Public Domain by Guy Vandegrift: {\url{https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/special:permalink/1863130}}}\fi
\choice ) 1.149 m/s
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice ) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\choice ) 1.450 m/s
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 1
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question The spring constant is 663N/m, and the initial compression is 0.22m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 2.80m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 0.481 kg
\choice ) 0.505 kg
\choice ) 0.530 kg
\choice ) 0.557 kg
\CorrectChoice) 0.585 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 615N/m, and the initial compression is 0.12m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 2.74m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 0.157 kg
\CorrectChoice) 0.165 kg
\choice ) 0.173 kg
\choice ) 0.182 kg
\choice ) 0.191 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 752N/m, and the initial compression is 0.18m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 2.95m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice) 0.421 kg
\choice ) 0.442 kg
\choice ) 0.465 kg
\choice ) 0.488 kg
\choice ) 0.512 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 539N/m, and the initial compression is 0.27m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 1.20m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.443 kg
\choice ) 1.515 kg
\choice ) 1.591 kg
\CorrectChoice) 1.671 kg
\choice ) 1.754 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 720N/m, and the initial compression is 0.19m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 1.95m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 0.559 kg
\choice ) 0.587 kg
\choice ) 0.617 kg
\choice ) 0.648 kg
\CorrectChoice) 0.680 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 620N/m, and the initial compression is 0.19m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 1.45m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 0.750 kg
\CorrectChoice) 0.788 kg
\choice ) 0.827 kg
\choice ) 0.868 kg
\choice ) 0.912 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 594N/m, and the initial compression is 0.27m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 1.66m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.268 kg
\CorrectChoice) 1.331 kg
\choice ) 1.397 kg
\choice ) 1.467 kg
\choice ) 1.541 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 623N/m, and the initial compression is 0.24m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 1.43m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.053 kg
\choice ) 1.106 kg
\choice ) 1.161 kg
\choice ) 1.219 kg
\CorrectChoice) 1.280 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 525N/m, and the initial compression is 0.19m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 1.17m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 0.714 kg
\choice ) 0.750 kg
\choice ) 0.787 kg
\CorrectChoice) 0.826 kg
\choice ) 0.868 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 710N/m, and the initial compression is 0.15m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 2.62m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 0.282 kg
\choice ) 0.296 kg
\CorrectChoice) 0.311 kg
\choice ) 0.327 kg
\choice ) 0.343 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 755N/m, and the initial compression is 0.21m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 3.12m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 0.494 kg
\choice ) 0.519 kg
\CorrectChoice) 0.544 kg
\choice ) 0.572 kg
\choice ) 0.600 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 608N/m, and the initial compression is 0.20m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 1.68m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 0.608 kg
\choice ) 0.638 kg
\choice ) 0.670 kg
\choice ) 0.703 kg
\CorrectChoice) 0.739 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 640N/m, and the initial compression is 0.15m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 2.07m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 0.307 kg
\choice ) 0.322 kg
\choice ) 0.338 kg
\CorrectChoice) 0.355 kg
\choice ) 0.373 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 621N/m, and the initial compression is 0.14m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 3.01m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 0.187 kg
\choice ) 0.196 kg
\CorrectChoice) 0.206 kg
\choice ) 0.217 kg
\choice ) 0.227 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 612N/m, and the initial compression is 0.15m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 1.59m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 0.401 kg
\choice ) 0.421 kg
\CorrectChoice) 0.442 kg
\choice ) 0.464 kg
\choice ) 0.487 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 630N/m, and the initial compression is 0.25m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 1.26m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.312 kg
