< Motivation and emotion < About

Delivery mode

This unit is delivered in flexible mode via:

  1. Lectures: 12 x 2 hour live virtual lectures, with online recording.
  2. Tutorials: 12 x 1 hour live virtual or on-campus tutorials, with online recording.
  3. Materials: Lecture, tutorial, and assessment materials available online via the unit websites (UCLearn and Wikiversity).
  4. Discussion: UCLearn discussion forum and #emot21 hashtag on Twitter to discuss the unit.

Attendance at tutorials is strongly recommended but is not compulsory. Tutorials provide hands-on skills and activities which are directly related to the assessment exercises. Thus, non-attendance will make successful completion of the assessment items more difficult.

This article is issued from Wikiversity. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.