< Instructional design < Affective behaviors

Advanced Organizer

In this lesson, you will be asked to:

  1. Reflect on your past experiences with lectures as well as your current opinions regarding the effectiveness of this instructional (micro)strategy
  2. Participate in a survey of opinions and beliefs about the use of lectures in instruction, and reflect on the cumulative results of this survey
  3. Watch a video presentation (lecture) with ideas for how to make lectures more interactive and engaging
  4. Write a position paper arguing for three of Bonk's lecture strategies from the perspective of affective outcomes
  5. Share a story about one successful or unsuccessful lecture experience (with regards to affective outcomes)
  6. Read and comment on other people's stories


Upon completion of this module, learners will be able to:

  • describe in writing ways in which the lecture can be used to elicit affective outcomes
  • comment in writing on other people's experiences and opinions about this strategy and the affective domain

The main "affective" learning objective is that learners will demonstrate a deeper appreciation for lectures as a micro strategy in the affective domain. This will be demonstrated via active participation in the affective course weblog.


How many hours of your life have you wasted in boring lectures? This lesson is offered as a critical look at this often overused (abused) instructional strategy. Before proceeding, take the Survey of Lecture Attitudes/Beliefs at quia.com (http://www.quia.com/sv/112182.html). You will need to enter the password “affect” to proceed. Cummulative results can also be viewed after taking the survey.

Online Lecture

Now, take some time to watch a lecture by Curtis Bonk in the online colloquia archives offered by the School of Education at Indiana University.

As you watch, keep an eye out for strategies that might be especially useful for eliciting affective change as discussed in the first lesson. Also consider which of the five levels (or stages) discussed in lesson one might be reached. Take notes. You will eventually be asked to pick three strategies that appeal to you.

You can access the video at Distance Education: Instructional Systems Technology. Go to the April 29, 2005 colloquia titled Hyper-Engaging Lectures: Low-Risk, Low-Cost, Low-Time by Curtis Bonk.
(Note for Dr Honnebein: this video no longer seems to be online anywhere, slides are here: http://www.trainingshare.com/pdfs/UT-Austin3.pdf Markanna (discuss • contribs) 16:34, 20 February 2014 (UTC) )

Reading Assignment (optional)

Read the article by Martin and Reigeluth (1999) for a discussion of the controversies surrounding the affective domain as well as a useful conceptual model for considering the major components and dimensions of development in the affective domain. The following table is a taxonomy provided by the authors. What areas might be addressed through lectures?

DIMENSIONS Knowledge Skills Attitudes Others
Emotional Development Knowing that others experience the same emotions you do, such as joy and anger Recognizing emotions, Controlling ones emotions I want to be happy. I don't like to be angry. ?
Moral Development Understanding moral & ethical rules of the culture, such as caring, justice, equality Moral reasoning skills, Problem-solving skills in the realm of morals I want to be honest/ I am in favor of having ethical standards. ?
Social Development Understanding group dynamics and democratic ideals, such as the role of a facilitator Social skills, including inerpersonal communication skills I want to interact positively with others. I am opposed to resolving disagreements by fighting. ?
Spiritual Development Knowledge of religious precepts about the spiritual world, such as the nature of the soul Skills for getting in touch with your inner self, Ability to love others selflessly I want a spiritual life. I am in favor of prayer to build a relationship with God. ?
Aesthetic Development Understanding the subjective nature of aesthetics, such as the relationship between one's values and one's judgments Skills for assessing aesthetic qualities, Skills for generating aesthetic creations I want to surround myself with things of beauty. I appreciate an elegant theory. ?
Motivational Development Understanding internal and external rewards for sustained activity, such as joy and sense of accomplishment Skills for developing one's interests, both immediate and life-long I want a career that I enjoy. I am opposed to hobbies related to guns. ?

Table 1. Martin & Reigeluth (1999). Conceptual Model for Affective Development


  1. Top Three - Select from the Bonk lecture the three strategies you believe are most effective in bringing about target behavior outcomes in the affective domain. Offer support for each of your choices in exactly 50 words. Post to the Stories from the Affective Domain blog.
  2. Go to the Stories from the Affective Domain blog and post a short description of one lecture you have received or given that was especially effective or ineffective as an instructional strategy in terms of eliciting behavior in the affective domain.
  3. Go to the Stories from the Affective Domain blog and comment on at least two other posts.
  4. Go to the Stories from the Affective Domain blog and post your thoughts on any affective change you experienced as you worked through this lesson.


Your posts for the above tasks will be read and commented on by your peers in this module.


Martin, B. L. & Reigeluth, C. M. (1999). Affective education and the affective domain: Implications for instructional-design theories and models. In Reigeluth, C. M. (Ed). Instructional-design theories and models: A new paradigm of instructional theory (Vol II). Mahwah, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

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