Introduction and Learning Objectives
IntroductionThis lesson introduces the Discussion Approach to Instruction theory, in particular the concept of "shared responsibility." Learners can anticipate completing this lesson in about 20 minutes; successful completion of this lesson means that the learner meets the key learning objectives stated below. Key Learning ObjectivesAt the completion of this Wikiversity module, learners will meet the following performance objectives:
What is the value of a Discussion Approach to Instruction?
If you're new to the Discussion Approach to Instruction theory, you may be wondering how it will benefit you and your learners. This brief video will explain!
Overview of "Shared Responsibility"
Congratulations on taking the first step to incorporating a Discussion Approach to Instruction in your classroom! The remainder of this lesson will be focused on one of the core tenets of discussion-based learning, "Shared Responsibility." In this next video, we will define "Shared Responsibility" and place it within the context of the other six key principles of the Discussion Approach. Defining "Shared Responsibility" is a fundamental next step in this lesson, because our discussion of instructor and learner roles grows out of our understanding of this term, as does the necessity for creating a contract that defines these roles for all members of the class.
What is the role of the instructor in a Discussion-Approach classroom?
What to Look for When Reading Through Examples and Non-ExamplesExamples of Instructor RolesAs you learned in the Shared Responsibility Overview video, the instructor has the responsibility to initiate a Discussion Approach to Instruction by first outlining and modeling behaviors that will facilitate a discussion-based learning approach. For this reason, you should first focus your attention on the left-hand column of the following table and familiarize yourself with examples of appropriate instructor behaviors and practices. As you can see from this list of instructor behaviors and practices, the overarching role of the instructor is to provide a framework for the class session (Preparing for Discussion); to encourage the generation of ideas through collaborative and interactive conversation (Facilitating the Discussion); and to encourage continued learner reflection beyond the end of the class (Facilitating Learning Post-Discussion). As you read through these examples, you may find that you already incorporate some of these behaviors and practices as a part of your natural approach to instruction; however, it is important to view these attributes not as separate pieces, but as cumulative components that create an environment of inclusiveness, respect, and sharing. That being said, it is the essence of each of these roles that is important, not the exact wording or breakdown of these behaviors and practices exactly as they are displayed here. For the purposes of enumerating these roles for this lesson, each bullet point in the list below is intentionally limited to a single behavior or practice; when you draft a contract with your learners for your own classroom, you are free to combine one or more of these roles into a more complex statement; or to write a prose statement that incorporates these roles; or to specifically juxtapose examples with corresponding non-examples to highlight the differences between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors; or to otherwise rearrange these roles into a format that best suits your personal approach or style. Non-Examples of Instructor RolesA review of non-examples is just as important to an understanding of the instructor's role in a Discussion Approach classroom, so, after studying the examples, take a look at the right-hand column of the table below and read through the list of instructor behaviors and practices that would not be acceptable when using this theory. Knowing what not to do when using a discussion-based approach can be especially helpful for the self-assessment of your practice because if you realize you are embodying a non-example role, it should instantly alert you to a flaw in your approach. For this reason, you can't simply focus on what you should do, you must be aware of any signs that point to a deviation into unproductive or class-inhibiting behaviors. Examples and Non-Examples of Instructor Roles
Practice recognizing the role of the instructor in a Discussion Approach classroom
Now that you have read through the examples and non-examples of instructor behavior in a Discussion Approach classroom, try the practice examples, below, to see if you are able to classify the scenarios described as either examples or non-examples. When you have made your selections, click the "submit" button and self-assess your results by observing any incorrect responses and reading through the feedback.
After completing the self-assessment, click "Refresh" before proceeding |
What is the role of the learner in a Discussion Approach classroom?
What to Look for When Reading Through Examples and Non-ExamplesExamples of Learner RolesNow that you have reviewed the role you will play as an instructor in a Discussion Approach classroom, you must also become versed in the learner role. Though the learner will be responsible for carrying out his or her own role in the discussion-based classroom, you must still educate your learners on the expected behavior through a discussion in the initial class session and a collaborative drafting of the classroom contract. As with the table that featured the instructor roles, you should first focus your attention on the left-hand column of the following table and familiarize yourself with examples of appropriate learner behaviors. As you learned from the instructor role section and accompanying table, your objectives are to provide a framework for the class session; to encourage collaboration and interaction; and to encourage continued learner reflection beyond the end of the class. The learner, on the other hand, must focus on operating within these parameters and fully participating within the frame of the class to facilitate the discussion. As with the instructor table, the learner roles should also be seen as cumulative components that add up to learners who are prepared, respectful, and arrive expecting to contribute and to remain engaged. When creating the contract, it is expected that these learner roles, like the instructor roles, will be distilled and reconfigured to fit the specific necessities of your class. Non-Examples of Learner RolesAgain, don't neglect to review non-examples of the learner's role: not only should you be familiar with non-examples in case you need to mentor a learner about his or her behavior, but you need to be able to communicate what is an inappropriate behavior or practice to your learners when setting ground rules and creating the contract. A thorough understanding of non-examples will help you and your students assess, or self-assess, unproductive or class-inhibiting behaviors.