< Introduction to Computers
Introduction to Computers Basic operations
This page is part of the Introduction to Computers project.
Completion status: Almost complete, but you can help make it more thorough.


Whatever goes into the computer. Input can take a variety of forms, from commands you enter from the keyboard to data from another computer or device. A device that feeds data into a computer, such as a keyboard or mouse, is called an input device.

Search for Input/output on Wikipedia.


Anything that comes out of a computer. Output can be display screens, loudspeakers, and printers.


The processor is the brain of a computer. It's also called the "CPU"(Central processing unit) and it is a microchip.


Computer data storage is referred to as storage or memory, which can save digital data. Examples are RAM, hard disks or removable memory sticks.

  • podcast
  • see also storage heading under processor
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