< Filmmaking Basics < 3D Storyboard
A Sample 3D Storyboard from FrameForge 3D Studio
- Here is the 3D storyboard by Mukesh Tiwari. First you see the shots that Mukesh Tiwari picked from the library of thumbnail storyboards. Then you see the same shot done with FrameForge 3D Studio - demo version which is free. I think you will agree that the 3D images look fantastic, specially when compared with the thumbnail storyboards. What make is more exciting is FrameForge 3D Studio is fun to use. Free and fun; a great combination!
Thumbnail Storyboard
by Mukesh Tiwari
Looking at poster
Dolly in
Young Person:"That was a great movie..."
Cut to
Young Person (continued): "but I do not understand one thing."
Dolly to the Old Person looking towards the camera
Old Person: What's that?
Cut to
Young Person:"How can anyone be seduced by the Dark Side?"
cut to
The old person thinks for a while
Old Person: "What computer do you have at home?"
Young Person (eagerly): "A Macintosh!"
Old Person::"But what computer does your father use at work?"
The young person thinks for a moment.
Young Person (amazed and excited): "Seduced by the Dark Side!"
The Old Person smiles.
Old Person and the Young Person walk toward home together.
The End
FrameForge 3D Studio - Demo Version
- Important to all filmmakers
- The most important thing to understand about this lesson is you can download and begin using the demo version of FrameForge 3D Studio immediately. All of the figures and the movie sets construction tools are built in. You can place characters into the scene and immediately look at them through different lenses. For a filmmaker, this is amazing. And since the demo version is free (for 20 uses), it is fantastic! It is rare that I can find a program that I can really recommend so highly. Robert Elliott
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