< Filmmaking Basics
This school is:
Wikiversity Film School - Narrative film production
This course is:
The basics of narrative filmmaking
This lesson is:
Recording the dialog for the animatic.
Pages of this Lesson:
Page 1 - Introduction
Page 2 - The software
Page 3 - The hardware
Page 4 - The room
Page 5 - The recording session procedure

Recording the dialog for the Animatic

If you are able to record audio into your computer, please record the voices for our script. We need all the spoken words from this script so we can create an animatic.
To do this, you record each piece of dialog as a separate file. Then you send me the files by email.

What's an "Animatic"?

An animatic is a movie of the storyboards. This is used for timing our motion picture. It also helps us judge if the movie will be a success.
To create an animatic, the storyboard, the film score, the dialog and the sound effects are put into an editing program to create a movie which we can show to investors. Later, when we record the voices for the animated version of this motion picture, the actors will watch the animatic to help understand the action and the timing of the dialog.

Why is an animatic important"

The animatic gives us the timing for the entire motion picture. From the animatic, we will be able to adjust the pace of the music and the dialog for the animated movie. Therefore the animatic is very important for planning our motion picture.

Quality is important

The quality of the recorded dialog is very important. It does not have to be professional but it should be as good as you can do.

Equipment you need

To do this assigment, you will need to have a microphone connected to your computer and recording software to record a dramatic reading of the dialog.
And for high quality recording, you will need more. See details on the following pages.
The dialog from the movie script
"Seduced by the Dark Side!"

EXTERIOR - The local movie theater - NIGHT

The young person and old person stand looking at the movie poster outside the theater.

(1) Young Person: "That was a great movie..."

(2) Young Person (contined): "but I do not understand one thing."

(3) Old Person: "What's that?"

(4) Young Person: "How can anyone be seduced by the Dark Side?"

(5) The old person thinks for a while. Old Person: "Humm!"

(6) Old Person: "What computer do you have at home?"

(7) Young Person (eagerly): "A Macintosh!"

(8) Old Person: "But what computer does your father use at work?"

(9) The young person thinks for a moment. Young Person: "Humm!"

(10) Young Person (amazed and excited): "Seduced by the Dark Side!"

(11) The old person smiles. Old Person: "Ahh!"

The old person and the young person walk toward home together.
Fade to black.
The End

    Completed Homework Assignments - Animatic Dialog Recording
    (1) Young Person: "That was a great movie..."
    (2) Young Person (contined): "but I do not understand one thing."
    (3) Old Person: "What's that?"
    (4) Young Person: "How can anyone be seduced by the Dark Side?"
    (5) Old Person: "Hummm"
    (6) Old Person: "What computer do you have at home?"
    (7) Young Person (eagerly): "A Macintosh!"
    (8) Old Person: "But what computer does your father use at work?"
    (9) Young Person "Hummm"
    (10) Young Person (amazed and excited): "Seduced by the Dark Side!"
    (11) Old Person: "Ahhh!"
    Fat Penguinsays, "I used the basic microphone on my personal computer and a free application called Goldwave. I used noise reduction effect and changed the pitch. The software can be found on www.goldwave.com.

    Click on the dialog to hear the sound.

    • Kasturika and her brother have completed this assignment: - (11 points) - June 25, 2007
    (1) Young Person: "That was a great movie..."
    (2) Young Person (contined): "but I do not understand one thing."
    (3) Old Person: "What's that?"
    (4) Young Person: "How can anyone be seduced by the Dark Side?"
    (5) Old Person: "Hummm"
    (6) Old Person: "What computer do you have at home?"
    (7) Young Person (eagerly): "A Macintosh!"
    (8) Old Person: "But what computer does your father use at work?"
    (9) Young Person "Hummm"
    (10) Young Person (amazed and excited): "Seduced by the Dark Side!"
    (11) Old Person: "Ahhh!"
    Kasturika completed the assignment at home in New Delhi, India.

    Click on the dialog to hear the sound.

