... by Matthew Raspanti
- Lens and wavefronts.gif
- Partial transmittance.gif
- Snells law wavefronts.gif
- Two sources interference.gif
- Wave equation 1D fixed endpoints.gif
- Exp series.gif
- Atomic-orbital-clouds spd m0.png
- Bohr atom model English.svg
- Hydrogen Density Plots.png
- AirShower.svg
- Aurore australe - Aurora australis.jpg
- Alfa beta gamma radiation penetration.svg
- Rays_of_light_through_a_different_medium_(labelled).svg
- Coupled oscillators.gif
- Mode Shape of a Tuning Fork at Eigenfrequency 440.09 Hz.gif
- Simple harmonic motion animation 1.gif
- Heisenberg microscope with wavefronts and electron scatter.svg
- Wave-particle duality.gif
- Circlestrafing animation.gif
- Rolling Racers - Moment of inertia.gif
- Model of the initiation of termination of a Rayleigh-Taylor instability in 2D.gif
- Karman Vortex street ani.gif
- Mars Loop.gif
- Zirkumpolar ani.gif
- Tuned circuit animation 3 400ms.gif
- Dipole.gif
- Brachistochrone.gif
- Halley's Comet animation.gif
- Galilean moon Laplace resonance animation 2.gif
- Surface chemical diffusion.gif
- InfiniteSquareWellAnimation.gif
- Karman trefftz.gif
- Propagation du tsunami en profondeur variable.gif
- Propagation du tsunami en profondeur variable.gif
- Vortex-street-animation.gif
- Maxwell's demon.svg
- Ergodic hypothesis w reflecting rays.jpg
- Proving Carnot Theorem.svg
- Fizeau experiment schematic.svg
- Stellar aberration illustration.svg
- Entropy flip 2 coins.jpg
- Earth-moon-field.svg
- Van de graaf generator.svg
- WestinghouseAtomSmasher.jpg
- Electric Bell animation.gif
- Faraday cage.gif
- Leaderlightnig.gif
- File:Simple harmonic motion animation 2.gif
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