< Australian Vocational Education and Training

ICTWEB502 - Create dynamic web pages

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to produce both server and client-side content.It applies to individuals working as web developers who are responsible for creating dynamic pages to provide interaction between the user and the website. They use highly developed technical and analytical skills when developing the user-website interface.


Elements and Performance Criteria

After studying this unit you will be able to:

  • Identify the client and server-side dynamic content
    • Review the technical requirements
    • Identify the sections of the website, requiring client-side dynamic content
    • Identify the sections of the website, requiring server-side dynamic content
    • Select the appropriate languages and technology to meet the requirements

  • Create the dynamic content
    • Create pages using the appropriate languages
    • Ensure that the code conforms to current industry best practice and standards

  • Test the dynamic pages
    • Test the website in a variety of browsers
    • Ensure that the required dynamic content functions according to the specified requirements


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Before you start make sure you've registered and know how to edit wiki pages, then try these activities:

  1. Click on the 'Discuss' tab at the top of the page and introduce yourself
  2. Rewrite one of the Elements or Performance Criteria in the Objectives section in plain language. Imagine that it starts with the words: "After studying this subject I will be able to..." For example a performance criteria that reads: "Work area is prepared to support efficient installation of sewage discharge pipes" is full of puff. It could be changed to read: "Set up a work area for installing sewage discharge pipes"
  3. Find relevant links and add them to the Readings section. When adding a link use the Edit Summary field to comment on why you chose that link and which objectives it addresses.
  4. Create and/or link Key Terms to relevant articles in WikiCommons, Wikibooks, Wikipedia or Wiktionary
  5. Add a quiz question to the Review section. This could be based on any of the objectives, required skills and knowledge or key terms. Or you could base it on information found via the links in the readings section. Here are some tips for writing better quiz questions.
  6. For bonus marks, write a challenge and add it to the Challenges section.

Key Terms

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Review Questions

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