\newcommand{\sqdiagram}[9]{Failed to parse (unknown function "\diagram"): {\displaystyle \diagram #1 \rto^{#2} \dto_{#4}& \eqno{\mbox{#9}}} }
Fundamental Groupoid Functors in Quantum Theories
The natural setting for the definition of a quantum fundamental groupoid is in one of the functor categories-- that of fundamental groupoid functors, Failed to parse (unknown function "\grp"): {\displaystyle F_{\grp}} , and their natural transformations defined in the context of quantum categories of quantum spaces represented by Hilbert space bundles or `rigged' Hilbert (or Frech\'et) spaces .
Let us briefly recall the description of quantum fundamental groupoids in a quantum functor category, : The quantum fundamental groupoid , QFG is defined by a functor , where is the category of quantum groupoids and their homomorphisms.
Fundamental Groupoid Functors
Other related functor categories are those specified with the general definition of the fundamental groupoid functor , Failed to parse (unknown function "\grp"): {\displaystyle F_{\grp}: '''Top''' \to \grp_2} , where Top is the category of topological spaces and Failed to parse (unknown function "\grp"): {\displaystyle \grp_2} is the groupoid category.
Specific Example of QFG
One can provide a physically relevant example of QFG as spin foams, or functors of spin networks; more precise the spin foams were defined as functors between spin network categories that realize dynamic transformations on the spin space. Thus, because spin networks (or graphs) are specialized one-dimensional CW-complexes whose cells are linked quantum spin states their quantum fundamental groupoid is defined as a representation of CW-complexes on `rigged' Hilbert spaces, that are called Frech\'et nuclear spaces .