< Open Source 3-D Printing
This is a project that supports the course Open Source 3-D Printing

This project is to design a customizable OpenSCAD script.

  1. Using OpenSCAD either design an original customizable object, or adapt an existing scad file you find online to work with the open source customizer.
  2. Make it printable (you do not need to print it) for your RepRap
  3. Post your SCAD and STL of your design on Thingiverse (if a derivative make sure you give attribution with an OS license)
  4. Add a rendering of your project along with the link to Thinkiverse in the gallery below following the example.


  1. If your project turned out really nice you can print it for show and tell
  2. Bonus if your design has high utility and you set up a webpage with the OS customizer along with instructions on how to do it (see: Free and Open Source 3-D Model Customizer for Websites to Democratize Design with OpenSCAD)
Add your image and link the gallery below in a single line after the last one in the list

Educational level: this is a tertiary (university) resource.
Subject classification: this is an engineering resource.
This article is issued from Wikiversity. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.