< PlanetPhysics
Index of Category Theory
Foundamental Concepts and Axioms
Basic Definitions
- category theory #object #identity #arrow
- morphism #composition law #commutativity #associativity
- axioms of category theory
- ETAC #triples
- Abelian group #group #groupoid #semigroup #monoid #ring
- diagram #precategory
- category #alternative definition of category #subcategory
- small category #category of sets (, )
- automorphism
- commutative diagram #concrete category
- dual category
- duality principle #endomorphism
- epi
- monic
- extremal monomorphism #source
- sink
- initial source
- final sink
- isomorphism-closed subcategory
- locally finite category
- preimage of category
- product of categories
- types of morphisms
- wellpowered category
- zero object
- -small
- equalizer
- subobject
- quotient object #direct product
- direct sum
- pullback
- pushout #direct limit
- limiting cone
- cocone and colimit functor #complete category
- groupoid (category theoretic)
2-Categories and Generalizations
- functor
- autofunctor
- category isomorphism #diagonal functor
- endofunctor
- forgetful functor
- identity functor #isomorphism
- multifunctor
- natural transformation #surjective maps
- univalent functors
- faithful functor
- full functor
- natural equivalence #adjoint functor #equivalence of categories
- isomorphic categories
- universal property
- representable functor #Equivalent definition of a Representable Functor
- simplicial object
Fundamental Theorems
- Yoneda-Grothendieck lemma
- properties of monomorphisms and epimorphisms
- properties of regular and extremal monomorphisms
- monomorphisms are pullback stable
- proof that an equalizer is a monomorphism
- categorical direct product is an inverse limit
- kernel is an inverse limit
Examples of Categories
- discrete category
- category example (arrow category)
- category of sets
- category of Abelian groups
- category of topological spaces
- category of pointed topological spaces
- simplicial category
- category of groupoids #category associated to a partial order
- category of matrices #Category of pseudomorphisms
- Category of intermorphisms
- examples of initial objects and terminal objects and zero objects
- monoid as a category
- comma category
- enriched category #algebraic category #Logic category
- quantum logic category
Algebraic categories
- algebra formed from a category #monad #comonad
- monoidal category
- group object
- nerve
- gerbs
Additive Categories and Homology
- preadditive category
- additive category #abelian category #supplemental axioms for an Abelian category
- exact sequence
- exact functor
- Grothendieck spectral sequence
- enough projectives
- enough injectives #projective object #injective object
- derived functor
- derived category
- algebraic K-theory #examples of algebraic K-theory groups
- Grothendieck group
- delta functor
- horseshoe lemma
- syzygy
- Ext
- Tor
- projective dimension
- 5-lemma
- proof of 5-lemma
- 9-lemma
- snake lemma
- proof of snake lemma
- chain homotopy #chain homotopy equivalence
- chain map
- homology of a chain complex
- Leray spectral sequence
- spectral sequence
Sheaves, Topoi, and the like
- presheaf #sheaf
- sheafification
- presheaf of a topological basis
- stalk
- \'Etal\'e space
- resolution of a sheaf
- site
- small site on a scheme
- topos #cosmos
- Heyting logic algebra
- subobject classifier
- well-pointed topos
- power object
- exponential object
- Cartesian closed category
- natural numbers object
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