Type classification: this is a notes resource.
  1. The best choice is a set of DVs correlated with one another, but not overly so.
  2. When there is little correlation among DVs univariate F is acceptable.
  3. Unequal cell sizes and missing data are problematical for MANOVA.
  4. Low power can mean a non-significant multivariate effect but one or more significant Univariate F’s!

Repeated-measures MANOVA

Extension of MANOVA, e.g., involving:

  1. Multiple DVs (e.g., Social, Campus, and Teaching/Education Satisfaction)
  2. Multiple Occasions (e.g., 1st, 2nd, 3rd year)
  3. Any number of IVs (e.g., Gender)
  4. Of interest are:
    1. Main effects of the multiple DVs
    2. Main effect of the multiple occasions
    3. Main effects of IVs
    4. Interactions b/w IVs and the DVs.

See also

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