\choice ) 1.377 kg
\choice ) 1.446 kg
\choice ) 1.518 kg
\CorrectChoice) 1.594 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 704N/m, and the initial compression is 0.13m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 3.02m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice) 0.201 kg
\choice ) 0.211 kg
\choice ) 0.222 kg
\choice ) 0.233 kg
\choice ) 0.244 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 682N/m, and the initial compression is 0.21m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 1.47m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice) 1.044 kg
\choice ) 1.096 kg
\choice ) 1.151 kg
\choice ) 1.208 kg
\choice ) 1.269 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 731N/m, and the initial compression is 0.25m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 2.04m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice) 1.143 kg
\choice ) 1.200 kg
\choice ) 1.260 kg
\choice ) 1.323 kg
\choice ) 1.389 kg
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The spring constant is 676N/m, and the initial compression is 0.14m. What is the mass if the cart reaches a height of 2.73m, before coming to rest?\newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 0.225 kg
\choice ) 0.236 kg
\CorrectChoice) 0.248 kg
\choice ) 0.260 kg
\choice ) 0.273 kg
\end{questions}%%%%%%%% end questions
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 2
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question The cart has a mass of 36.20kg. It is moving at a speed of 3.50m/s, when it is at a height of 3.70m. If the spring constant was 518N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 2.13 m
\choice ) 2.27 m
\CorrectChoice) 2.43 m
\choice ) 2.60 m
\choice ) 2.79 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 44.40kg. It is moving at a speed of 3.10m/s, when it is at a height of 2.47m. If the spring constant was 682N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.48 m
\choice ) 1.59 m
\choice ) 1.70 m
\choice ) 1.82 m
\CorrectChoice) 1.94 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 40.30kg. It is moving at a speed of 3.40m/s, when it is at a height of 3.59m. If the spring constant was 539N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice) 2.47 m
\choice ) 2.65 m
\choice ) 2.83 m
\choice ) 3.03 m
\choice ) 3.24 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 42.40kg. It is moving at a speed of 2.10m/s, when it is at a height of 2.08m. If the spring constant was 522N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.46 m
\choice ) 1.56 m
\choice ) 1.67 m
\choice ) 1.79 m
\CorrectChoice) 1.92 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 37.60kg. It is moving at a speed of 2.50m/s, when it is at a height of 2.74m. If the spring constant was 534N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.68 m
\choice ) 1.79 m
\choice ) 1.92 m
\CorrectChoice) 2.05 m
\choice ) 2.20 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 36.60kg. It is moving at a speed of 2.60m/s, when it is at a height of 3.45m. If the spring constant was 616N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.72 m
\choice ) 1.84 m
\choice ) 1.96 m
\CorrectChoice) 2.10 m
\choice ) 2.25 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 37.20kg. It is moving at a speed of 2.40m/s, when it is at a height of 3.15m. If the spring constant was 596N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.79 m
\choice ) 1.92 m
\CorrectChoice) 2.05 m
\choice ) 2.20 m
\choice ) 2.35 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 36.40kg. It is moving at a speed of 3.90m/s, when it is at a height of 2.52m. If the spring constant was 612N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.83 m
\CorrectChoice) 1.96 m
\choice ) 2.10 m
\choice ) 2.24 m
\choice ) 2.40 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 36.30kg. It is moving at a speed of 2.10m/s, when it is at a height of 3.33m. If the spring constant was 677N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.69 m
\choice ) 1.81 m
\CorrectChoice) 1.93 m
\choice ) 2.07 m
\choice ) 2.21 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 47.10kg. It is moving at a speed of 3.90m/s, when it is at a height of 2.75m. If the spring constant was 539N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice) 2.46 m
\choice ) 2.63 m
\choice ) 2.81 m
\choice ) 3.01 m
\choice ) 3.22 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 36.10kg. It is moving at a speed of 3.70m/s, when it is at a height of 3.05m. If the spring constant was 665N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice) 2.00 m
\choice ) 2.14 m
\choice ) 2.29 m
\choice ) 2.45 m
\choice ) 2.62 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 42.30kg. It is moving at a speed of 3.10m/s, when it is at a height of 2.52m. If the spring constant was 499N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 2.09 m
\CorrectChoice) 2.24 m
\choice ) 2.39 m
\choice ) 2.56 m
