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Although we have learned many of the family/relationship nouns, we haven’t necessarily studied them together. This lesson will give us the chance to study the old and a few new words side by side. Remember the basic endings for the first 3 noun declensions, and review those lessons if necessary. Because these are commonly used terms, there are many synonyms. For example, a child can be puer, puella, nātus, parvulus, īnfāns, līber, and probably others. And frequently plural masculine nouns are used to refer to a mixed group (in essence, many masculine nouns can be considered common gender, or may be representative of both males and females).
New Vocabulary
Latin | English | Audio (Classical) | Notes |
avia, ae | grandmother | ||
familia, ae | family, household | ||
fīlia, ae | daughter | ||
avus, i | grandfather | ||
fīlius, i | son | ||
līberī, līberōrum (m. pl.) | children | ||
marītus, i | husband | vir is also used | |
conjūnx, conjugis (c.) | spouse, bride, consort | plural conjugēs = a married couple, lit. “yoked together” | |
frāter, frātris (m.) | brother | ||
īnfāns, īnfantis (c.) | baby, infant | ||
māter, mātris (f.) | mother | ||
parēns, parentis (c.) | parent | ||
pater, patris (m.) | father | ||
soror, sorōris (f.) | sister | ||
uxor, uxōris (f.) | wife | fēmina or conjūnx is also used |
New Sentences
Latin | English | Notes |
Magnam familiam habeō. | I have a large family. | |
Est frāter meus, quod est fīlius patris meī. | He is my brother, because he is the son of my father. | |
Vestrī parentēs in Italiā habitant. | Your parents live in Italy. | |
Avus et avia tua in Hispaniā habitant. | Your grandfather and grandmother live in Spain. | |
Gāius et Lūcia sunt cōnjūges. | Gaius and Lucia are a couple. | |
Gāius est marītus, et Lūcia est uxor. | Gaius is the husband, and Lucia is the wife. | |
Gāius pater īnfantis Lūciae est. | Gaius is the father of Lucia’s baby. | |
Māter Lūcia īnfantem amat. | The mother, Lucia, loves the baby. | |
Īnfans Gāiī est fīlia, non fīlius. | Gaius’ baby is a daughter, not a son. | |
Parentēs meī agricolae sunt. | My parents are farmers. | |
Habēsne marītum? | Do you have a husband? | |
Cum parentibus meīs habitō. | I live with my parents. | |
Sumus soror et frāter; nōn sumus conjugēs! | We are sister and brother; we are not a couple! | |
Līberī crūstula amant. | The children like cookies. | |
Frāter meus multōs līberōs habet. | My brother has many children. | |
Avus meus cervisiam bibit. | My grandfather drinks beer. | |
Avia mea cervisiam avī bibit. | My grandmother drinks grandfather’s beer. | |
Pecūniam līberīs tuīs das. | You give money to your children. | |
Sorōrī meae librum dō. | I give my sister a book. | |
In locō parentis. | In the place of a parent. |
Practice and learn the words and phrases in this lesson | |
Step one | First learn the words using this lesson: |
Step two | Next try learning and writing the sentencing using this: |
Note that the Memrise stage covers the content for all lessons in each stage. If you are skipping previous stages you may need to manually "ignore" the words in previous levels (use the 'select all' function) |
Next lesson, we’ll look at some of the complex terms for grandchildren, aunts, uncles and cousins... unless we decide to leave it for a more advanced lesson because it really is more complicated than in English! Also, you may enjoy this site for a Family Tree in Latin
Valēte et bonam fortūnam!