< Japanese I < Vocabulary
- dare, donata(だれ / 誰、どなた) - who
- dare no (だれの/誰の)- whose
- docchi,dore(どっち)- which
- dochira(どちら)- which one (of two)
- doko(どこ) - where
- dou (どう)- how
- doushite, naze(どうして、なぜ) - why
- itsu(いつ) - when
- ikaga(いかが) - how about
- ikura(いくら) - how much
- ikutsu(いくつ) - how many
- nan, nani(なん、なに / 何) - what
- nanji(なんじ / 何時) - what time
- nan nin(なんにん / 何人) - how many people
- donna (どんな) - what kind of
- dono kurai (どのくらい)- how long
- dare ni (誰に)- to whom
- nani to (何と)- with what
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