< Australian Vocational Education and Training
Original image: 'Trip the power cords fantastic' http://www.flickr.com/photos/16189905@N00/296279682 by: Soon

From the official document:

"This unit defines the competency required to support the organisation's occupational health and safety (OH&S) principles and practices."

Basically, that means ... (translate above into plain english)

This unit is part of the following qualifications:

How this unit will help you

After learning and applying the skills required by this unit you'll be able to demonstrate your skills in:

1. Determine OH&S issues relating to immediate work environment
  1. Identify person responsible for OH&S standards in the subject workplace
  2. Identify OH&S standards that apply to the workplace
  3. Review and assess workplace according to OH&S standards and record findings
  4. Report issues or problems with the workplace to the appropriate person
2. Document and disseminate OH&S requirements
  1. Determine and document the OH&S standards impact upon the subject workplace
  2. Submit documentation to appropriate person for verification
  3. Update or reissue OH&S documents relating to IT as required
3. Provide basic ergonomic advice
  1. Assess basic ergonomic requirements of people in the workplace
  2. Document the ergonomic advice for client based on vendor requirements, workplace policies and OH&S standards
  3. Submit advice to the appropriate person for verification
  • translate the above elements and performance criteria into plain english and summarise here...

Ideas for learning the required skills


Ideas for demonstrating this unit

The best way to demonstrate these skills is ...


If you are demonstrating this unit as part of a formal course, you might find that the unit is graded (meaning you can not only demonstrate your competence, but can also gain a credit or distinction). Your facilitator may already have set criteria that your college uses. If not, here are some ideas for possible credit/distinction activities that you can discuss with your facilitator:

  • ...

Notes and discrepancies

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