    • Tunderboy9 and his father have completed this assignment: - (11 points) - July 17, 2007
    (1) Young Person: "That was a great movie..."
    (2) Young Person (contined): "but I do not understand one thing."
    (3) Old Person: "What's that?"
    (4) Young Person: "How can anyone be seduced by the Dark Side?"
    (5) Old Person: "Hummm"
    (6) Old Person: "What computer do you have at home?"
    (7) Young Person (eagerly): "A Macintosh!"
    (8) Old Person: "But what computer does your father use at work?"
    (9) Young Person "Hummm"
    (10) Young Person (amazed and excited): "Seduced by the Dark Side!"
    (11) Old Person: "Ahhh!"
    Tunderboy9 completed the assignment at home island of Aruba, Netherlands.

    Click on the dialog to hear the sound.

    • Sir Mok has completed this assignment: - (11 points) - August 3, 2007
    (1) Young Person: "That was a great movie..."
    (2) Young Person (contined): "but I do not understand one thing."
    (3) Old Person: "What's that?"
    (4) Young Person: "How can anyone be seduced by the Dark Side?"
    (5) Old Person: "Hummm"
    (6) Old Person: "What computer do you have at home?"
    (7) Young Person (eagerly): "A Macintosh!"
    (8) Old Person: "But what computer does your father use at work?"
    (9) Young Person "Hummm"
    (10) Young Person (amazed and excited): "Seduced by the Dark Side!"
    (11) Old Person: "Ahhh!"
    Sir Mok completed the assignment at home in Cairo, Egypt.

    Click on the dialog to hear the sound.

    • Moraistelmo has completed this assignment: - (11 points) - September 8, 2007
    (1) Young Person: "That was a great movie..."
    (2) Young Person (contined): "but I do not understand one thing."
    (3) Old Person: "What's that?"
    (4) Young Person: "How can anyone be seduced by the Dark Side?"
    (5) Old Person: "Hummm"
    (6) Old Person: "What computer do you have at home?"
    (7) Young Person (eagerly): "A Macintosh!"
    (8) Old Person: "But what computer does your father use at work?"
    (9) Young Person "Hummm"
    (10) Young Person (amazed and excited): "Seduced by the Dark Side!"
    (11) Old Person: "Ahhh!"
    Moraistelmo recorded them at home, in Newark, New Jersey, USA.

    Click on the dialog to hear the sound.

    • Sushant has completed this assignment: - (11 points) - September 18, 2007
    (1) Young Person: "That was a great movie..."
    (2) Young Person (contined): "but I do not understand one thing."
    (3) Old Person: "What's that?"
    (4) Young Person: "How can anyone be seduced by the Dark Side?"
    (5) Old Person: "Hummm"
    (6) Old Person: "What computer do you have at home?"
    (7) Young Person (eagerly): "A Macintosh!"
    (8) Old Person: "But what computer does your father use at work?"
    (9) Young Person "Hummm"
    (10) Young Person (amazed and excited): "Seduced by the Dark Side!"
    (11) Old Person: "Ahhh!"
    Sushant recorded them at home, in Hyderbad, India.

    Click on the dialog to hear the sound.

    • Pruthvirajg has completed this assignment: - (11 points) - December 20, 2007
    (1) Young Person: "That was a great movie..."
    (2) Young Person (contined): "but I do not understand one thing."
    (3) Old Person: "What's that?"
    (4) Young Person: "How can anyone be seduced by the Dark Side?"
    (5) Old Person: "Hummm"
    (6) Old Person: "What computer do you have at home?"
    (7) Young Person (eagerly): "A Macintosh!"
    (8) Old Person: "But what computer does your father use at work?"
    (9) Young Person "Hummm"
    (10) Young Person (amazed and excited): "Seduced by the Dark Side!"
    (11) Old Person: "Ahhh!"
    Pruthvirajg recorded them at home, in Scuderbad, India.

    Click on the dialog to hear the sound.

    For help playing OGG files, go to Commons:Media help or to Wikipedia:Media help (Ogg)

    The Next Page

    Continue this lesson on the computer software needed for recording the dialog for the animatic.

    Contact your instructor

    Your instructor for this filmmaking class is Robert Elliott. You can email me by clicking here.

    This article is issued from Wikiversity. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.