\choice ) 2.74 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 46.40kg. It is moving at a speed of 3.80m/s, when it is at a height of 3.99m. If the spring constant was 500N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 2.39 m
\choice ) 2.56 m
\choice ) 2.74 m
\CorrectChoice) 2.93 m
\choice ) 3.14 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 31.70kg. It is moving at a speed of 3.30m/s, when it is at a height of 3.61m. If the spring constant was 665N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.72 m
\choice ) 1.84 m
\CorrectChoice) 1.97 m
\choice ) 2.11 m
\choice ) 2.26 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 35.20kg. It is moving at a speed of 3.50m/s, when it is at a height of 2.34m. If the spring constant was 554N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice) 1.92 m
\choice ) 2.06 m
\choice ) 2.20 m
\choice ) 2.35 m
\choice ) 2.52 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 38.00kg. It is moving at a speed of 2.10m/s, when it is at a height of 3.71m. If the spring constant was 540N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.78 m
\choice ) 1.90 m
\choice ) 2.03 m
\choice ) 2.18 m
\CorrectChoice) 2.33 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 31.20kg. It is moving at a speed of 2.50m/s, when it is at a height of 2.10m. If the spring constant was 649N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.23 m
\choice ) 1.32 m
\choice ) 1.41 m
\CorrectChoice) 1.51 m
\choice ) 1.62 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 48.30kg. It is moving at a speed of 3.80m/s, when it is at a height of 3.61m. If the spring constant was 699N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.85 m
\choice ) 1.98 m
\choice ) 2.12 m
\choice ) 2.27 m
\CorrectChoice) 2.43 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 36.50kg. It is moving at a speed of 2.10m/s, when it is at a height of 3.46m. If the spring constant was 594N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.97 m
\CorrectChoice) 2.11 m
\choice ) 2.25 m
\choice ) 2.41 m
\choice ) 2.58 m
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question The cart has a mass of 47.20kg. It is moving at a speed of 2.20m/s, when it is at a height of 2.77m. If the spring constant was 527N/m, what was the initial compression? \newline
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice) 2.30 m
\choice ) 2.46 m
\choice ) 2.63 m
\choice ) 2.82 m
\choice ) 3.02 m
\end{questions}%%%%%%%% end questions
\subsection{}%%%% subsection 3
\begin{questions} %%%%%%% begin questions
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\choice ) 1.450 m/s
\choice ) 1.537 m/s
\choice ) 1.630 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.022 m/s
\choice ) 1.084 m/s
\choice ) 1.149 m/s
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.084 m/s
\choice ) 1.149 m/s
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\choice ) 1.450 m/s
\choice ) 1.537 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\choice ) 1.450 m/s
\choice ) 1.537 m/s
\choice ) 1.630 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\choice ) 1.450 m/s
\choice ) 1.537 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.022 m/s
\choice ) 1.084 m/s
\choice ) 1.149 m/s
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\choice ) 1.450 m/s
\choice ) 1.537 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.084 m/s
\choice ) 1.149 m/s
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.022 m/s
\choice ) 1.084 m/s
\choice ) 1.149 m/s
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.022 m/s
\choice ) 1.084 m/s
\choice ) 1.149 m/s
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\choice ) 1.450 m/s
\choice ) 1.537 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\choice ) 1.450 m/s
\choice ) 1.537 m/s
\choice ) 1.630 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.149 m/s
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\choice ) 1.450 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\choice ) 1.450 m/s
\choice ) 1.537 m/s
\choice ) 1.630 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.084 m/s
\choice ) 1.149 m/s
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.022 m/s
\choice ) 1.084 m/s
\choice ) 1.149 m/s
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.149 m/s
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\choice ) 1.450 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\choice ) 1.149 m/s
\choice ) 1.218 m/s
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\choice ) 1.450 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
\question You are riding a bicycle on a flat road. Assume no friction or air drag, and that you are coasting. Your speed is 4.9m/s, when you encounter a hill of height 1.14m. What is your speed at the top of the hill?
\begin{choices} %%%%%%% begin choices
\CorrectChoice) 1.291 m/s
\choice ) 1.368 m/s
\choice ) 1.450 m/s
\choice ) 1.537 m/s
\choice ) 1.630 m/s
\end{choices} %%% end choices
END LaTexMarkup
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