< Motivation and emotion < Tutorials < Emotion
List of specific emotion words
- Accepting
- Affectionate
- Afraid
- Agitated
- Agonised
- Aggravated
- Aggressive
- Aggrieved
- Alarmed
- Alert
- Alienated
- Alone
- Amazed
- Amused
- Angry
- Anguished
- Annoyed
- Anticipatory
- Anhedonic
- Anxious
- Apathetic
- Apoplectic
- Appalled
- Apprehensive
- Aroused
- Ashamed
- Astonished
- Astounded
- At ease
- Attentive
- Awestruck
- Awkward
- Baffled
- Befuddled
- Bemused
- Bewildered
- Bewitched
- Bitter
- Blameworthy
- Blissful
- Blue
- Bold
- Bored
- Bothered
- Burdened
- Calm
- Cantankerous
- Caring
- Cheeky
- Cheerful
- Combative
- Compassionate
- Concerned
- Confident
- Confused
- Consternated
- Contemptuous
- Contented
- Contentious
- Courageous
- Crestfallen
- Crushed
- Curious
- Daring
- Defeated
- Defensive
- Defiant
- Delighted
- Depressed
- Desired
- Desirous
- Despairing
- Determined
- Disappointed
- Discombobulated
- Discontented
- Discouraged
- Disgusted
- Disillusioned
- Dismayed
- Dispirited
- Dissatisfied
- Distracted
- Distressed
- Downhearted
- Doubtful
- Drained
- Dreading
- Drowsy
- Dumbstruck
- Dysphoric
- Eager
- Ecstatic
- Elated
- Embarrassed
- Empathic
- Encouraged
- Energetic
- Enlightened
- Enraged
- Enthralled
- Enthusiastic
- Envious
- Euphoric
- Exasperated
- Excited
- Exhilarated
- Exposed
- Fascinated
- Fearful
- Fearless
- Flabbergasted
- Flamboyant
- Flowing
- Flummoxed
- Forgiving
- Frightened
- Frustrated
- Furious
- Glad
- Gleeful
- Gloatrage
- Gloomy
- Gluckschmerz
- Glum
- Gobsmacked
- Grateful
- Greedy
- Grieving
- Grouchy
- Grumpy
- Guilty
- Hangry
- Happy
- Harassed
- Hassled
- Heartbroken
- Hopeful
- Horrified
- Hostile
- Humble
- Humiliated
- Humorous
- Hurt
- Hysterical
- Impatient
- Indifferent
- Infatuated
- Insecure
- Insightful
- Inspired
- Insulted
- Interested
- Intimidated
- Intrigued
- Irritable
- Isolated
- Jealous
- Jittery
- Jolly
- Jovial
- Joyful
- Jubilant
- Lively
- Livid
- Loathing
- Lonely
- Longing
- Loving
- Lustful
- Mad
- Malicious
- Melancholic
- Merry
- Mesmerised
- Mirthful
- Miserable
- Morose
- Mortified
- Mudita
- Nasty
- Nauseous
- Nervous
- Obnoxious
- Optimistic
- Outraged
- Overcome
- Overloaded
- Panicked
- Paranoid
- Pessimistic
- Pestered
- Piteous
- Playful
- Pleased
- Pleasured
- Ponderous
- Powerful
- Powerless
- Proud
- Provoked
- Puzzled
- Qualm
- Rapturous
- Rattled
- Regretful
- Rejected
- Relaxed
- Relieved
- Remorseful
- Resentful
- Revulsed
- Riled
- Sad
- Satisfied
- Scared
- Schadenfreude
- Scornful
- Self-piteous
- Seeking
- Serene
- Shaky
- Sheepish
- Shocked
- Shy
- Sleepy
- Sorrowful
- Stressed
- Strong
- Surgent
- Suspenseful
- Surprised
- Sympathetic
- Teary
- Tenacious
- Tense
- Terrified
- Thankful
- Thrilled
- Thunderstruck
- Tickled Pink
- Timid
- Tired
- Tormented
- Triumphant
- Trusting
- Uncomfortable
- Uneasy
- Uppity
- Upset
- Vindicated
- Vindictive
- Vital
- Weary
- Wistful
- Woeful
- Wondering
- Worried
- Wrathful
- Unhappy
- Zealous
- Zesty
See also
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