< Prosocial behavior < Keywords
- Altruistic helping is when a helper seeks to increase another’s welfare and expects nothing in return.
- Audience inhibition is failure to help in front of others for fear of feeling like a fool if one’s offer of help is reject.
- Belief in a just world is the assumption that life is essentially fair, that people generally get what they deserve and deserve what they get.
- Bystander effect is the finding that people are less likely to offer help when they are in a group than when they are alone.
- Conformity is going along with the crowd.
- Cooperation is when each person does his or her part, and together they work toward a common goal.
- Diffusion of responsibility is the reduction in feeling responsible that occurs when others are present.
- Egoistic helping is when a helper seeks to increase his or her own welfare by helping another.
- Empathy is reacting to another person’s emotional state by experiencing the same emotional state.
- Empathy-altruism hypothesis is the proposition that empathy motivates people to reduce other people’s distress, as by helping or comforting.
- Forgiveness is ceasing to feel angry toward or seek retribution against someone who has wronged you.
- Informational social influence is the pressure to accept the actions or statements of others as evidence about reality.
- Kin selection is the evolutionary tendency to help people who have our genes.
- Negative state relief theory is the proposition that people help others in order to relieve their own distress.
- Non-zero-sum game is an interaction in which both participants can win (or lose).
- Normative social influence is pressure to conform to the positive expectations or action of other people.
- Norms are standards established by society to tell its members what types of behaviour are typical and expected.
- Obedience is following orders from an authority figure.
- Overbenefited is getting more than you deserve.
- Pluralistic ignorance is looking to others for cues about how to behave, while they are looking to you; collective misinterpretation.
- Private attitude change is altering one’s internal attitude.
- Prosocial behaviour is doing something that is good for other people or for society as a whole.
- Public conformity is going along with crowd outwardly, regardless of what one privately believes.
- Reciprocity is the obligation to return in kind what another has done for us.
- Sensitivity about being the target of a threatening upward comparison is an interpersonal concern about the consequences of outperforming others.
- Survivor guilt is feeling bad for having lived through a terrible experience in which many others died.
- Underbenefited is getting less than you deserve.
- Zero-sum game is a situation in which one person’s gain is another’s loss.
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