Course objectives
This course presents the student with an introduction to boolean logic. While the information is presented with digital circuits in mind, the first section of the course talks about the overall concept of logic, boolean operations, and how to combine them in a way that is agnostic of the medium. As a result, this course will also help students looking to pursue software programming or even discrete mathematics.
The course as a whole has been planned to allow students who complete this course to gain a mastery in the analysis and design of both combinational and sequential logic circuits.
This course assumes student has fundamental knowledge of basic circuit analysis (Ohm's Law, Node Voltage, Mesh Current, Norton, Thevenin, and Superposition).
While a student could learn the material just by reading the course's explanations and completing the included activities, the material in this course is best learned by performing experiments by prototyping the logic on a breadboard using logic chips or laying out the logic in a program such as Logisim.
The following chips should be sufficient for completing all of the activities in the course.
Parts List | |||||||||||||||||||
The numbers indicates the part number of the chip, where "74" indicates a specific family of logic.
Combinational Logic
- Minimization and Implementation with Karnaugh Maps
- Adders, Subtractors, Multipliers, and Comparators
- Multiplexers, Encoders, and Decoders
Sequential Logic
- Flip Flops
- Latches
See also
- Digital Logic 2 (HDL and FPGAs)
References and Contributors
Textbook used: Fundamentals of Digital Logic by Brown and Vranesic Copyright 2003, McGraw Hill Higher-Ed
Vincent Nhieu, Student
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona