< Learn Arabic (Language Of Quran)
Single Diacritical marks

  • Fatha فَتحة
    Fatha Diac

the same of the light /A/ English sound ; it's written above the letter

  • Dhama ضَمّة
    Dhama diac.


the same of the light /U/ English sound ; it's written above the letter

  • Kasra كَسرة
    Kasra Diac.


the same of the light /I/ English sound ; it's written under the letter


ذَهَبَ = /Dahaba/ Went (verb)
يُسافِرُ = /Yusafiru/ Travels(verb)
إِقرأ = /Iqra'/ Read(verb)
وَردة = /Warda/ Flower(name)
عُلوم = /Uoloom/ Sciences(name)
كِتاب = /Kitab/ Book(name)

Double Diacritical marks (Nunation or Tanwen)

lies at the end of the word By Doubling the last diacritical of the word, representing a silent N(Noon).

Mainly added to the adjectives and Nouns for many purposes therefore, there are too many types of Tanween ,The main use of it is to define the 'undefined'(Nakira) word

  • Tanwenul Fath تَنوينُ الفَتحْ
    How to write Tanwenul Fath

the same of the /AN/ sound ; it's written above the letter

  • Tanwenul Dhamتَنوينُ الضَمْ
    How to write Tanwenul Dham

the same of the /UN/ sound ; it's written above the letter

  • Tanwenul Kasrتَنوينُ الكَسرْ
    How to write Tanwenul Kasr

the same of the /IN/ sound ; it's written under the letter


أيضاً = /AydhAN/ Also(name)
قَلِيلاً = /QaleelAN/ Little(adv.)
مَّغْفِرَةٌ = /MaghfiratUN/ Forgiveness (adj.)
عَظِيمٌ = /Aَ Dَ eemUN/ Great(adj.)
سُرُرٍ = /SururIN/ Beds(name)
شَيْءٍ = /Shay'IN/ Thing(name)

Another Diacritical marks

  • Shadda شَدّة
How to write Shadda

Emphasis the letter (strongly pronouncing the letter like if it is two letters);
it's written above the letter and can be mixed with the main 3 Diacriticals (Fatha, Dhama and Kasra)

  • Sukon سُكون
How to write Sukon

Means there is no Diacritical on the letter, written above the letter as a small circle

  • Maddaمَدّة
How to write Madda

Comes above the Alif Letter , pronounced as 'A


جَنَّة = /Djanna/Paradise(name)

سَبِّحْ =/Sabbih/Praise(verb)

قُلْ = /Qul/ Say(verb)

إقْطَعْ = /Iqta'/Cut(verb)

آباء = /'Aba'/ Fathers(name)

آدم = /'Adam/ Adam(name)

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