< Programming Fundamentals < Arrays
;; This program uses arrays to display temperature conversion tables
;; and temperature as an array subscript to find a given conversion.
;; Reference:
;; https://www.mathsisfun.com/temperature-conversion.html
(defn build-f [size]
(mapv float (map #(+(/(* % 9)5)32) (range (+ size 1)))))
(defn build-c [size]
(mapv float (map #(/(*(- % 32)5)9) (range (+ size 1)))))
(defn display-table [from-scale array to-scale]
(map #(println (str from-scale "[" %1 "] = " %2 " " to-scale))
(range (count array)) array))
(defn minimum [value1, value2]
(if (< value1 value2) value1 value2))
(defn find-temperature [c f]
(let [size (minimum (count c) (count f))
_ (println (str "\nEnter a temperature between 0 and " (- size 1) ":"))
temperature (Float/parseFloat (read-line))]
(println (str "\n" temperature "° Fahrenheit is " (nth c temperature) "° Celsius."))
(println (str temperature "° Celsius is " (nth f temperature) "° Fahrenheit."))))
(defn -main []
(let [f (build-f 100)
c (build-c 212)]
(dorun (display-table "C" f "F"))
(dorun (display-table "F" c "C"))
(dorun (find-temperature c f))))
Try It
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See Also
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